Town Hall Meeting - cancelled
2020-2021 Budget and current church finances
March, 2020
Chuka Susan Chesney's Bright soul

Coalition for Police Reform - Cancelled
Holy Silence (Special Online Only Service)
Giving Ourselves Away (Special Online Only Service)
Generosity of heart, spirit, and resources is fundamental to the spiritual path. This is taught by all of the great religions of the world. This Sunday, we celebrate the formal launch of our annual stewardship campaign and explore the meaning of giving to our lives, our beloved community, and the world. We will get to hear the many transformative stories of why so many support this congregation with our first congregational video.
Please note that this was an ONLINE ONLY service. See video link below to watch (or watch again).
Love is the Spirit (A Special Online Worship Service)
Let There Be Light
As you look forward to The Vernal Equinox, the Coming of Spring, and the presence of more light in the world, look around yourself and notice. What is dancing in the shadows? What is in the shadows that you might shine more light on? Come worship with us as we consider what aspects of ourselves we turn to the light and what remains in the shadows.
We the People...
The democratic principles of our society have been distorted, threatened, and ignored over the centuries. Our religious ancestors played a critical role in establishing democracy in the United States and our fifth Unitarian Universalist Principle affirms: “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.” Join us this Sunday as we explore the state of our democracic republic and what these times are demanding of us.