Newsletter for June, 2022

Jun 2022
From Our Minister: 

From Our Minister: Celebrating Blessings

A blessing is not something that one person gives another. A blessing is a moment of meeting, a certain kind of relationship in which both people involved remember and acknowledge their true nature and worth and strengthen what is whole in one another.
-Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D.
My heart is still shattered in the aftermath of the atrocious school violence that occurred last week in Uvalde, Texas. I am finding hope in the many ways communities are coming together to grieve and to demand real change in the gun laws and cultures of violence in our society. We cannot restore the lives that were once again brutally taken from this world by gun violence but we can continue to grow beloved communities to help heal our hurting world. Our work in that regard is ongoing and I hope you’ll find ways to get involved in the work of our congregation.
Our Annual Meeting will be held this coming Sunday, June 5, following the service, and we’ll reflect together on the work of the past years, some of the challenges we’ve surmounted, and what opportunities for growth and transformation await in the new church year. This coming Sunday, we will also celebrate GLBTIAQ+ Pride Month with poetry, music, remembrance, prayer, and blessings, and I hope you’ll join us for this celebration before the Annual Meeting. The following Sunday (June 12), we will march in the Pride Parade and celebrate the decades of Unitarian Universalist queer advocacy, loss, love, and pride in our congregation and in our larger liberal religious movement.
Our Soul Matters theme this month is “Celebrating Blessings.” Each month we reflect together as a beloved community on a theme of spiritual significance in some of our publications, small group meetings, and worship services. “Celebrating blessings” asks us to consider the substance of blessings and our attentiveness to their presence in our lives. What exactly are the blessings of life and are we mindful of them? Soul Matters offers these questions for our reflection and sharing together this month: When in your life have you most felt like you were a blessing? What blessing did the religion of your childhood leave you? Have you ever witnessed anger offering a blessing? What summer in your life contained the most blessings? Does any part of you want to recreate or re-experience some of those blessings this summer? Have you thanked your various “fathers” for their blessings? Many of us have more than one father figure in our lives. When was the last time you told them thanks for their gifts? And let them know you carry them and their influence with you still?
Our newly reorganized Pastoral Care Team is available to provide spiritual support and companionship if you request it. We would also like to keep the congregation apprised of joys, sorrows, and milestones in your life in our “Joys and Sorrows” on Sunday mornings. If you would like to request pastoral care (all requests are kept confidential) or share good or difficult news with the community, please reach out to our Pastoral Care Team leaders at
Yours in ministry,
Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae
Developmental Minister
Dear Ones, 
I hope that you had a good Juneteenth, Father’s Day, World Humanist Day, and Summer Solstice! I wanted to be sure to remind you that our Sunday Service will be at 9:30 am this week to allow us to virtually attend our annual Unitarian Universalist General Assembly Worship Service. General Assembly’s theme is “Meet the Moment: Reimagining Radical Faith Community.”
You may watch the service from the comfort of your home on Sunday by using this UUA link or by using this YouTube link (instead of our regular channels).
You are also welcome to join us in our sanctuary where we will livestream the service at 9:30 am. This will be our first time participating in a virtual service in this way, and this is another opportunity for us to experiment with multiple modes of worship. We hope to have all of the technological logistics discerned for Sunday, but if we run into any unexpected challenges we appreciate your understanding and graciousness. 
Coffee hour in the courtyard will follow the livestreamed UU General Assembly Service around 10:30 am or whenever the service is concluded. We will resume worship the following Sunday, July 3, at 10:30 am, with guest worship leaders visiting us each week in July from around Greater Los Angeles. 
I look forward to being with you this final Sunday – either online or in our sanctuary – before we transition to summer worship! 
Yours in ministry, 
Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae 
Developmental Minister 


News & Announcements: 

Celebrating Blessings - June 2022 Theme

This month our theme is Celebrating Blessings, and we’ll explore it in worship, small group discussion, and personal reflection. Is a blessing as simple as what you say after a sneeze? There are blessings at the dinner table, counting your blessings, and “you are a blessing.” Many see life’s gifts as blessings from God. Our faith uses the idea of blessing to refer to something good, something that feels like a gift. Celebrating blessings means remembering with gratitude all the good things in our lives. The Rev. Dr. Rebekah Savage notes, “Gone are the days when rest was forbidden, as a delicacy reserved for only when we are bone dry. We follow the path of perpetual renewal and spiritual growth. Gone are the days when we felt as if we are not enough. We follow the path of grace.” The Rev. Robin Tanner writes, “Blessed are they who fall in the mud, who jump with gusto and rip the pants, who skin the elbows, and bruise the ego, for they shall know the sweetness of risk… Blessed are they who refuse to listen to the naysayers, for their hearts will be houses for hope… Blessed are they who wildly, boldly abandon winning, for they shall know the path of justice.”


June Generous Congregation Recipient
Our practice here at UUSM is to dedicate half of our non-pledge Sunday Offering to organizations doing work in the world that advances our Unitarian Universalist principles; the other 50% of the offering is used to support the life of our church. This month, half of our Sunday Offering will go to the Transgender Law Center (TLC), a group that helps change law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression. TLC is the largest national trans-led organization advocating for a world in which all people are free to define themselves and their futures. Founded in 2002, grounded in legal expertise, and committed to racial justice, TLC employs a variety of community-driven strategies to keep transgender and gender nonconforming people alive, thriving, and fighting for liberation.
Thank you for your generous support of our beloved community and of the Transgender Law Center. To give $10 right now, text “$10 GCC” (or another amount) to 844-982-0209. (One-time-only credit card registration required.) Or visit

Dining for Dollars is back for Summer 2022

Hello, UUSM Community.
Thank you to all for responding enthusiastically to the recent survey. Results from 50 respondents show that the UUSM community is looking forward to a rebirth of Dining for Dollars.
Overwhelmingly, people are interested in attending events, most preferring outdoors for the sake of Covid safety. Many of you have stepped forward offering to host an event or offer a good or service. People have offered to simply donate money, and others have offered to help in organizing by making phone calls.
The Dining for Dollars committee has decided to follow the lead of our exemplary choir, which will be hosting its own D4$ event this week, the UUSM Choir Talentpalooza on Friday, June 10.
If you would like to offer an EVENT or GOODS/SERVICE for people to bid on, please tell us about it by filling out this form to volunteer. If you prefer not to fill out the online form, you can simply email us at
Bidding will begin Sunday, July 3 for events scheduled beginning Friday, July 8.
In keeping with the spirit of Covid safety at UUSM, we expect that all who participate in D4$ will be able to provide proof of fully up-to-date vaccination.
Please be mindful that an event may have to be rescheduled or cancelled for Covid safety reasons.
Thank you!
The Dining for Dollars Committee,
Karl, Barbara, Farrokh, Resa, Greg, and Pat

The Hiking Group’s Next Big Adventure

We will gather at the church on the last Saturday of the month, June 25, at 9:00 am to carpool to our next adventure: Malibu State Park Rock Pool and Century Lake. The hike is a 3-mile round trip; elevation gain is 300 ft. In general, hikers should be able to go up four flights of stairs. Those on the Hiking Group email list will receive a map with details about the hike. If the weather forecast is over 90 degrees then we will cancel. Bring a hat, sunscreen, sturdy hiking shoes, water, a cell phone, and some snacks for the leader (JUST KIDDING!). Please RSVP to


Building News: 

Arizona Entrance Renovation Project Explained

We will soon be starting construction at the Arizona Avenue lobby area. There are five factors that require the extensive repairs to the Arizona Avenue entryway.
- The foundation has sunk to the point where the doors cannot be opened. We have exhausted all the temporary repair options and need to do the engineer-determined work to rebuild the foundation on that part of the building and replace the doors.
- The windows next to the doors have not been maintained properly. They are wooden-framed and need to be scraped, sanded, and painted annually, which is costly and therefore has not been done. The window frames have deteriorated beyond repair. We are replacing them with a metal-framed unit that will not require as much maintenance. The new windows will be double-glazed which will meet current environmental standards for maintaining a consistent temperature.
- We have invested in a beautiful Garden of Eternity but it is under-used and not visible to people who come to our church. While we have the area under construction, we are adding a glass doorway into the Garden so it becomes a used and loved quiet place for our members to use.
- By doing the foundation and door work we are now required to make the Arizona entrance accessible to current legal standards for those living with disabilities; of course we want to be fully accessible and we gladly want to meet current standards so that people who use wheelchairs and other mobility devices have full access to at least the ground floor of Forbes Hall, like abled-bodied people do.
- Income from rentals of Forbes Hall and the upstairs classrooms has become an important component of our annual budget. These rentals are also an important part of our service to the community. It is not safe to use the upstairs rooms when the Arizona exit is not operable, according to fire codes.
We have close to $1 million in savings, some of which is designated for capital repairs exactly such as this.
We have waited several years past when we knew we needed to do these repairs, and during that time the costs of materials and labor have gone up significantly, and are rising monthly. We are now waiting to see when we can anticipate receiving the materials that we need to complete the job. If all goes well, the project should be finished by our in-gathering this fall.
-- Abby Arnold


Faith in Action News: 

“Bans Off Our Bodies!” — May 14th in Downtown LA — Now with Photos!

Photo by Roy Patience
Saturday morning, May 14th, saw the first coordinated nationwide action in support of reproductive rights since the leak of a forthcoming Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Faith In Action, UUSM members and friends, and other area UUs met up in Downtown LA for this rally and protest co-organized by Planned Parenthood, the Women’s March Foundation, and other allied groups! For more photos from the rally by James Witker and Roy Patience, see

Poor People’s Campaign Rally

Four of us (2 UUSMers, Deirdre and Roberta) drove from church to Los Angeles City Hall on Monday, May 16 to join nearly 1,000 people for the western region’s mobilization tour stop of the Poor People’s Campaign (PPC). Regional rallies across the country are mobilizing for one huge convergence on Washington, D.C. on June 18, 2022. The aim is to get poor and low-income folks and their allies to vote in November and to demonstrate to policymakers the people’s need for progressive change.
Buses brought impacted people, faith leaders and moral advocates from northern California, Arizona, Oregon, Utah and Washington to demonstrate against systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, ecological devastation and the nation’s distorted morality of religious nationalism. National PPC co-chairs Bishop William J. Barber II and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis were present, leading an uplifting rally after a spirited march wound around several blocks. One of the directly impacted people who spoke was a Navajo woman from Arizona who spoke about the ravages of uranium mining and radiation poisoning on her land and people.
Our small contingent of four left the rally feeling glad we had gone. In the midst of war, racist attacks and pandemic, we agreed that being together with other enthusiastic fighters for justice was exactly what we needed to inspire us to carry on. As the PPC slogan goes, “Forward together! Not one step back!”
-- Roberta Frye

Join UUSM’s LA Pride Parade Marchers — Sun. June 12th at 10:30AM

UUSM is returning to the LA Pride Parade on June 12th for the first time since 2018 and we need YOU to join us! Members and friends of all ages are invited to help us continue a long tradition of representing our congregation and our values at this historic event, which is part of UUSM’s even longer history of standing up for LGBTQIA+ rights and equality. 
The group will meet at the designated staging point near Sunset & Vine in Hollywood at 10:30AM. Bring water and sunscreen along with UUSM and/or “Side with Love” gear. Extra signs and banners will be provided. Public transportation or rideshares are strongly encouraged, please email Faith In Action at to sign up and to coordinate transportation. 
Splinters from the Board: 

June 2022 UUSM Board Highlights

UUSM 2022-23 BOARD OF DIRECTORS & NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Back: Vilma Ortiz, Treasurer; Norm Richey, Vice President; Siobhan Braybrook, Board Member-at-Large; Karl Lisovsky, Nominating Committee; Rev. Jeremiah; Larry Weiner, Secretary. Front: Dan Patterson, Nominating Committee; Eileen McCormack, President; Linda Van Ligten, Board Member-at-Large; Mike Monte, Board Member-at-Large. Not pictured: Abby Arnold, Board Member-at-Large; Beth Brownlie, Past President; Teresa Castelli, Nominating Committee; Sheila Cummins, Nominating Committee; Wendi Gladstone, Nominating Committee.
Summary by Larry Weiner | Board Secretary
The UUSM Board met on Tuesday June 14, 2022, by way of Zoom, to review committee work and the congregation’s overall operations.
Call To Order – Eileen McCormack, President
Board Members Attending:  Eileen McCormack, President; Norm Richey, Vice President; Vilma Ortiz, Treasurer; Larry Weiner Secretary; Members-at-Large: Siobhan Braybrook, Michael Monte, and Linda van Ligten and Past President, Beth Brownlie.
Congregational Member(s) Present: Teresa Castelli, Roberta Frye, Karl Lisovsky.
Lighting of Chalice, Opening Reading and Check-In – Beth Brownlie
Beth read the Second Principle (justice, equity and compassion in human relations) and the Third Source (recalling our respect for wisdom from the world’s religions, inspiring our ethical and spiritual life). The Church theme for the month is “Blessings.”
Membership – Norm Richey
New member(s): Karen Howard and Charles Masten were read into the rolls. Julia Jonathan is moving away.
Total Current Members: 254
A motion was unanimously passed to accept the Standing Reports and the May Board Minutes.
Minister’s Report for June
Jeremiah was absent because of illness. His report will be added when he is fully recovered.
Treasurer’s Report – Vilma Ortiz
Vilma reported that the income was as expected but that the expenses were lower, possibly causing the final deficit for the year to be somewhat less than predicted. The investment committee had requested that the Board decide on whether certain monies should be placed in long term investments or kept in more liquid accounts for the short term.
A motion was unanimously passed that the deficit reserve fund and the unrestricted saving accounts be kept in short term investments when they come to term.
Dining for Dollars – Karl Lisovsky
Karl came to inform the Board that D4$ was back up and running. He asked for the Board’s support. This led to a discussion of policy for members of the congregation to use our facilities for such events.
FIA and GA Action of Immediate Witness (AIW) – Roberta Frye
Roberta attended the meeting to inform the Board that the Faith in Action committee has decided to use $500 from their budget to support transportation needs for the Poor People’s Campaign. She also requested that the Board give its blessing to place our Church name on the PPC’s website as a supporter.
A motion was unanimously passed that UUSM endorse and support the Poor People’s Campaign by becoming a “Mobilizing Partner.” They can then place our name on their website.
Roberta agreed to do the work of signing us up.
Secretary’s Report – Larry Weiner
Larry reminded the Board about the process which he wants to institute moving forward regarding the minutes. He will do his best to produce the minutes of the Board Meetings within 48 hours. He requests that the members of the Board review them, paying special attention to reports they have given, to ensure that the minutes are correct. Board members should do so by Sunday night of the week of the meeting so that the minutes can be turned over to Philip Siddons for publishing as “Splinters from the Board” in the News Magazine.
Adult RE Report – Larry Weiner
Larry read the first paragraph of this linked report which establishes the committee’s goals and vision. He then mentioned that the bulk of the report was about what classes and workshops currently are being offered.
Board Liaisons – Eileen McCormack
The Board looked at the committees and discussed which committees currently have liaisons. Larry volunteered to take over as liaison for Adult RE. This conversation will be revisited. Eileen and Beth will recommend which committees or groups would benefit from having a Board liaison.
New Business – Eileen McCormack
Vilma suggested that the term of office for Board Members should be in line with the fiscal year which would be July 1 through June 30. She noted that this would be studied as a potential policy as part of our Developmental work.
Linda asked about the scope of Indigo’s job and who is supervising her. It was suggested that Nurit be her supervisor and that this idea should be reviewed by Jeremiah.
The motion was unanimously passed that the meeting be adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted
Larry Weiner, Board Secretary
RE News: 

Personal and Spiritual Exploration for Adults, June 2022


Come, come, whoever you are!
Welcome to an exciting journey of questioning, challenging, and celebrating life’s mysteries and wonders. For generations, Adult Programs at UU Santa Monica has welcomed seekers, exiles, and interfaith families along with those who have grown up in our own Unitarian Universalist tradition. We are a congregation made up of people who believe in God or a higher power, people who do not, those who are content to live with the mystery, and those who are ever searching for answers to the big questions. Most of all, we are enriched by one another’s life journeys, diverse beliefs, shared progressive values and uniting UU Principles as we learn and explore together.
Our Purpose and Our Guide
At its core, the purpose of our educational ministry is to provide opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to deepen their spiritual lives, and to live with compassion, integrity, and joy as we nurture beloved community and work together for peace and justice in this world. Adult Programs offers classes, discussion groups, and special events on an array of topics relevant to the Six Sources and our congregation’s spiritual life. Some of these include in-depth study of theology and spirituality, discussion of science writing or Humanist ideas, opportunities to explore music, arts and crafts, or chances to connect socially for fellowship and fun. Many programs are made possible through the time and talent of our members and friends.
An Invitation
Do you have an idea for a program or event? We want to hear it. Email the Adult RE Committee ( and we can work with you on presenting your ideas.
Community Building Activities:
Soul CollageNote: This will be a six month class, please sign up for the series. SoulCollage® is a collage art endeavor founded by art therapist Seena B. Frost, MA, MDiv, in which the participants create a personal deck of cards. The method of creating cards develops one’s creativity, encourages self-discovery, and provides personal guidance. Using the cards can help access those inner and outer resources in difficult times, access the sacred, strengthen our awareness of our dynamic lives, make decisions mindfully, and help resolve personal or interpersonal conflicts. Community is also very important to the process as we explore our group’s imagery together. People who have done this program before claim that the creation and usage of these self-crafted cards is transformative. This process is being shared across the world, in many languages, and enjoyed by people of all ages, genders, and cultures. Bring your curiosity, your wonder, your wisdom, your imagination and a beginner’s mind to this introductory workshop. This workshop is led by Adrienne Sumpter, who is a trained facilitator for SoulCollage®. We will meet in person in the cottage from 1:00 – 4:00 pm on the second Saturday of the month for a 6 month course. If you are new to the process, we ask that you come 15 minutes ahead of schedule. Please note that there is a 10-person maximum for groups held in the cottage, so please sign up asap. All participants need to send proof of vaccination to the office, and people need to stay masked at all times. Please contact:
Nature Journaling  Sunday, June 19
Join us as we learn about hummingbirds and observe and journal on them through photos. Hummingbirds are known only in the Western Hemisphere and include the smallest species of birds on Earth.  Their small size and rapid metabolism cause them to behave in different ways from many other birds.  Hummingbirds include a wide variety of species that are all beautiful and interesting.  Hummingbirds also figure prominently in the stories of indigenous peoples throughout the Western Hemisphere. All you need are paper and pencil and a flower to observe. A lifelong lover of the outdoors, Dorothy Steinicke has spent years encouraging people to experience the natural world. She leads hikes for children and for adults in Topanga Canyon, Ballona Wetlands, and Dockweiller State Beach. We will meet from 2:30 – 4:00 pm. To reach Dorothy for the Zoom link, contact
Exploration of Ideas:
Science Non-Fiction Book Group Tuesday, June 21
We will be be reading “Calling Bullshit: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World” by Carl Bergstrom. Learn to dismantle misinformation and think clearly in a world of fake news and bad data. To receive the link, you will want to be on the group email list. Contact Rebecca Crawford for this month’s book read, We meet from 7:30 – 9:00 pm. All are welcome.
UU Men’s Group  Thursday June 2, Saturday June 18
The Men’s Discussion Group provides a special opportunity to the men of the congregation and other like-minded men to join in thoughtful and stimulating discussion and meet others with UU perspectives. We will hold the first meeting of June via Zoom on Thursday the 2nd at 7:30 pm and our second meeting of June on Saturday the 18th at 1:30 pm under the outdoor pavilion on the grounds of UUSM. The discussion topics will be:

6/2/22 (Thursday): Aristotle: “Anybody can become angry – that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not within everyone’s power and is not easy.” How do you handle anger? Have you ever regretted your actions when angry? Has your temper become ‘shorter’ or more patient/nuanced with age?

6/18/22 (Saturday): What one or two attributes or personality characteristics stand out most in your memory about of each of your parents? Is there an especially fond memory you can share about something they did with you or for you? What do you think your own children, or nieces and nephews if you have no children, will most remember about you?

To request more information or to join us, please ask the church office for information about how to contact Jim Rheinwald or Richard Mathias through the Adult RE Committee email,

NEW OFFERING: Fostering an Undefended Heart – Morning Meditation and Check-in Weekdays
Join in a weekday morning meditation and check-in session on Zoom May 30-June 10. We’re following along with Insight Timer’s Karen Anderson as she leads a course on Fostering an Undefended Heart.
As Karen Anderson says, “Many of us wait for conditions to bring about enjoyable emotions such as love or peace. But wisdom traditions teach that we can in fact practice cultivating these states, as they are at the core of our true nature but often get obscured by fear and confusion. This course invites you on a profound exploration of daily ‘heart practices,’ drawn from various traditions, to comprehensively promote positive emotional states. These pro-social attitudes–called the ‘abode of the gods’–include loving-kindness (founded on forgiveness), compassion, joy, and equanimity.” Although you may want to complete this course, it is recommended to repeat a given heart practice until it takes root in your heart and mind.
For these brief 30 minute sessions, we will sign on at 9 am, settle in for a brief lesson and meditation, and close with a 10 minute check-in and sharing what’s on your heart and mind as you launch your day. Contact for further information.
Open Meditation  Mondays, June 13, 27
We gather and listen to brief readings, sit together quietly for twenty minutes, journal, and share with each other what’s on our hearts. We explore the integration of meditation with ordinary life through reading and sharing. This is a non-guided, quiet meditation that may be deeply nourishing. A time to simply “be” amidst all the “doing,” calling off the struggle to become other than we are. We meet every 2nd, 4th, and, if possible, 5th Monday evening, from 7:30 – 9:00 pm. Contact Bev Shoenberger through
Open Meditation: Wellsprings  All Wednesdays and Fridays
Taking time for quiet meditation and sharing the intimacy of sitting in silence together can help sustain and ground us during these difficult days. We trust each of you will use this group in the way that fits your needs. We listen to brief readings, sit together quietly for twenty minutes, journal, and share with each other what’s on our hearts. We simply sit together in our shared humanity. We call off the struggle to become other than we are. These are drop-in groups. You are welcome to join us when it feels right to you. If you come in late or need to leave early, just do so quietly. We meet every Wednesday and Friday afternoon from 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm online. Contact Bev Shoenberger through
Reminders for Closed Groups:
Writing For Discernment with Bettye Barclay will meet on Wednesday June 8.
Music News: 

UUSM Choir “TalentPalooza” Video; Fundraiser extended to June 30
Bid on Six Silent Auction Items Now!

Hello! Please enjoy the video of UUSM’s Choir in this year’s Dining for Dollars Fundraising Concert for UUSM. The UUSM Choir TalentPalooza was presented on Friday night, June 10, at 7 pm. In addition to the concert, the Choir is offering six exciting musical items up for bid, see below. Click this button to bid today!

Bidding has been extended to the end of the month, June 30.
Item #1Choose a hymn for the choir to sing
The highest bidder gets to choose their favorite hymn (from the Gray, Teal or Purple hymnals) for the choir to sing on an agreed upon Sunday. Bidding starts at $30.
Item #2Choose an anthem for the choir to sing
The highest bidder gets to choose any song or piece for the choir to sing as Music for the Morning or Offertory Anthem on an agreed upon Sunday. Bidding starts at $75.
Item #3 – Choose an anthem for the section leader/s to sing
The highest bidder gets to choose any song or piece for the section leaders to sing as Music for the Morning or Offertory Anthem on an agreed upon Sunday (could be a solo, duet, trio, or the full quartet). Bidding starts at $120.
Item #4 – Chocolate Cake by Sue Bickford
A sumptuous, multi-layered chocolate cake with ganache made by choir member and Worship Associate, Sue Bickford – perfect for any occasion or for treating yourself to a late night dessert! Bidding starts at $60.
Item #5 – Los Angeles Master Chorale Gift Card
Do you love choral music? Well, our next item is a $50 gift card for that goes toward tickets for a Los Angeles Master Chorale concert – the premier professional choral ensemble in Southern California. Many of the musicians that have been associated with UUSM also work with this stellar ensemble. Bidding starts at $50.
Item #6 – Salon concert (by Chloé Vaught and Ryan Humphrey)
Our last auction item just might be the most prestigious and exciting. A 30-minute salon concert by our soprano section leader Chloé Vaught and pianist Ryan Humphrey in the venue of your choosing! Venue rental is not included with this bid, so this item is ideal for church members who have access to ample entertaining space in their homes, office, or even by renting a space in the church! If the performance venue is not equipped with a piano, we can arrange to bring a keyboard. Invite your friends over for a nice summer soiree and be entertained by our very talented musicians Chloé Vaught and Ryan Humphrey! Bidding starts at $200. Toi Toi!