RE News Archive
Nov 2017
A Destination of Hope and Wonder
Oct 2017
Are You Drowning in the Wake?
“Wade in the water
Wade in the water, children
God’s gonna trouble the water…”
— Fisk Jubilee Singers
Unitarian Universalists are accustomed to dealing with the enduring issues of racism, poverty, discrimination, oppression, and war. We have a clear answer on how to deal with these issues through the practice of our UU Principles. But what about when other bad things happen? Things like devastating floods, hurricanes, fires, and mass shootings are harder to grasp because we feel powerless in their wake.
Many in our society focus on the why of suffering. Some believe in Providence – the idea that a higher power sustains us and influences each of our destinies. Others follow the way of the Buddha, believing that to live is to suffer. While still others believe that suffering is a result of evil.
As Unitarian Universalists we do not share in a single theology of pain, evil, or suffering. Instead our religion’s liberal optimism creates a focus on the alleviation of suffering rather than understanding of its cause.
There is little or nothing we can do to prevent these large scale disasters. Sure, gun laws need to be changed and climate change needs to be addressed, but for the most part, we are left to deal with the wake of the storms, i.e. the suffering of others.
Are you drowning in the wake of the suffering of the world, disturbed by the sheer depth of the waters; consumed with waves of grief and sadness, and don’t know what, or even if, you can do anything about it?
As children, growing up in Tennessee, my sisters and I often swam in the nearby lake. I remember that one of the games we played involved pushing each other down into the water. The goal was to fight your way back up to the surface. It is a good description of how I have been feeling lately, as if I am constantly struggling to prevent the current (which is pain, suffering and grief) from dragging me down and keeping me under. What keeps me above the surface? It is hope and the belief in human compassion.
Human compassion leads us to action. We may not be able to go fight fires, or rescue people from floods, hurricanes, and shootings, but there are still things we can do right here at home. Edward Everett Hale put it this way: “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”
Here are some things you can do:
• Donate Blood: Even if it does not help the far away victims, it is helping someone in need right here in our own community. The Red Cross has an online registration process.
• Give to the UUA Disaster Relief Fund: In addition to supporting victims of hurricanes and floods, the Disaster Relief Fund supports congregations affected by the fires in California.
• You can help fire victims by donating food, blood, clothing, money, and shelter:
• You can also keep marching peacefully for change, writing to your government officials, and standing up for your beliefs, and yes, prayers also help; they give us hope.
How to keep from drowning in despair:
• Limit exposure to media coverage. For children, and adults, exposure to repeated images can be confusing, disturbing, and re-traumatizing. This includes not only television news reports, but social media, as well.
• Talk to others about how you are feeling and listen to them, as well. Remember to listen carefully to children when they ask questions. Be sure to first understand what is leading to their questions. Be reassuring and honest, while striving to meet children at their level. Encourage them to ask questions and share feelings.
• Stay connected to your faith community. Next to our basic human needs of food, water, and shelter, the thing we most desire is connection. Our church is a place where we can come together to share not only our sadness and grief, but also our hope and compassion. It can be helpful and comforting for children to see the adults they love supported and cared for, as well.
• Seek professional help when needed. If you or a child in your family seems to be having a difficult time coping and feels a sense of hopelessness, seek help from a mental health professional. It is perfectly normal - for children or adults - to need help in dealing with disasters that are happening so often and on such large scales.
Wayne B. Arnason says: “Take courage. For deep down, there is another truth: you are not alone.” As RE Director here at UUSM I am deeply committed to the happiness and wellbeing of each and every one of you. Please know that I am always available for any of you if you need to talk.
— Kathleen Hogue
The UU Common Read: “The Third Reconstruction”
Lifespan Religious Education Adult Programs presents the 2016-2017 UU Common Read, The Third Reconstruction: Moral Mondays, Fusion Politics, and the Rise of a New Justice Movement, by the Rev. William Barber II and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove. Copies of the book (168 pp) are available for sale at the Lifespan R.E. table.
Each year the Unitarian Universalist Association chooses a “common read.” All Unitarian Universalists are encouraged to read this book, and the UUA provides reading guides and context for congregational consideration.
Rev. Barber’s speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention brought him to national attention. That same year, he addressed a general session at the UUA General Assembly in the morning, conducted a workshop in the afternoon, and, in the evening, spoke at the GA State of Emergence Public Witness Rally. Videos of some of these speeches are available on the UUA website.
Rev. Barber is pastor of Greenleaf Christian Church, of the Disciples of Christ, in Greensboro, NC. He served for over ten years as president of the North Carolina branch of the NAACP, until this year when he stepped down to focus on his nonprofit organization, Repairers of the Breach, Inc., and to lead a renewal of the Poor People’s Campaign. Repairers is a nonpartisan and ecumenical organization focused on a progressive agenda rooted in a moral framework, bringing together clergy and laity from different faith traditions with “nones” who are guided by the same moral principles. The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival Mass Meetings, is co-led by local grassroots organizations to address issues of systemic racism, poverty, militarism, and ecological devastation in the states. On September 19th, several of us had the opportunity to visit McCarty Memorial Christian Church in Los Angeles to attend Rev. Barber’s inspiring Poor People’s Campaign meeting, which was co-sponsored by CLUE and other local groups. A video of this speech, as well as those given across the country, is accessible at
In North Carolina, Rev. Barber built a “state-wide interracial fusion political coalition” of civil rights groups, immigrant rights activists, unions, and LGBT+ advocates, groups with sometimes conflicting interests and values. What they had in common was a desire to resist state-sanctioned discrimination, whether it be against workers, people of color, women, poor people, or queer folks. Accordingly, in the summer of 2013, Rev. Barber led this fusion coalition in Moral Monday rallies at the North Carolina statehouse to protest redistricting and voting rights restrictions, as well as attacks against social programs protecting these groups. The Moral Monday movement contributed to the supplanting of the Republican incumbent with a Democratic governor, and supported litigation that successfully challenged, up to the U.S. Supreme Court, voter access restrictions.
The Third Reconstruction serves both as a memoir and as a detailed, pragmatic guide to building and sustaining a social justice movement. From the UUA website: “Drawing on the prophetic traditions of the Jewish and Christian scriptures, while making room for other sources of truth, the book challenges us to ground our justice work in moral dissent, even when there is no reasonable expectation of political success, and to do the hard work of coalition building in a society that is fractured and polarized.”
Please join us on Sunday, December 3 from 1 to 3 pm in Forbes Hall, Room 4, to discuss the 2016-2017 Common Read, The Third Reconstruction, and consider how Rev. Barber’s book may apply to UUSM’s own justice work. Portions of the GA speeches will be viewed during the class.
— Audrey Lyness
A truly moral agenda must be anti-racist, anti-poverty, pro-justice, pro-labor, transformative and deeply rooted and built within a fusion coalition. It would ask of all policy, is this policy Constitutionally consistent, morally defensible and economically sane. We call this moral analysis and moral articulation which leads to moral activism.” —The Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II
Adult RE Offerings for November 2017
Continuing Group: “An Enjoyable Dive into Who and What We Are”
This on-going, twice-monthly class is presented to help participants master specific meditation skills. We endeavor to answer the questions Who am I? (attitudes and beliefs) and What am I? (essence or true nature). This class will include meditations which explore participants’ spiritual goals. The group meetings (1st and 3rd Sundays) will also focus on insights gained throughout the month. It is expected that participants have a regular meditation practice.
NEW TIME AND LOCATION SUNDAYS, November 5 and 19 Location: Patio Area Time: 9:30 to 10:45 am Facilitator: Bill Blake
New Ongoing Group: “Open Meditation”
You are cordially invited to a new meditation group called “Open Meditation.” Whether you are a beginner who is just curious about meditation, or whether you have been meditating for many years – you are welcome. Meditation at its root is a natural and deeply human practice. We are not teaching a particular form of meditation or doctrine. You don’t need to know anything, do any particular activity, or believe in anything. We will have brief readings, two 20-minute periods of sitting, a walking meditation, and time for journaling and sharing. You can drop in when it serves you, or come regularly. If you are late, just come in quietly and join us. If you have questions, speak with either Beverly Shoenberger or Carol Ring at coffee hour, or contact Bev.
Friday, November 17 Location: Forbes Hall Time: 7 to 8:30 pm Facilitators: Beverly Shoenberger and Carol Ring
Oct 2017
A Message from the Lifespan Religious Education (LRE) Assistant Fund / Spirit Grant Committee
What is so important about lifespan religious education?
Our LRE programs are the backbone of our congregation. The programs are essential to attracting new members (including young families, who are the future of a growing and vibrant liberal religious community), as well as nurturing and retaining current members. The programs encourage our congregation to seek personal growth and more knowledge about our religion, and support our mission and purpose as part of a liberal religious movement that believes in freedom and justice in our local communities and in the wider world.
What does the Director of Religious Education (DRE) position do?
Plenty! The DRE position implements programs for children, youth, and adults, including OWL and Heart to Heart Circles. S/he reviews, plans, and prepares curricula; recruits, develops, and supports volunteers; manages the religious education budget, expenses, keeps files and records; meets with the minister, staff, religious education committee, and governing board; develops and presents UU education and worship opportunities for children and youth; plans celebrations and intergenerational events; attends district and area religious education conferences and workshops; maintains resources, supplies, and equipment; supports and assists youth programming; offers parent education and support; advocates for and publicizes the religious education programs; supports Adult RE; leads adult education courses, and much more.
Why do we need an assistant for the LRE program?
The addition of an assistant position is the most logical step in growing an attractive program. By transferring some of the time-intensive administrative and clerical work to the assistant, the DRE will be freed to focus on the more professional aspects of the job: growing the program and developing new programs, strengthening relationships with families, better supporting volunteers, coordinating OWL, etc.
We have never had an assistant before, so why now?
The LRE program has needed an assistant for a number of years. The Board of Directors acknowledged a value in creating the position back in 2007; however, because of the ensuing economic downturn, the position was placed on hold until things stabilized. We have a wonderful opportunity now to fulfill this position for 3 years with half of the cost already paid for by the Spirit Grant…IF we can raise the remaining funds!
Why can’t we rely on volunteers?
A consistent staff person would provide fluency to the program and would be trained to handle privacy and nondisclosure issues of the community. We want our congregation to keep growing and to support our mission of a liberal religious movement that believes in freedom and justice. Please consider how important this is for our church, and contribute to our campaign to hire an assistant to the LRE program. Thank you!
Adult RE Offerings for October
Last Conversations - LOVING AT THE EDGE
“Cassandra, when it gets close, will you be there and talk me through it?” I know exactly what Carlene is asking. My mind goes cold; how can I say “No” to this woman, my patient, my dear, new friend? There were stern warnings in my becoming a registered nurse, that I must keep a professional distance. It is the time before Viet Nam, the woman’s movement, and the flower children of San Francisco. What could I possibly say during the actual dying? But I say, “Yes.”
Four days a week, I drive down from LA into Whittier’s summer heat for my 12-hour nursing shift, up the stairs to a tiny onebedroom apartment. Carlene’s high, iron hospital bed has replaced the dining table. Overhead an old, brave fan tips back and forth with the momentum of trying to do its job.
In the weeks I have been her private duty nurse, when insurance companies still paid for care in the home, she and I have shared so much:, her stories of the romance of her new marriage, her wild struggle to beat the cancer, and the abandonment of her now grown son when he was two. We laugh a lot, sing silly songs, and shiver in the pain of her death soon coming.
It does come. The body too ill to support life gradually winds down. The “letting go time” comes. I lean in close, my hand supporting hers. There is no longer any response. I sit easy, my eyes soft, observing, allowing my slow thoughts.
I think, “What must she urgently need to hear?”
With simple words and touch, it is important she feels safe and deeply cared for. I speak as though she hears every word I say and is gentled.
In that last hour, her grown daughter, Francis, her new husband, Carlos, and I are an enclosing circle of warmth, telling her, “You are so loved. We are here.” And, “When you are ready it is OK to go.”
At last she takes one last petal-soft breath and is gone. It is almost beautiful. So many families say those very words to me.
Most of us will have this powerful opportunity to be present for someone at the transitional moment of death. Having skills and understanding to apply at that time helps everyone involved.
Friday night talk, October 27, 7 to 9 pm
You are invited to an evening of warmth and inspiration. Come learn very specific things to say and do. Gather information, hear heartwarming stories, be moved that you, too, may be there for another
Saturday workshop, October 28, 10 am to 4 pm
Interactive, hands-on exercises and sharing to deepen your comfort and understanding.
For information or to RSVP, call or email Cassandra Christensen, or sign up during the coffee hour after church Sunday at the table in Forbes Hall.
You will need to RSVP for the workshop. It is highly suggested that – in preparation for the workshop – you come to the evening talk, presented by Beth Rendeiro and Cassandra Christensen.
Parking will be provided in the UCLA lot at 16th and Arizona. Childcare will be provided with prior notice.
— Cassandra Christensen
Open Meditation Group
You are cordially invited to a new monthly group called “Open Meditation.” Whether you are a beginner who is just curious about meditation or whether you have been meditating for many years, you are welcome. At its root, meditation is a natural and deeply human practice. We are not teaching a particular form of meditation or doctrine. You don’t need to know anything, do any particular activity, or believe in anything. We will have brief readings, one 25-minute period of sitting with walking meditation, and time for journaling and sharing. You can drop in when it serves you, or come regularly. If you are late, just come in quietly and join us. If you have questions, speak with one of us at coffee hour, or give us a call.
Friday, October 20 and every third Friday in Forbes Hall, 7 pm to 8:30 pm Facilitators: Beverly Shoenberger and Carol Ring
UU History
Written by Alison Cornish and Jackie Clement, “Faith Like a River” explores the dynamic course of Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist (UU) history–the people, ideas, and movements that have shaped our faith heritage. Faith Like a River invites participants to place themselves into our history and consider its legacies. What lessons do the stories of our history teach that can help us live more faithfully in the present? What lessons do they offer to be lived into the future?
Each Sunday in October from 1 to 3 pm, NW Cottage Contact: DRE Kathleen Hogue
Monday Night Monthly Meditation
An Enjoyable Dive into Who and What We Are We endeavor to answer the questions Who am I? (attitudes and beliefs) and What am I? (essence or true nature). This class will include meditations which explore participants’ spiritual goals.
October 2 and November 6, 7 to 9:30 pm, Room 1 Contact: Bill Blake
Aug 2017
From our Director of Religious Exploration:
Love and Our First Principle

RE Offerings for September 2017

Jun 2017
Join the Religious Education Team

Let the Force Be With You!

July/August 2017 – Adult RE
Few issues have revealed deeper divisions in our society than the debate between creationism and evolution, between religion and science. Yet from the fray, the Rev. Michael Dowd has emerged as a reconciler, finding faith strengthened by the power of reason. With evidence from contemporary astrophysics, geology, biology, anthropology, and evolutionary psychology, Thank God for Evolution lays out a compelling argument for how religion and science can be mutually enriching forces in our lives. Praised by Nobel laureates in the scientific community and religious leaders alike, Thank God for Evolution will expand the horizon of what is possible for self, for relationships, and for our world. Come to either or both discussions.
Contact Kathleen Hogue, or James Witker
Each movie starts at 6:30 pm, with a discussion afterward.
Contact Kathleen Hogue, or James Witker
Based on acclaimed author Julia Cameron’s program: It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again. This program using actionable, simple steps focuses on: “Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife and Beyond.” This is for those seeking to navigate changes, or help create changes in one’s life. Self-discovery emerges from attendees’ personal writing, which is done daily, and is only for yourself. This writing is done first thing in the morning and is called “Morning Pages,” a concept created by Cameron in her initial bestseller on creativity, The Artist’s Way. Each class also suggests other optional activities of self-discovery which attendees may do during each week. Each activity, in conjunction with morning pages, deepens the journey of discovery of new part of one’s self, and/or, of new ways of living. “An Artist’s Date” (exploring playfulness) Short Walks, Memoir writing, Acts of self-kindness are just a few of the optional activities.
Facilitator: Sarah Robson
This ongoing, once a month class is presented to help participants master specific meditation skills. We endeavor to answer the questions Who am I? (attitudes and beliefs) and What am I? (Essence or True Nature). This class will include meditations that explore participants’ spiritual goals. The monthly group meetings will also focus on insights gained throughout the month. It is expected that participants have a regular meditation practice.
May 2017
Facing the Border Wall, With Faith

May 2017 – Adult RE
Apr 2017
From Our Director of Religious Education:
It Gladdens My Heart to See Our Congregants Live Their Credos
CREDO (Latin)
1. A stated system of principles or beliefs
2. Experience, as in personal experience
3. What I set my heart to (literal translation)
April Adult RE Groups
Canticle to the Cosmos
A scientific and spiritual odyssey through the evolutionary origins of the universe, life, and humanity. We will view and discuss this 12-part video course by cosmologist and religious naturalist Brian Swimme, who seeks to provide people with a scientific *and* sacred understanding of cosmic origins, divine creativity, and an ecological consciousness urgently needed in our time. In his book, The Universe Is a Green Dragon, Swimme writes, “Our ancestry stretches back through the life forms and into the stars, back to the beginnings of the primeval fireball. This universe is a single multiform energetic unfolding of matter, mind, intelligence and life. None of the great figures of human history were aware of this, not Plato or Aristotle, or the Hebrew Prophets, or Confucius.…We are the first generation to live with an empirical view of the origin of the universe…to look into the night sky and see the birth of the cosmos as a whole. Our future as a species will be forged within this new story of the world.”
Ongoing Groups
Mar 2017
Feb 2017
Meet Our New Preschool/ Multi-age Teacher
Lizbeth (Liz) Rivera is a graduate from El Camino College, where she majored in Early Childhood Education. She has been working with children from preschool through middle school for more than ten years. She has two sons, ages seven and seventeen. Children are her passion. Come by and say hello and please bring your kids. Liz will be leading the 9 am preschool class and the 11 am multi-age class.
— Kathleen Hogue, DRE
Winter 2016 Adult RE Groups
Thursday Night Centering Meditation
We will do Centering Meditation where you choose a word to say silently to yourself as you enter the silence. You can choose a word such as peace, love, or joy. There is a brief time of comments, sharing, and questions. We end the evening with a guided Mindfulness meditation.
Thursdays, 7 to 8:30 pm • in the Cottage.
Please contact the facilitator, Bettye Barclay, beforehand
An Enjoyable Dive into Who and What We Are
This ongoing, once a month class is presented to help participants master specific meditation skills. We endeavor to answer the questions Who am I? (attitudes and beliefs) and What am I? (essence or true nature). This class includes meditations that explore participants’ spiritual goals. The monthly group meetings will also focus on insights gained throughout the month. It is expected that participants have a regular meditation practice.
Monday, February 6 • 7 to 9:30 pm • Forbes Room 1
Facilitator: Bill Blake, Co-facilitator: Dave Watson
Canticle to the Cosmos
A scientific and spiritual odyssey through the evolutionary origins of the universe, life, and humanity. We will view and discuss this 12-part video course by cosmologist and religious naturalist Brian Swimme, who seeks to provide people with a scientific *and* sacred understanding of cosmic origins, divine creativity, and an ecological consciousness urgently needed in our time. In his book, “The Universe Is a Green Dragon,” Swimme writes, “Our ancestry stretches back through the life forms and into the stars, back to the beginnings of the primeval fireball. This universe is a single multiform energetic unfolding of matter, mind, intelligence and life. None of the great figures of human history were aware of this, not Plato or Aristotle, or the Hebrew Prophets, or Confucius.…We are the first generation to live with an empirical view of the origin of the universe…to look into the night sky and see the birth of the cosmos as a whole. Our future as a species will be forged within this new story of the world.”
Every Sunday starting February 5, 4-6 pm • Forbes Hall
Facilitator: James Witker
“Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” - A Common Read for our Community
Written by Yuval Noah Harari, this book surveys the evolution of humankind from the Stone Age to the current century. Harari analyzes history in parts, and comes to a conclusion that our species dominates the world because it is the only species that can cooperate flexibly in large numbers, and can reason with things that are strictly within our imaginations. His claims are quite provocative, and do call for careful consideration and discussion.
Date, Time, Location: TBD
Co-Facilitators: Laura Matthews and James Witker
Spirited Seekers
Discover the world of spirituality in the monthly Spirited Seekers group! We shall endeavor to keep an open mind, and to delight in the multitudinous expressions of spirituality and the deeply personal encounters with the Divine, according to our understanding. We aim to discover new ways of looking at spirituality beyond the bonds of a specific theology, and we seek to enrich our own practices, if we choose to engage in any. All are welcome!
February’s Topic: During the marches for Civil Rights, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. carried not a copy of the Bible on his person, but rather the book “Jesus and the Disinherited,” by African American mystic Howard Thurman (1899-1981). So, who is Howard Thurman? What is his philosophy rooted in? What about his message inspired such successful non-violent protests? Come and learn about this most important and impactful man and his relevant message for all of us who fight for social justice.
Sunday, February 5 • 1-3 pm • in the Warren Mathews Conference Room
Facilitator: Sarah Robson
Jan 2017
Winter 2016-17 Adult RE Groups
Please contact the facilitator, Bettye Barclay, beforehand.
Forbes Room 1
Facilitator: Bill Blake; co-facilitator: Dave Watson.
Facilitator: James Witker.
Time: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm