RE News Archive
Oct 2018
Focus on Adult Education – October 2018
Sep 2018
From the Director of Religious Education
"...what came to me in the night was the realization that I don’t “do” religious education because I’ve mastered a lot of theory about it, although I have mastered some. I “do” religious education because of experiences which have shaped and transformed me, and continue to do so as I continue to reflect on them."— Betty Jo Middleton
“It is more important than ever, in this particular moment in time, given the current political climate, urgency for social justice and the ongoing struggle for sexuality and gender equality that our children and youth have strong, committed leaders to help lead them soundly into understanding their own spiritual and moral compass!”— Katie Maedke Hall
New Class: "A Year to Live"
Conversations and Connections
Aug 2018
Fishing as a Spiritual Practice

Jul 2018
Religious Education for People of All Ages
Summer Adult RE Offering, One-Time Workshop:
Finding Right Relationship with Your Inner Critic
Summer Adult RE Offering, One-Time Workshop: Emergence, a Creative Universe, and You
(Please note: this presentation and discussion is adapted from an AAHS Freethinker Forum held in April, and offered again by request.)
Jun 2018
Love, Community and Pride!
So, you have taken your kids to help out at the soup kitchen, with lunches for bunches, attended women’s marches, Black Lives Matter rallies, and other social justice demonstrations. Awesome! Great work parents, but what about Pride?
Sacred Nature: The Emerging Theology of Religious Naturalism
May 2018
What I Learned in Sunday School: A Visit to Neighboring Faiths

UUSM Youth at the United Nations

From the Director of Religious Exploration: Emergence and Creativity

5th and 6th Grade OWL Graduates

Apr 2018
Let’s Grow Together: Opportunities Abound
Having a Great Time Learning about Humanism in Adult RE
Mar 2018
Moving Toward Credentialed Status
My credentialing work is well underway. This process takes time and it takes support from you! For me it involves a great deal of reading, writing, reflection, and even more education. This is going to make me a stronger leader in doing the work that we all do together.
Some benefits to the congregation are:
• A stronger, more vital religious education program and multigenerational ministry
• A religious educator with demonstrated knowledge and skill in the many areas of religious education leadership, such as program administration, Unitarian Universalist history, religious education philosophy, anti-racism, anti-oppression, and multiculturalism, and right relations and professional ethics
• Assurance that the religious educator has met professional development standards and is held accountable to professional ethics guidelines by the UUA
• The potential for enhanced collegial relationships among staff members
• A religious educator with the professional confidence that comes from knowing that s/he has been evaluated and recognized by the UUA as a professional religious educator, and
• Recognition by the UUA as a congregation that supports and values professional excellence.
This will continue to be a journey full of accomplishments, joys, and opportunities for congregational support. One of the ways you can show your support is by showing up for church services, children’s classes, OWL, and adult and multigenerational gatherings. See below for our next event. I appreciate this congregation’s commitment and support in continuing education and professional development of its staff members. I am looking forward to many years of shared ministry here at UUSM.
— Kathleen Hogue
March Madness: March 17 6 pm in Forbes Hall - Cost: $25
Dress in your jersey, stripes, hats, and shoes. This party will be fun no matter which team you choose. We will have pizza, wings, sandwiches, and more. Whatever your taste you will definitely score. Bring the kids, they’ll have fun too, with lots of activities for them to do. Come watch the game and be a team player. Funds will go toward paying our RE Assistant. Tickets: Kathleen Hogue
New Adult RE Offerings for March 2017
Humanist Voices in Unitarian Universalism
Join me as we read and discuss this new and remarkable little volume of provocative, inspiring, and heart-warming essays that just might challenge your view of Humanism – whether you consider yourself a Humanist or not. Contributors include luminaries of Secular Humanism and Unitarian Universalism such as Edd Doerr, Michael Werner, Chris Stedman, Rev. David Bumbaugh, Rev. Kendyl Gibbons, and Rev. William Murry.
From the publisher:
“In this highly anticipated collection, Unitarian Universalist Humanists present their faith perspectives in 23 engaging and thought-provoking essays. The contributors, both lay and ordained, demonstrate why Humanism has been one of the bedrock theologies of Unitarian Universalism for the last hundred years. They reflect on what it means to be a religious Humanist today and how they see the movement evolving in the twenty-first century. They explore Humanist history, beliefs, approach to life, social justice, community, and religious education. Together, these voices proclaim a passionate affirmation of a rich and dynamic tradition within Unitarian Universalism.”
We’ll meet for three to four sessions. Dates, times, and locations will be decided by the group participants at the meetings. Sign up and purchase the book at the Adult RE table and/or contact James Witker.
“Building Your Own Theology: Ethics meets the 5th UU Principle”
Over two workshops, we have focused on eight dimensions of moral decision-making: authority, motivation, responsibility, situation, intention, relationships, values, and character. In this workshop, we strive to discuss the 5th Principle of Unitarian Universalism in the context of these dimensions.
The 5th Principle stresses the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large. Let us explore this principle in the context of the elements of moral decision-making both in the abstract and in specific scenarios generated by BYOT’s author, coverage and interpretations of current events, and workshop participants!
Don’t worry if you have not participated in past BYOT Ethics workshops – the only prerequisite for this gathering is interest.
Facilitator Leon Henderson-MacLennan. Scheduled for Sundays March 4, 11, 1 pm to 3 pm Location: Room 3 For questions, contact Dorothy Steinicke.
Feb 2018
March Madness Party
Dress in your jersey, stripes, hats and shoes. This party will be fun no matter which team you choose. We will have pizza, wings, sandwiches and more, Whatever your taste you will definitely score. Bring the kids, they’ll have fun too, With lots of activities for them to do. Come watch the game and be a team player, Funds will go to the RE Assistant (so we can pay her).
Date: Saturday, March 17
Time: 6 pm Place: UUSM Forbes Hall
Cost: $25
Tickets: Kathleen Hogue,
OWL K/1 Class Begins in February

When: First and Third Sundays (February 4, 18)
Time: 9:30 to 10:45 am
Contact Facilitator: Bill Blake
Whether you are a beginner who is just curious about meditation or whether you have been meditating for many years - you are welcome. Meditation at its root is a natural and deeply human practice. We are not teaching a particular form of meditation or doctrine. You don’t need to know anything, do any particular activity or believe in anything. We will have brief readings, two 20-minute periods of sitting with walking meditation, and time for journaling and sharing, You can drop in when it serves you, or come regularly. If you are late, just come in quietly and join us.
When: to be decided by participants
Time: 7 to 8:30 pm
When: First Friday, February 2
Time: 1 to 2:30 pm
Carol Ring and Beverly Shoenberger are also offering a three-week introductory exploration of meditation for those who are new to meditating. This will begin on Saturday, Feb. 24th and run for three weeks, from 10 am to noon. Location TBD
Join me as we read and discuss this new and remarkable little volume of provocative, inspiring, and heart-warming essays that just might challenge your view of Humanism – whether you consider yourself a Humanist or not. Contributors include luminaries of Secular Humanism and Unitarian Universalism such as Edd Doerr, Michael Werner, Chris Stedman, the Rev. David Bumbaugh, the Rev. Kendyl Gibbons, and the Rev. William Murry.
Over two workshops, we have focused on eight dimensions of moral decision-making: authority, motivation, responsibility, situation, intention, relationships, values, and character. In this workshop, we strive to discuss the 5th Principle of Unitarian Universalism in the context of these dimensions.
Scheduled for Sundays February 11, 18; March 4 and 11, 1 to 3 pm.
Location: TBD
Recently, a pair of guest speakers at a college human sexuality class in Orange County introduced themselves this way: a trans-man, married to a butch dyke (“I am NOT a lesbian”), in a 24/7 master/slave relationship, raising a child together.
Jan 2018
Teri Lucas Joins RE Staff
Teri will begin on January 2, 2018. Her professional work experience has been in higher education admissions in New York City where she was Director of Admissions at the New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music for 17 years. After moving back to Los Angeles in 2011, she was the Director of Admissions at Union Institute and University and the Cornel School of Contemporary Music.
Teri has her own consulting business, “Fashion & Fitness.” She has taught Healthy Eating classes in New York and at the Santa Monica and Glendale YMCAs. She is currently embarking on a new project with Jodi Shannahan, whom she met at UUSM. They will be offering classes and groups on mindful eating and behavior changes that help us to reach our goals.
Teri recently returned from seven months in Vietnam where she volunteered at the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation working with children and families. In Saigon she taught English, and worked with women on issues of health and healthy eating.
Teri has been attending our church services for a few months now and has been involved in Adult Exploration offerings as well. She has already made friends and connections here and even attended a second Sunday Supper. She is interested in the exploration of religion and spirituality and is looking to apply her talents and abilities in the creative environment of UUSM.
The work that Teri will be doing involves registration, record keeping, publication of materials, communication, and organization. You may also see Teri some Sundays as she will be covering for the RE Director occasionally. Thank you all who have been donating matching funds to our Spirit Grant that has allowed us to hire Teri. Please keep it coming so we can continue!
— Kathleen Hogue
Adult RE Offerings for January 2018
“An Enjoyable Dive into Who and What We Are”
This on-going, twice a month class is presented to help participants master specific meditation skills. We endeavor to answer the questions: Who am I? (attitudes and beliefs) and What am I? (Essence or True Nature). This class will include meditations which explore participants’ spiritual goals. The bi-monthly group meetings will also focus on insights gained throughout the month. It is expected that participants have a regular meditation practice. Location: TBD on day of meditation
When: First and Third Sundays (January 7, January 21)
Time: 9:30 to 10:45 am Contact
Facilitator: Bill Blake
“Open Meditation” Group
You are cordially invited to a new meditation group called “Open Meditation.” Whether you are a beginner who is just curious about meditation or whether you have been meditating for many years, you are welcome. Meditation at its root is a natural and deeply human practice. We are not teaching a particular form of meditation or doctrine. You don’t need to know anything, do any particular activity or believe in anything. We will have brief readings, two 20-minute periods of sitting with walking meditation, and time for journaling and sharing. You can drop in when it serves you, or come regularly. If you are late, just come in quietly and join us. If you have questions, speak with either Beverly Shoenberger or Carol Ring at coffee hour.
Location: Forbes Hall
When: Friday, January 19th
Time: 7 pm to 8:30 pm
Contact Facilitators: Carol Ring, and Beverly Shoenberger
“Humanist Voices in Unitarian Universalism”
Join me as we read and discuss this new and remarkable little volume of provocative, inspiring, and heart-warming essays that just might challenge your view of Humanism whether you consider yourself a Humanist or not. Contributors include luminaries of Secular Humanism and Unitarian Universalism such as Edd Doerr, Michael Werner, Chris Stedman, Rev. David Bumbaugh, Rev. Kendyl Gibbons, and Rev. William Murry.
“In this highly anticipated collection, Unitarian Universalist Humanists present their faith perspectives in 23 engaging and thought-provoking essays. The contributors, both lay and ordained, demonstrate why Humanism has been one of the bedrock theologies of Unitarian Universalism for the last hundred years. They reflect on what it means to be a religious Humanist today and how they see the movement evolving in the twenty-first century. They explore Humanist history, beliefs, approach to life, social justice, community, and religious education. Together, these voices proclaim a passionate affirmation of a rich and dynamic tradition within Unitarian Universalism.”
We’ll meet for 3-4 sessions beginning the third week of January. Dates and times will be decided by the group. Sign up and purchase the book at the Adult RE table and/or contact James Witker.
— James Witker
New Offerings for February - Sneak Peek
Ethics Meets the 5th UU Principle: Build Your Own Theology
Over two workshops, we have focused on eight dimensions of moral decision-making: authority, motivation, responsibility, situation, intention, relationships, values, and character. In this workshop, we strive to discuss the 5th Principle of Unitarian Universalism in the context of these dimensions. The 5th Principle stresses the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large. Let us explore this principle in the context of the elements of moral decision-making – both in the abstract, and in specific scenarios generated by Build your Own Theology’s (BYOT’s) author, as well as in coverage and interpretations of current events, and workshop participants! Don’t worry if you have not participated in past BYOT Ethics workshops – the only prerequisite for this gathering is interest.
Facilitator Leon Henderson-MacLennan
Scheduled for February: Date, Time, and Location TBD
“Can We Make Room Enough for Love?”
Last summer a sermon by guest speaker Ian Dodd called “Can We Make Room Enough for Love?” which explored the roots of romantic love and both ancient and modern alternatives to our society’s traditional views of loving relationships, provoked a wide variety of reactions, questions and comments from the UUSM community.
In response, Ian and his wife Margot Page and Beth Rendeiro, UUSM’s OWL coordinator, will be facilitating a one-day workshop where participants will be able to explore their questions, cultural overlays, attitudes, and assumptions about love, loving relationships, marriage and monogamy, and how we can “stand on the side of love” with people whose relationships don’t fit the societal norms, or even how people in non-mainstream relationships can feel empowered to “come out” in their communities, including their church community. Be prepared for a day of critically examining your ideas, learning from others, and maybe being exposed to a wider variety of love and loving relationships than you ever considered before. Come share your views and experiences with others in a safe, intimate atmosphere of inquiry and support.
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, join us for “Can We Make Room Enough for Love?”, a day of looking at love and contemporary relationships, Saturday, February 10, 9 am to 3 pm, in Forbes Hall. Contact Ian Dodd or Beth Rendeiro for more information.