Membership News Archive
Membership & Leadership Calendar for April:
April 3, 12:30 p.m., Sanctuary - NewcomerOrientation
April 6, 7:30 p.m., Forbes - M&L Meeting
April 27, 7 p.m., Cottage - UU101
May15, 11 a.m., Sanctuary - New MemberRecognition Service
M & L -- Not Just an Acronym!
The Membership and Leadership Committee (M &L) has certainly been active as of late. They planned awonderful UU 101 session this past January that wasattended by 15 prospective members. This event gave abrief overview into the history of Unitarian Universalismand the programs we offer at UUCCSM. This committeeis also responsible for the Newcomer Orientation heldeach month to welcome new visitors to the church. M &L frequently helps plan church events and is theumbrella group for the ushers, greeters, and coffee committee. Pat Gomez has led M & L for the last three years;she has done an amazing job. We have valued her organizational skills and passion for UUCCSM. This summerPat is stepping down and we need a new chair. We arealso looking for more congregational members who arelooking for ways to get involved. This committee reallyhelps to link people up within our church, and in orderto do that we need people who enjoy working with others - people with an interest in leadership, covenantgroups, event planning, hospitality, and a passion forstrengthening our community. We meet on the firstWednesday of the month and welcome all who are interested. For more info please contact Patricia Gomez.
- Jessica Clay
UU101 to be on April 27th
Many of you are familiar with UU101 - our church'scolloquium for those wishing to know more aboutUUCCSM and its programs. For the spring quarter, we'llbe having one session only, on Wednesday, April 27,from 7 to 9 p.m. in the cottage. If you're new to thechurch or have been visiting and are curious about allthe things going on here, then this evening is for you! Intwo hours you'll get an overview of Unitarian Universalism, a brief history of this congregation, a tour of churchprograms, and you'll also learn ways you can participate. And we can't have UU101 without wine and cheese- so there'll be that too! Come and meet the Rev.Rebecca Benefiel Bijur and DRE Catherine Farmer Loyaalong with the entire Membership and Leadership Committee. By evening's end, you'll be that much smarterand you'll never again confuse Interweave with Knittersand Friends. Let us know you're coming by sending yourRSVP to Rhonda Peacock. Childcare will be provided.
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