Use of Sanctuary Space
Approved by the Board of Directors 2-10-04
Church groups or Church-affiliated groups (currently the Women’s Alliance) may sponsor events in the sanctuary involving major rearrangement of the pews and the serving of food and beverages in the sanctuary, subject to the conditions that:
a. Pews may be moved within the sanctuary or into Forbes Hall but under no circumstances may be stacked on top of each other. The sponsoring group is responsible for restoring the original arrangement of the pews as soon as the event is over.
b. Food and beverages may be served and or consumed in the sanctuary for events of a social nature for which tables are provided for the food and beverages. This includes Pilgrim Feasts, coffeehouses, benefit night clubs, pledge drive dinners, and similar events. The sponsoring group is responsible for cleaning up any food or beverage spills on the floor, the pew cushions, or the pews themselves.
c. Food and beverages shall not be brought into the sanctuary during religious events (worship services, weddings, memorial services, etc.) nor any other events not involving the interspersing of tables with the pews (meetings, conventional concerts, dramatic productions, etc.).
d. Confirming long-standing Church policy, (1) alcoholic beverages other than wine and beer shall not be served or consumed on Church premises at any time or at Church functions held elsewhere, and (2) whenever an alcoholic beverage is served at a Church function, an attractive non-alcoholic beverage must be served also.
Non-Church groups may not use the sanctuary for purposes involving major rearrangement of the pews nor the serving of food or beverages in the sanctuary, except under very unusual circumstances and with specific advance permission by the Board or the Church Administrator.
For the purposes of this policy statement, “Church groups” means groups for which the group leader, the event leader (if different from the group leader), and a majority of the people working on the event in question are Members of the Church.