Use of Church as Emergency Shelter
Approved by the Board of Directors 3-9-04
1. PURPOSE: This policy outlines how the UUCCSM may serve as an emergency shelter in case of a major fire or other disaster involving one or more of its neighboring healthcare facilities.
2. BACKGROUND: The UUCCSM is in close proximity to several healthcare facilities, including hospitals and convalescent facilities. In the unlikely event of a major fire in one or more of these facilities, it may be necessary to move disabled patients out of their quarters. The Church has been asked to agree to be an emergency triage site for the Pacific Convalescent Center at 1323 Seventeenth Street in Santa Monica. An earlier request from this facility had been granted in 1984. They are now asking for a renewal of this understanding. This revised policy provides guidance to the staff of the UUCCSM and the leadership of neighboring healthcare facilities on the issue of using the Church as an emergency shelter.
3. POLICY: It is the policy of the UUCCSM to be a good neighbor. In recognition of a civic and humanitarian need to help others in time of crisis, and the understanding that patients hospitalized in neighboring convalescent facilities are especially vulnerable to the effects of fire and other disasters, the Board of Directors authorizes the use of Church facilities for emergency shelter of such or similar patients in time of emergency.
4. ACTION: Requests for activation of this process should be directed to the Church Administrator. In the event the Church Administrator is unavailable, the request should be directed to the executive leadership of the Board of Directors, starting with the President of the Congregation.