Reporting Official Membership
Approved by the Finance Committee 1/23/01
The official membership of UUCCSM to be reported to UUA in the "Annual Society Certification Report", due each February 1, shall be the recorded membership as of the end of the January regular Board meeting less (1) any resignations between that meeting and January 21 and (2) the "zero-dollar" membership lapses effective January 21.
Background for Above Instruction
Each year, the Church is required to report to UUA headquarters in Boston the number of its official (voting) members. This number is used by UUA (1) to calculate our Fair-Share contribution to the UUA Annual Program Fund for the following fiscal year and (2) to determine the number of delegates we may send to General Assembly. It also is used by PSWD to calculate our District dues and the number of delegates we may send to the PSWD Annual Meeting. The membership report is due on or prior to February 1 of each year.
UUA defines reportable members as those having "full or partial voting privileges". Our Bylaws prescribe that (1) a person's membership begins as of the adjournment of the Board meeting at which their application for membership is presented, and (2) a new member becomes a voting member 40 days after becoming a member. Therefore, people read into membership at the January Board meeting would not yet be voting members by January 21, and people submitting a membership application after the January Board meeting would not become members at all until the February Board meeting. For the purpose of the report to UUA, we choose to regard those read into membership at the January Board meeting as having "partial" voting status.