Annual Financial Review
Adopted by the Board of Directors 11-13-12
A Financial Review Committee shall conduct an Annual Financial Review. This committee shall consist of at least three people and is to be appointed by the Board of Directors. The Board President, the Past President, the Treasurer and Church employees are ineligible to serve on the Financial Review Committee. This committee should conduct the review in the first six months following the end of the fiscal year and complete a written report of their review in time for inclusion in the Church’s Annual Report.
The Financial Review Committee shall review office procedures related to Church accounting to ensure that there is a division of duties to safeguard Church assets. The Financial Review Committee shall make recommendations in its annual report to correct or strengthen existing office financial-related procedures.
The committee uses as its basic operations resource guidelines developed by UUA entitled “INTERNAL FINANCIAL REVIEW FOR UU CONGREGATION” See
This resolution supersedes the similar resolution adopted by the Board of Directors on 4-14-09