We have now resumed in-person services at the church for fully vaccinated and boosted members and visitors. Services begin at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday.  Distancing and masks are still required. Staff are working hybrid schedules. 

In addition to our in-person services, we are also continuing to livestream services each week from our sanctuary and courtyard. Please join us from your homes via our Facebook Page or YouTube Channel.

Please see Lifespan Religious Education for digital RE information.

Sunday Services

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What's New on

Find all the latest news in our new ONLINE NEWSLETTER! Also, the following website pages have recently been updated:

Charters and RACI Charts (Page) Charters and Charter Applications   Adult Religious Exploration Committee... Read More
Path to Membership (Page) The journalist and climate activist Bill McKibben has written about moving our society... Read More
Tags: Membership
Stewardship/Fundraising (Page) You play a critical role in helping build the Beloved Community.  We are 100% self... Read More
Religious Education Registration & Permission Forms (Page) If your child will be participating in our Nursery or Religious Education programs,... Read More
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From Our Minister

Welcome to our beloved liberal religious home. We’ve been engaged in ministry in Santa Monica and Greater Los Angeles for almost a century. We are a community that strives to be radically inclusive of people from different walks of life, spiritual paths, and philosophies of life. We are united by our common Unitarian Universalist principles and values. We engage in service to our community and to the world. From worship to pastoral care, social justice and environmental activism to lifespan religious education, this is a congregation aspiring to make its beliefs in love, compassion, and justice real in the world. Join us for a Sunday morning worship service or one of the many diverse activities in the life of our congregation. Help us to create a brighter future together.

With love and gratitude,
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae