
All Our Dreams
All RE Sunday (Note: one service only, at 10 a.m., followed by the Annual Congregational Meeting)

Celebrating Religious Education & Our Bridging Ceremony

We will celebrate Lifespan Religious Exploration Sunday with a special focus on love, acceptance and our UU Principles. The service will include the Bridging of our high school seniors, and recognition of all of the volunteers who make our lifespan RE programs possible.
Our theme will be “Love and Multi-Generational Community.” Come support and celebrate our volunteers and our bridging youth! It is sure to be a fun service and takes place before our Annual Meeting.
Then after the service, join us for lunch hosted by the LRE Committee to support our RE Assistant Fund.
Please note: Audio is unavailable for this service.
All These Words mean Happy Kwanzaa (one service at 11 a.m.)
Kwanzaa was created in 1966 to offer Black Americans an alternative to the consumerism (and lack of capital returning to Black communities) found at Christmas. Research for the holiday was partially provided by our Unitarian Universalist Association through a fund created to support Black Empowerment. Join Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd for a lively musical dialogue on the meaning of Kwanzaa in Unitarian Universalism and its significance to Black Unitarian Universalists.
All Things New: A UU Easter

March Worship Series: Mortality - The Practice of Being Alive

Join Rev. Rebecca and our worship leaders on a spiritual exploration to understand how death touches us, all our lives; honestly and openly share your hopes and fears surrounding “the end,” and learn what our living tradition has to teach us about mortality.

March 27 Sermon:  All Things New - A UU Easter

Rev. Rebecca, Catherine Farmer Loya, and DeReau Farrar, will lead our spirit-filled UU Easter services. The choir will sing for both 9am and 11am services and additional special music will include a harp duet.
All-Ages Beach Cleanup - Offsite

All-Ages Beach Cleanup

Join us by the sea for an All-Ages Beach Cleanup. Our RE teens have adopted a beach, Annenberg North, and they invite you for hard work, sea air, and fun beautifying our beloved Santa Monica Bay shore. Everyone needs to sign the waiver (printable at and meet up at the Annenberg Beach House parking lot.

Kids are most welcome, and they’ll be so proud to take care of “our beach.” Because this is a teen-organized event, all kids under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

We’ll bring supplies and snacks. You bring your care and energy – and hats and sunscreen. Plastics and other marine debris are a global pollution problem that also impacts human health and safety. Each one of us can protect shore and marine habitats and wildlife by keeping our coast free from harmful pollution. “Sea” you there!

Contact Beth Brownlie,


All-Church Ministry Themes

As part of our congregation’s commitment to lifespan RE at UUCCSM, we’re trying out an exciting new way of coming together as one church community: monthly ministry themes.  These topics will provide an axis around which many elements of church life gain more meaning and depth, though the church’s offerings each month will by no means be limited to the themes. We’ll engage the themes through sermons, music, newsletter articles, RE classes, special events, and much more.  We’ll offer at least one Adult RE program that relates to each month’s theme. And we’ll celebrate the themes through newsletter articles, stories, at-home resources for families, music, special events and more.  Also, be sure to check out our lists of monthly ministry theme-based quotes, prepared by church member Bettye Barclay.


Alleluia (AJ Consolacion) - UUSM Vocalists
Allies and Advocates (Online Service)
As we seek to live into our values for social justice, many with very good intentions often end up saying nothing, or saying the wrong thing, when they are called to lean into a conversation. Today we will talk about what it means to be an ally and an advocate — for an individual and for a cause. We will also talk about what you might say when what you are saying isn’t working.
Allison S. Foster

Allison S. Foster is an artist who enjoys working in acrylic, pastel, charcoal, ink, and also three-dimensional construction. Allison began studying the fine arts in 2004 at West Los Angeles College. She has also modeled for photographers and life-drawing classes, enjoys design and desktop work, and will accept artistic commissions.

Alternative Worship Rehearsal (Sing-a-long of all the music)
Always Coming Home
America at Play

The World Series allows me to consider the game of baseball as folk idiom, i.e., as a lens through which we can grow in our understanding of what?s at the heart of America?s zeitgeist. In the words of 102- year-old Columbia University cultural historian Jacques Barzun, Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball, the rules and realities of the game.