
Rehearsal - Kai Landauer
Rehearsal - Lorene Boisevert
Rehearsal - Music Fundraiser
Rehearsal - Music Fundraiser
Reimagining Religious Education Together - Zoom/Online

Help us Reimagine Religious Education with this lively and interactive workshop, where Cleo, Rev. Jeremiah, and religious exploration leaders and volunteers will join together to engage the congregation’s mission to set a path forward for religious education and family support at UUSM. We will explore how, in these unprecedented times, we can draw on our abilities for deep care, abounding creativity, and a shared commitment to community in our religious education. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet our new UUA regional partner, Dr. Messlia James, who will help to facilitate this program. Please email Cleo if you would like to participate or have questions. 

Reimbursement for Gallery Wall Losses

Approved by the Board of Directors 2-9-81

In the case of theft or other loss to a painting or other art object on the Church’s Gallery Wall, the Church will reimburse the artist for the full amount he/she would have gotten if the object had been sold. (This decision recognizes that reimbursement of the Church by its insurance policy is subject to a deductible chosen by the Church to minimize the premiums).

Released by Love from Isolating Wrong Let Us for Love Unite Our Various Song; Each with His Gift According to His Kind Bringing This Child His Body and His Mind

This will be the final sermon in the W.H. Auden series. In Auden's poetic drama, Shepherds and Wise Men who have been isolated in vastly different cultures are released to unite in song.

Religious Education for Times Such as These
When times are hard and the future is uncertain, we need a sustaining faith, one that will activate moral strength, courage, and conviction. What in our liberal religious heritage can sustain us through times such as these? What will we teach our children?
Rev. Diane Dowgiert serves as Interim Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Greensboro, North Carolina. She also served as Minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson, Arizona for ten years, where she worked closely with Kathleen. We're delighted she can join us for worship this morning and to preach a sermon of welcome for Kathleen at her Ceremony of Welcome at 3pm Sunday afternoon.
[Note: No audio recording is available for this service.]
Religious Education Recognition Service

We give thanks for the teachers, volunteers, children, and staff who have given our Religious Education program another great year. Today we recognize and celebrate their contributions. Each class will make a presentation based on the curriculum it used.

Music: Scott Roewe, instrumentalist

Religious Education Registration & Permission Forms

If your child will be participating in our Nursery or Religious Education programs, please complete our  Religious Education registration form.

Religious Education Sunday

Join us in celebrating UUCCSM's educational ministry to children and youth, with participation from each RE class and including a very special RE volunteer recognition.

Religious Education Sunday

If you wonder what the children and youth do when they leave the sanctuary every Sunday, come this Sunday and find out. This year we became familiar with our Unitarian and Universalist forebears and examined UU values. On RE Sunday, each class makes a presentation about important aspects from their year of learning. It is sure to be full of surprises and insight. We will honor the volunteers who make it all possible. Music for 930 a.m. service Melissa Reiner, Violin