
RE: Secret Pals Party
RE: Teacher Training

Includes lunch.

Real Enough
Real Love
We side with love, we fight for it, and we live it. Our liberal religious faith calls us to put love into action. What exactly is it? What does religious wisdom have to teach us about it? Join us this Valentine’s Day Sunday as we consider real love.
Rebecca's Portrait Unveiling Reception
Rev. Rebecca's Portrait Unveiling Reception
Sunday, May 14 at 12:30 pm
Forbes Hall
This is the first of three official farewell events for Rev. Rebecca.  Please also join us for:
Rev. Rebecca's Celebrational Service
Saturday, June 3 at 1:30 pm
UUSM Sanctuary
Mark your calendar to attend this very special service honoring Rev Rebecca. Childcare will be provided. More details to come!
Rev. Rebecca's last service
Sunday, June 4 at 10 am (one service starts)
Please note that this will be the beginning of our one service summer schedule. There will be refreshments for all, and a bouncing house for children, in the courtyard after this service.


Reception for Rev. Judith Meyer

Please join in a welcome reception for our minister emerita, Judith Meyer, Saturday, January 25, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Cottage.  It's actually a Tea, complete with china cups, fancy cakes, little sandwiches -- lovingly prepared to honor our Minister Emerita and her husband, David Denton.  

Then on Sunday, January 26, plan to return for either the 9:00 or 11:00 a.m.  Judith returns to the pulpit with the Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur as worship leader.  Every stage of life poses challenges, but retirement age, whether we remain employed or not, seems to demand something entirely new from us.  Judith retired over five years ago after serving this congregation for 15 years, and the denomination for a long time before that. She will share with us what she has learned lately, as well as what she must keep learning, now. 

Reception Tea for Minister Emerita Judith Meyer
Reclaiming Easter

The theology of the traditional Easter story can be challenging for religious liberals. Join us for an intergenerational celebration of the meaning it holds for Unitarian Universalists.

Recoiling Rubber Rounds

We welcome back to our pulpit the Rev. Jim Conn, whose sermon is about "how listening to Rilke changed my ride home..." Jim is currently urban strategist for the California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. Music for 9:30 a.m. service Dreya Weber, Voice and Guitar

Regrets, Do-Overs and Giving Up Hope for a Better Past

We’ve all made mistakes, but some of us live with regrets that we can’t quite shake. How do we escape the ghost of “coulda, woulda, shoulda” to make peace with the ways that we’ve severed ourselves from possibility? Is there freedom from regret? Come consider the spiritual richness of choosing where to orient our hope.

(Annual Meeting follows the 11 a.m. service)
Rehearsal - 8/9 service on UUA General Assembly
Rehearsal - Divas and Drag Queens