Plantation Capitalism - The Financialization of Life
American society has shifted into a culture where everything is measured and counted, and if it cannot be measured and counted, it is useless. Yet even though the dominant motif has shifted to economics, our money is the last thing we can really talk about. We can talk more easily about our sex life than about our financial situation. As a result, we cannot unpack the economic pressures that push us into deep stress.
Plaque Presentation - Warren Mathews Conference Room Lunch and a celebration of the naming of the Warren Mathews Conference Room in the Cottage. All church members and friends of the church are invited. |
Playing Nicely![]()
Why is shared leadership so difficult? Nurturing healthy relationships in a polarized environment is a challenge. While, there are good reasons for playing nicely together, it is not always easy to do. Even when you are in charge, you can’t always get what you want. Let’s explore some assumptions that create barriers and approaches for surmounting some of the barriers to playing nicely.
Playing the Hand You're Dealt Our guest speaker, Arnold Pomerantz, will trace his journey as a gay man from invisibility and shame to self-respect and social consciousness, touching on the cultural, political, psychological, and spiritual factors in the process. With humility, he has projected himself into the role of a tribal elder within the GLBT community which has nicknamed him Popi. |
Playmate (Online Service)
Are you having fun yet? This spring has been a time of high anxiety — and crisis management. We have experienced the Flight, Fight, Freeze response to the unknown and unwelcome, and now we are moving into a different mode of interaction. We didn’t celebrate Pride Sunday, the last two weeks in the world has been extraordinary, summer is coming. Most of us are still cloistered, we all need a break, and I don’t think any of us is going on vacation. How are you caring for your spirit? Even if it means just taking small moments to breathe, we need to find ways to laugh and play as we work to change the world.
The Rev. Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins is a consultant to people and organizations in transition. She works with non-profits and faith-based organizations around the country helping them address issues of leadership, communication and cultural competence. Her most recent book is Fish Out of Water, and she is currently collaborating on a book about Gender Identities. She is a member of our UUSM community.
PLEASE NOTE: This Site is No Longer Being Updated As of August, 2022, this website is no longer being actively updated. For up-to-date church information, please see our new church website at |
Pledge Committee Meeting |
Pledge Committee Meeting |
Pledge Committee Meeting |
Pledge Committee Meeting |
Pledge Committee Meeting |
Pledge Committee Meeting |