Newsletter Policy
Created September 2001; Revision approved by the Board of Directors on May 9, 2006; Revision approved by the Board of Directors on May 15, 2013. Revisions proposed by Newsletter Team, May 14, 2019. Approved by the Board of Directors on July 9, 2019.
The online Newsletter is a continuously updated multi-author blog and there are no specific deadlines. However, in order to mimic the previous monthly publishing timeline of the printed Newsletter, certain timely content is requested by the 20th of each month: the Sunday service schedule, columns by the Minister and DRE, Board meeting reports, Art Wall, and Adult Programs. A Newsletter Digest with excerpts from several articles of particular interest selected by the Managing Editor(s) and Comm Team Chair will be sent at least once every month, shortly before the first service of the month, to the entire Members and Friends email list, leading people to the full Newsletter website for more information and news.
Other content may be submitted at any time and must be supported or formally endorsed by a committee or working group of the church. To be considered for inclusion in the end-of-the- month Newsletter Digest, articles must be submitted by the 20th of the month to allow time for editing. All submitted content is subject to editing by the Newsletter Team. Content may be edited for style, grammar, format, etc. If content is deemed to be inappropriate for publication, the author will be contacted before being rejected. Any questions or problems concerning editing shall be addressed by the content editor and Managing Editor(s). Disagreements about broader content issues shall be mediated by the Newsletter Managing Editor(s), with input from the Comm Team Chair as necessary. All content is copyrighted by and is the property of the UUSM Board of Directors, except in instances of Fair Use or where authors contractually retain copyright.
Comments on articles are not published but will be responded to by the Managing Editor(s) and shared with the Newsletter Team and the author as feedback. A policy on Letters to the Editor will be developed.
Newsletter Team - Meeting |
Newsletter Team Meeting |
NewslettersPlease note: as of October, 2018, our UUSM newsletter is now available in a new format, produced especially for online viewing at newsletters were produced in two different formats - a full PDF available to church members only (Church Member-level website account required), and a slightly different format available to the public. Public newsletters from earlier in 2018 can be found at the following links: January, 2018 Specific content from previous newsletters also appears on these pages:
....and you can find even more newsletter content in the Calendar, Worship & Sermons, Getting Involved, Faith in Action and Lifespan Religious Education sections of this website. |
No Future Without Forgiveness (Yom Kippur Observance) There is "no future without forgiveness," Archbishop Desmond Tutu has written in his most recent work about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa. This truth applies not only to nations seeking to heal from turbulence and injustice, but also to all of us as we attempt to maintain relationships and community through the ups and downs of daily life. |
No Justice, No Peace (one service at 10 a.m.)
We are used to hearing this chant of protest-- as a demand for justice. Pursuit of justice is a core
UU Principle, and yet we’ve also heard since childhood that “no one said life is fair.” When
such injustice hits closer to home—like say, a diagnosis of cancer, how do we find peace when
there seems to be no justice? UCLA oncology chaplain, Michael Eselun, will explore this
Noah's Dilemma (Two services at 9 and 11 a.m.)
Noah understood about the need to bring people together. In the midst of a great flood of change,
he prepared for people to discover the best of one another. Come to UUSM's multigenerational
Ingathering story where we will pour our lives into this community and notice what a blessing
each person brings.
NOLA Trip -Worship Planning Meeting |
Nominating Committee Meeting |
Nominating Committee Meeting |
Nominating Committee Meeting |
Nominating Committee
Here is a link to a list of the committees of the church and their members. It is very out of date. Please make corrections. The link is to a Google Doc so nothing can be erased permanently. If you need more room, right-click on a column and add a row. This is something of a test of our use of Google Docs, so the list is very simple and does not include email addresses and other information. If you have trouble, send an email to Link to: List of board and committee members Meet Your Nominating Committee As a congregation in transition, we are learning that it takes our whole spiritual community to make things work well, which means that the more members who find opportunities to get involved, the more successful our church will be. This year, the Nominating Committee (Nom Com) is working on a couple of ideas to make the process more accessible and inspire greater congregation participation. Nom Com’s main function is to nominate church members to run for the Board of Directors and Nom Com. Additionally, we appoint members to the Finance, Personnel, and Investment Committees (and the occasional Ministerial Search Committee) for ratification by the Board.Our committee is aware that the nominating process has seemed mysterious or secretive in the past to some members. While no big mystery or secrets prevail, explicitly detailing the process in an open forum affords us the kind of procedural visibility our Board of Directors is striving for. We are working on ways to give members avenues to express directly to the committee their interest in serving on one of the positions mentioned above. We call this self-expressed interest. Furthermore, if you think a member might be a good addition to one of these posts, you can recommend them to Nom Com for follow-up and consideration. There are many details to work out, many of which are in the works as you are reading this! We will use church media to inform the congregation when one of these positions becomes open, to explicitly outline job requirements and expectations to ensure members understand what is needed of them and can make an informed decision if offered a slot on the ballot or a position on a committee. In conjunction, we are working on revising our webpage, making it relevant with up-to-date info, FAQs, job descriptions for the nominated positions, criteria for getting nominated, and we want the congregation to know who we, the Nom Com, are. Nom Com is researching other similarly sized UU congregations for ideas about how to best help members express their interest in a position, what members need to know about the job itself, how/where to guide members into acquiring leadership skills, and other ideas to make our process run smoothly. It's turning out to be a very informative inquiry and fun to boot as we are discovering more things than we expected! So far, the most unexpected idea was “Showcase Sundays” at the UU Congregation of Phoenix. (It turns out our church has done this in the past.) On a Showcase Sunday, every committee sets up a table and members roam the room. This allows every committee, every member, and each friend of the church, opportunities to find each other and to ask and answer questions directly. It completely removes the mystery of how to get involved...for both longtime and new members. The Nom Com is teaming up with the Membership Committee to organize a “Showcase Sunday” on January 28, 2018. Stay tuned for details. Also in January, watch for the “Nom Nom with the Nom Com” invitation by Liza and plan to join us after either service for a coffee, a doughnut, and an informal drop-in chat with the committee. We encourage you to attend and get to know us, and our committee a bit better. If you have a question now you can send it to the entire committee at, or you are welcomed to reach out to any one of us individually.