
Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke - Zoom/Online


Nature Journaling on Ocean Plankton

Sunday, March 27 at 2:30pm

Continuing with our ocean theme we are moving on to the drifters, plankton.
Join us in nature journaling about some of the tiniest but most important
living things, ocean plankton. The ocean is where life began and some of
these organisms are among the most ancient of living things. They remain
crucial to life on earth, being a carbon sink for greenhouse gases, providing
oxygen and being the base of the entire food web. Not to mention that many
are both fascinating and beautiful. We will work from photos as we journal
about these ocean drifters in many of their diverse form. All that is needed
for participation is curiosity, pencil and paper, or whatever medium you
would like to draw and write in.
This session will be facilitated by Dorothy Steinicke, a member of UUSM
and a lifelong lover of nature and the outdoors. Dorothy has spent years
encouraging people to experience the natural world.

To receive the Zoom link for this program contact

Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke - Zoom/Online

May 16, 2021 2:30pm-4pm

The Sunflower Family is big and (relatively) new evolved and differs from
other flowers in many ways. Last month we examined the structure of more typical flowers. This month we will look at the more complicated structure of members of the sunflower family that includes dandelions, thistles, daisies and many, many more species. You don’t need any botanical skill or knowledge to participate. Just come with a flower from this massive family, pencil and paper (colored pencils are helpful) and a magnifying glass and we will explore the complex workings together.

A lifelong lover of the outdoors, Dorothy Steinicke has more than twenty
years experience encouraging people to a love of the natural world. She
leads hikes for children and for adults in Topanga Canyon, Ballona
Wetlands, and Dockweiler State Beach.

Contact Dorothy Steinicke for registration and zoom link.



Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke - Zoom/Online

We will come together to appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature by
contemplating, writing and drawing. All that is required are pencil and
paper and a few objects from nature.

A lifelong lover of the outdoors, Dorothy Steinicke has more than twentyyears experience introducing people to a love of the natural world. She leads hikes for children and for adults in Topanga Canyon, Ballona Wetlands, and Dockweiller State Beach.

Email for zoom details.

Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke - Zoom/Online

Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke

The nature journaling group will be considering birds.  Hopefully, we see them everyday, but in this session we will give them a closer look and see what we can learn.  We will be observing, writing and drawing.  No previous knowledge or expertise is required.  First time attendees are most welcome. 

A lifelong lover of the outdoors, Dorothy Steinicke has more than twenty years experience encouraging people to a love of the natural world. She leads hikes for children and for adults in Topanga Canyon, Ballona Wetlands, and Dockweiller State Beach.


Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke - Zoom/Online

Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke

Sunday, July 31, from 2:30pm-4pm


Join us to learn about ferns and examine and journal on them.

Ferns are non-flowering, non-seed producing plants that reproduce by spores.  They are an ancient lineage of plants that existed on earth long before the dinosaurs.  They are interesting because they are different from all other plants.  They are also exceptionally beautiful.  Participants in this session are encouraged to have a fern or piece of a fern with them in order to make direct observations.  They are also encouraged to have a magnifying glass in order to get a closer look.  Photos will be provided if it is not possible to have an actual fern.

A lifelong lover of the outdoors, Dorothy Steinicke has spent years encouraging people to experience the natural world. She leads hikes for children and for adults in Topanga Canyon, Ballona Wetlands, and Dockweiller State Beach.

Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke - Zoom/Online

Nature Journaling on Bats

October 31, 2:30pm-4pm

Spend some of Halloween Day contemplating bats. Bats are fascinating
animals that tend to both intrigue and repel people. We will spend some
time learning about some of the many species of bats and then spend some
time drawing them from photographs. We may recall some encounters or
associations that we have had with bats. We will definitely go into
Halloween evening more familiar with these amazing animals.
This session will be facilitated by Dorothy Steinicke, a member of UUSM
and a lifelong lover of nature and the outdoors. Dorothy has spent years
encouraging people to experience the natural world.
To receive the Zoom link for this program contact AdultRE@uusm.o

Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke - Zoom/Online

After taking the summer off, Nature Journaling is restarting and will continue on Zoom.  It will take place on the last Sunday of every month.  

Together we explore a different aspect of nature in each session.  We learn a little about our topic (typically a particular type of plant or animal) Then we explore it by using drawing, words and memories.  Sometimes I will ask you to come with an easily found natural object; leaf, flower, fruit.  Sometimes (particularly when our subject is within the animal kingdom) we will work from shared photographs.  

These sessions are opportunities to reflect on different aspects of the natural world.  We make drawings as a tool for observation and insight. We will write descriptions of what we see.  Sometimes the drawings end up being visually pleasing, but that isn’t really the point.  The point is to learn to observe and appreciate.  Sometimes we will plumb our memories to recall personal associations with natural items and places.

At the end of our time together we share insights that we gained from our practice.  

In the September session we will be considering conifers and how they are different from flowering trees.  I would ask that you come to the session with a bit of a branch from a conifer and, if possible, a cone that goes with the same tree.  


Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke - Zoom/Online

Back By Popular Demand
Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke
On Sunday, July 19, 2:30pm-4pm

This workshop will be similar to the first one offered. There will be some
new prompts given but it is not necessary to have attended the first session.

We will come together to appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature by
contemplating, writing and drawing. All that is required are pencil and
paper and a few objects from nature.


A lifelong lover of the outdoors, Dorothy Steinicke has more than twenty
years experience introducing people to a love of the natural world. She leads hikes for children and for adults in Topanga Canyon, Ballona Wetlands, and Dockweiller State Beach.


Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke - Zoom/Online

Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke
Sunday, June 20, 2:30pm-4pm

This will be our first foray into observing and journaling on objects that are
not living. Yet, even though rocks are not alive, they are dynamic and
changing. We will use drawing and writing to help us observe sand, soil and

All are welcome. We observe what we observe in the ways that work best
for us. No previous knowledge or skills are required. Curiosity is the best

For this session participants are asked to come with a tablespoon full of
sand, a tablespoon full of soil, three pebbles that look and feel different from
each other, scotch tape and a magnifying glass as well as journaling
materials; something to write/draw with and something to write/draw on.
If you have difficulty obtaining sand or soil, let Dorothy know and she will
send you some.

A lifelong lover of the outdoors, Dorothy has more than twenty years
experience encouraging people to a love for the natural world. She leads
hikes for children and adults in Topanga Canyon, Ballona Wetlands and Dockweiler State Beach.


Please email Teri Lucas at for the zoom link.

Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke - Zoom/Online

Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke

Sunday, April 18, 2:30pm-4pm

Spring has arrived and flowers are everywhere. We will spend this session
learning about, thinking about and observing flowers. Flowers have
tremendous diversity and are fascinating to look at closely. We will do a
little botany, some drawing and some writing. You are very welcome to join
even if you have no knowledge of flowers, drawing or writing. All you need
are paper and pencil although your experience will be enhanced if you also
have a magnifying glass and colored pencils or other tools to draw in color.
A lifelong lover of the outdoors, Dorothy has more than twenty years
experience encouraging people to a love for the natural world. She leads
hikes for children and adults in Topanga Canyon, Ballona Wetlands and
Dockweiller State Beach.

Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke - Zoom/Online

Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke

November 15, 2020   2:30pm-4pm

Come and join us in observing, learning about and enjoying nature.  Even if you are staying indoors these days it is possible to spend time enjoying nature.  Here in November, in the season of diminishing light, we will focus on roots, those living things that lie in darkness under the ground.  We will do a little botany, some drawing and some writing.  You are very welcome to join us.  No botanical knowledge, drawing or writing skills required.  We come together to observe and learn.  

A lifelong lover of the outdoors, Dorothy Steinicke has more than twenty years experience encouraging people to a love of the natural world. She leads hikes for children and for adults in Topanga Canyon, Ballona Wetlands, and Dockweiller State Beach.

Here's the Zoom link;

ZOOM LINK FOR 11.15.2020

Dorothy Steinicke is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Nature Journaling --  Roots

Time: Nov 15, 2020 02:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 839 4817 1773

Passcode: 405508

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Meeting ID: 839 4817 1773

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Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke - Zoom/Online

Nature Journaling with Dorothy Steinicke

September 13, 2:30pm-4pm

Come and join us in observing, learning about and enjoying nature.  Whether you are spending your days mostly outdoors or not stepping outside your front door you can still enjoy and appreciate nature.

This session will focus on leaves.  We’ll do a little botany and we’ll do some drawing and writing.  You are welcome to join even if you have no knowledge of nature, botany, drawing or writing, in fact you are encouraged to join.  

A lifelong lover of the outdoors, Dorothy Steinicke has more than twenty years experience introducing people to a love of the natural world. She leads hikes for children and for adults in Topanga Canyon, Ballona Wetlands, and Dockweiller State Beach.

Contact Teri Lucas for the Zoom link at