
Music - Choir retreat
Music - Guest Artist Fundraiser "Afternoon with Emily Dickenson"
MUSIC - Memorare: A Service of Remembrance


We are continuing the tradition of holding a Sunday service honoring those who have died over the past year. If you have a name or names you would like to have included please let music director Saunder Choi know by October 21..

The service will be held in the sanctuary and will feature music by a variety of composers.

MUSIC - Music Fundraiser featuring Leslie and Friends


Spring Music Fundraiser
Leslie Beauvais and Friends in Concert
Sunday, April 14th, 2019
After Second Sunday Supper
Doors Open at 7:15 PM
Concert 7:30 - 9:00pm
Come and join us for an evening of everything from
Broadway and Jazz Standards, to original Singer-Songwriter music, 
to Blues, Pop, Folk and Classical selections. 
Something for everyone to love! 
Performers include:
Leslie Beauvais
Pat Quinn
Saunder Choi
Thomas Ahern
Kenneth Alexander
Kai Landauer
and maybe a few surprises! 
Parking available at the UCLA Structure located at 1311 16th Street
MUSIC - Pre-Mother's Day Choral Singing

Pre-Mother’s Day Choral Singing: Sat, May 13, 1:45pm-3pm. Offsite at Sunrise Assisted Living. Do you remember the old favorites “Come Rain or Come Shine,” “Fly Me to the Moon,” or “My Favorite Things”? Please join us for a pre-Mother’s Day choral singing of these and more old favorites. No choir experience necessary, just a desire to bring music to those who are elderly and need assistance. Meet at the church at 12:45pm in the Choir Room, Forbes Upstairs 2 to practice. We will walk to Sunrise at 1:45pm and walk back around 3pm. Contact: Cindy Kelly,

Music - Roy Zimmerman Concert

In the current national nightmare, we need to laugh, and we need to hope. Roy Zimmerman’s signature blend of heart and hilarity has never been more necessary. RiZe Up is ninety minutes of Roy Zimmerman’s original songs, a funny and forceful affirmation of Peace and Social Justice.

Parking available at the UCLA lot located at 1311 16th Street


Music - Summer Sing

Do you love to sing?  Join in for our Summer Sing!

Our UUSM pianist Danny will accompany us while we all sing our favorites including from our hymnals.

 Thursdays July 21, 28, August 4, and 11 from 7pm to 8:30pm.

All are welcome!


Music - Summer Sing

Do you love to sing?  Join in for our Summer Sing!

Our UUSM pianist Danny will accompany us while we all sing our favorites including from our hymnals.

 Thursdays July 21, 28, August 4, and 11 from 7pm to 8:30pm.

All are welcome!


Music All Around Us

British composer Edward Elgar wrote, "My idea is that there is music in the air, music all around us, the world is full of it and you simply take as much as you require." The service will offer reflection on the contemplative, uplifting and spiritual world of music. The choir will sing at both the 930 and 1100 services.

Music and Poetry - The Language of Spirit


Join us for a special summer poetry service, with musical settings by Elizabeth Alexander performed by cellist Lynn Angebranndt, singer Jyvonne Haskin and pianist Daniel Gledhill. Rima Snyder will speak about the relationship between music and poetry, and how both can inform a spiritual practice.
Music Committee

Works with the minister and Director of Music to support the music program at the church, and to see that the program meets the congregation's needs. The music program currently includes the choir, guest musicians for Sunday services, some concerts during the year and the Spotlite talent show put on by members and friends of the church.

Music Committee Fundraiser - "The Veil of Mahalia"
Linda Alvarez presents THE VEIL OF MAHALIA, Sunday, October 19, at 2 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
A one-woman performance in song of the life story of famed gospel singer Mahalia Jackson, with Severin Behnen (UU Palos Verdes), Musical Director, accompanied by musicians and choir. Intermission and Refreshments. Donation. Contact: Diana Spears