
"Truth Tellers and Pot Stirrers" - UUSM Sunday Service - August 14, 2022
Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins, preaching
Jo An Peters, worship associate
When you think you have to choose between telling the truth and being kind, what do you do? Is lying ever acceptable behavior or preferred to telling the truth? This Sunday we will explore many of the ambiguities around telling the truth.
"Truth Tellers and Pot Stirrers" - UUSM Sunday Service - August 14, 2022
Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins, preaching
Jo An Peters, worship associate
When you think you have to choose between telling the truth and being kind, what do you do? Is lying ever acceptable behavior or preferred to telling the truth? This Sunday we will explore many of the ambiguities around telling the truth.
"Unitarian Universalist History" - UUSM Sunday Service - November 7, 2021

Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae

"Unitarian Universalist History" - UUSM Sunday Service - November 7, 2021

Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae

"Volunteer and Staff Celebration Sunday" - UUSM Sunday Service - May 29, 2022
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, preaching
JoAn Peters, worship associate
Our is a shared ministry that is only possible with the generous gifts of time, talent, and resources from our many congregational leaders, members, friends, and staff. Join us as we celebrate our many volunteers and staff and explore what opportunities for volunteer service and leadership are emerging in this time of renewal and rebirth.
"Volunteer and Staff Celebration Sunday" - UUSM Sunday Service - May 29, 2022
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, preaching
JoAn Peters, worship associate
Our is a shared ministry that is only possible with the generous gifts of time, talent, and resources from our many congregational leaders, members, friends, and staff. Join us as we celebrate our many volunteers and staff and explore what opportunities for volunteer service and leadership are emerging in this time of renewal and rebirth.
"Wandering in the Wilderness" - UUSM Sunday Service - July 3, 2022
Rev. Michael Walker, preaching
Amy Brunell, worship associate
Wandering in the Wilderness is about journeys and quests. About the journey not the destination. Not all who wander are lost.
The Rev. Michael Walker, who was ordained into the Unitarian Universalist ministry at the First UU Society of San Francisco in 2010, after completing studies at the Pacific School of Religion and in internship at the First UU Church of San Diego. For the next 11 years, he provided interim ministry services in Massachusetts, Washington, Pennsylvania, California and Illinois – in that order… Many cross-country moves! He has taken a hiatus from parish ministry to complete requirements for his PhD studies, and currently lives in Los Angeles.
Through his adult life, Mike has been a nurse, Navy veteran, ordained minister, and now a PhD Candidate in Clinical Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute, after completing studies and currently working on a dissertation about trauma experienced in religious settings. He has therapeutic experience working with groups, adult and adolescent individuals, and adult couples, in secular and religious settings, including the military, LGBTQ+ and HIV communities, and in private psychological practices. He maintains his connection to the UU movement as a Community Minister.
"Wandering in the Wildreness" - UUSM Sunday Service - July 3, 2022
Rev. Michael Walker, preaching
Amy Brunell, worship associate
Wandering in the Wilderness is about journeys and quests. About the journey not the destination. Not all who wander are lost.
The Rev. Michael Walker, who was ordained into the Unitarian Universalist ministry at the First UU Society of San Francisco in 2010, after completing studies at the Pacific School of Religion and in internship at the First UU Church of San Diego. For the next 11 years, he provided interim ministry services in Massachusetts, Washington, Pennsylvania, California and Illinois – in that order… Many cross-country moves! He has taken a hiatus from parish ministry to complete requirements for his PhD studies, and currently lives in Los Angeles.
Through his adult life, Mike has been a nurse, Navy veteran, ordained minister, and now a PhD Candidate in Clinical Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute, after completing studies and currently working on a dissertation about trauma experienced in religious settings. He has therapeutic experience working with groups, adult and adolescent individuals, and adult couples, in secular and religious settings, including the military, LGBTQ+ and HIV communities, and in private psychological practices. He maintains his connection to the UU movement as a Community Minister.
"We Would Be One" (Sibelius "Finlandia" - arr. Saunder Choi) - UUSM Vocalists
"What Do We Need to Live?" (Online Service) - May 31, 2020

Rev. Judith Meyer

"What is Anti-Oppression Spiritual Life and Practice?" - Sunday Service (Online Service) - February 21, 2021

Patricial Mushim Ikeda

"What is Anti-Oppression Spiritual Life and Practice?" - Sunday Service (Online Service) - February 21, 2021

Patricia Mushim Ikeda