
El Nacimiento (A. Ramirez) - UUSM Vocalists
Elementary Art Class - Zoom/Online

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Elementary Check In - Zoom/Online

Please contact Teri Lucas at or Cleo Anderson at with any questions.

Elementary School

Kindergarten — 1st Grade/Seekers (9:00)

Curriculum: Spirit Seekers

Meets in the Main room of the Cottage

Kindergarten-1st Grade (K-2nd at 11:00): “Spirit Play” shares core stories of our faith with children as they make meaning of their lives, grow a strong UU identity, and create a spiritual community together that honors multiple learning styles and celebrates beauty in diversity.

For more information, please see our letter and calendar for Seeker parents, and our letter and calendar for Imagineer parents.


2nd — 3rd Grade/Voyagers (9:00 only)
Curriculum: Theme Workshops

Meets in the Library (center room) of the Cottage

The “Theme Workshops” program offers active, tactile workshops of all sorts that help young people put hands and feet on our monthly congregational ministry themes. Teachers can create their own activity that relates to the theme of the month or choose from workshop plans provided in their curriculum materials.

For more information, please see our letter and calendar for Voyager parents.


4th — 5th Grade/Centerquest (9:00 only)
3rd -- 5th Grade/Explorers (11:00 only)
Curriculum: The UUniverse Story

9:00 class meets in the Library (center room) of the Cottage
11:00 class meets in the Churchview room of the Cottage

How do we know what we know? All meaning stories, origin stories or creation myths, regardless of time or setting, have been a reflection of all the knowledge and technology available to its particular culture. “The UUniverse Story” is designed to celebrate what we know in the 21st century and to nurture a sense of awe and wonder for the world around us through a hands-on, science-based curriculum intended to give an appreciation of the incredible achievements of our species to understand the world and our place in it. Kids will explore the Big Bang and the origins of the Universe, the chemistry of life, the ideas of evolution and change over time, and the interconnectedness of all people from our shared ancestry with each other and every other life form on the planet.

For more information, please see our letter and calendar for Centerquest parents, and our letter and calendar for Explorer parents.

Embarking on the Journey - Meeting Our New Developmental Minister
We are beginning to take our first steps together on a spiritual journey. Developmental ministry invites us into a period of adventure, challenge, contemplation, and discovery. It will require all of us to stretch our imaginations, open our hearts even wider, and do the deep work of creating beloved community together. This Sunday, I hope to share some of my story and my hopes for the exciting path we have embarked upon.
Earlier, the Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae wrote to us:
"I am so excited to begin developmental ministry with you. The compelling ministry before us will touch upon the very heart of congregational life. We will explore mission, vision, and the covenants that bind us to each other and to the larger world. We will learn to deepen our relationships, explore matters of the heart and emotional intelligence, practice good communication and setting appropriate boundaries in congregational life, and create spaciousness for an affirmation and celebration of the diversity inherent to our pluralistic spiritual life. We will also work to examine systems and structures of the congregation and continue the important work towards increased financial vitality and sustainability. We will be in deep conversation around these goals and others in the coming months. This is truly a time for a holistic reflection on the essence of beloved community and what is required of each of us to be transformed by liberal religious community.
My most recent ministries have been serving congregations in the San Francisco Bay Area and teaching multireligious philosophy and theology at Starr King School for the Ministry – our Unitarian Universalist seminary at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. At Starr King, I also served for many years recruiting and preparing our next generation of Unitarian Universalist ministers and progressive religious leaders. In addition to being a UU minister, I am a practicing Sufi in the lineage of Ibrahim Abdurrahman Farajajé and Moinuddin Chishti. In the larger community, I’ve been especially invested in the Black Lives Matter, Standing Rock, Climate Justice, Disability, Refugee and Aslyee, Transgender/Queer and Feminist Liberation movements. Before entering the ministry, I was a social justice activist, educator, nonprofit professional, and community leader.
 We will have a lot of time to learn more from each other and I look forward to ministering with each of you!
 With love and gratitude,
Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church (Canoga Park)

Rev. Gail R. Geisenhainer

Emotional Honesty

Unitarian Universalist sermons had better be thoughtful, but if they're only thoughtful that doesn't make it either. What good preaching requires is a connection to the heart. A sermon on preaching and sharing from the soul as opposed to preaching from just the head.

Empowering Love A Legislative Ministry

Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. -- The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Faith communities know about acts of charity and mercy; we also know that charity is not enough to create justice. What role should faith communities play in influencing public policy? How do we encourage spiritual depth and maturity in such work? The Rev. Lindi Ramsden, executive director of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of California will join the Rev. Judith Meyer to lead our service. Faith in Action?s Fall Issues Election takes place after the second service.

Empty Bowls

Empty Bowls will be available for purchase. These are bowls left from the Empty Bowll events a few year ago. Proceeds will go to Westside Food Bank to help alleviate hunger in our area. Come pick your favorites and help support Westside Food Bank.

Contact Bob Dietz, Ellen Levy or Bettye Barclay.

Empty Bowls
Empty Bowls - post sale
Empty Bowls - Presale