
Crawfish Boil: D4$ Fundraiser
Creating Our Own Theology
Creative Conflict

Conflict need not be destructive.What makes conflict creative? Town Hall on Peacemaking Statement of Conscience follows the January 11 second service

CRJ Meeting
Cultivating Gratitude and Joy
The Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Gray invites us to consider how we practice gratitude and find joy in the midst of the holiday season. Please join us for this special service in partnership with our denomination, the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (UUA).
Our distinguished guest began her six-year term as president of the UUA in June 2017. As president of the Association, she is responsible for administering staff and programs that serve its more than 1,000 member congregations. She also acts as principal spokesperson and minister-at-large for the UUA. Susan brings a strong focus on mission and strategic planning to her leadership at the UUA as it works to dismantle systems of white supremacy.  As president, and as a life-long Unitarian Universalist, she has emphasized that this is no time for a casual faith and no time to go it alone.
Curiosity as a Spiritual Practice

In our culture we are quick to leap to conclusions and make assumptions about other people and their beliefs. We all might be better served by adopting a practice of starting with curiosity. A pithy dictum: Be curious, not furious. How might such a practice change how you move through the world?

Current Issue
Cyndee Hayes

Cyndee is the Administrative and Financial Assistant for UUCCSM.  Please contact her if you need assistance in rentals, calendar events, pledge payments, or general questions about the church: or (310) 829-5436, ext. 102.

D$4 Committee Meeting
D&D - Living in UUville