
"No Limits"
"Now What Do I Say?" - UUSM Sunday Service - October 17, 2021

Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins

"Our 7 Unitarian Universalist Principles" - UUSM Sunday Service - October 24, 2021

Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae

"Our 7 Unitarian Universalist Principles" - UUSM Sunday Service - October 24, 2021

Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae

"Our Bright Flame" (Online Service) - June 21, 2020

Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae

"Our Brightly Burning Flame" - UUSM Sunday Service - June 20, 2021

Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae

"Our Brightly Burning Flame" - UUSM Sunday Service - June 20, 2021

Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae

"Our Democracy and Bylaws" - UUSM Sunday Service - August 21, 2022
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, preaching
Charles Haskell, worship associate
Our congregation is a democratic institution, and how we practice democracy as a beloved community is defined by our bylaws, covenants, and liberal religious values. Our Bylaws Refresh Task Force worked diligently to draft proposed bylaws for consideration at the next Special Meeting of the Congregation. Come learn more about this important developmental ministry work and our liberal religious commitment to democracy.
"Our Democracy and Bylaws" - UUSM Sunday Service - August 21, 2022
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, preaching
Charles Haskell, worship associate
Our congregation is a democratic institution, and how we practice democracy as a beloved community is defined by our bylaws, covenants, and liberal religious values. Our Bylaws Refresh Task Force worked diligently to draft proposed bylaws for consideration at the next Special Meeting of the Congregation. Come learn more about this important developmental ministry work and our liberal religious commitment to democracy.
"Our Divine Words" - Online Sunday Service - December 13, 2020

Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae

"Our Divine Words" - Onlline Sunday Service - December 13, 2020

Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae

"Our Living Tradition" - UUSM Sunday Service - May 8, 2022
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, preaching
Charles Haskell, worship associate
Our Unitarian Universalist tradition is alive in that it may evolve with the times through democratic processes. We follow a congregational polity which means we are a self-governing church. Our Bylaws Refresh Task Force has recently drafted proposed Bylaws to be considered for adoption. Come learn more about this work and the importance of democratic process to our movement.