Civil Awakening (Online Service)
Our congregation proudly declared “Black Lives Matter!” and we commit ourselves to the difficult soul work of dismantling white supremacy within ourselves and in our society. Join us for a special service exploring the liberatory power being unleashed in the world as we transform LGBTIQ Pride Month into an intersectional call for racial justice.
Claiming Your Story Dr. Jonathan Young, storyteller and psychologist, says of his sermon, "We will delight in 'The Ugly Duckling' - to consider how we find the best situations for our energies - and use ideas from Joseph Campbell on how timeless tales can help us take our own stories in new directions." Dr. Young assisted Joseph Campbell at seminars and was the founding curator of the Joseph Campbell Archives & Library from 1990-95. He also chaired the Mythological Studies Department at the Pacifica Graduate Institute and now gives courses for psychotherapists through the Center for Story and Symbol. Music Susan Feldman, violin |
Closed Meeting |
Closed Meeting |
Closed Session Board Meeting |
Closing Art Reception |
Closing Reception: Karen Redding |
CLUE - Private meeting |
CLUE Forum |
CLUE forum: "What's Love Got To Do With It? A Faith Perspective on the LUVE Initiative."
CLUE LA - Private Meeting |