
Sep 2006
From Our Minister: 

Our new program, LifespanReligious Exploration forAdults, begins thismonth. After nearly a year of shaping our mission,gathering a committee, recruiting leaders,and reviewing curricula, we have our first offeringsfor you. Here are some highlights of coursesto begin in late September and into the fall:

From Our President: 

While I was preparing forthe annual meeting ofthe congregation inMay, it became apparent that our church doesn'tpublish a comprehensive annual report. Ourbylaws call for reports from the President, Treasurerand Minister(s) at the annual meeting, butthese have been oral presentations and they havenot been published for distribution after themeeting. Reports from committee chairs are alsorequired by the bylaws, but it isn't clear whichcommittees are required to make a report andhow these reports should be distributed.

Melinda Ewen and I felt we should change thissituation by publishing a true annual report thisyear. I'm happy to say that our joint effort hasborne fruit-the Annual Report for 2005-2006 ishot off the press and available in the churchoffice. Please stop by the office and pick up acopy to read at your leisure. It is also available here.

Briefly stated, here are some highlights of thereport.

News & Announcements: 

Interweave Supports Common Ground

Danny Getzoff, Judy Federick and Hugo FariasThe Sixth Annual All-Church Interweave Picnicwas held August 13 to raise funds for CommonGround, the Westside’s Homeless Youth Program. Photo shows Danny Getzoff(Deputy Director of CommonGround), Judy Federick, and Hugo Farias (Directorof Common Ground Westside).


Shop 'til You Drop

Attention all grocery shoppers. If you have a cardfor Ralphs, Vons, Pavilions, or Albertsons, you canhelp raise money for the church with every purchase.To sign up, bring your card to church andsign up in ForbesHall or contactGerrie Lambson orMarge Zifferblatt.The grocery storespay a percentageon each purchase.This is an easy wayto earn money forthe church.


Green Living Group to Form

Attending the Sustainability Class here at church has raised the participants'awareness of the many things each person can do to lessen the impact of ourdaily existence. We want to share the ways we have reduced our consumptionand use of energy. The group is open to all interested. We meet on Saturday,once a month in Forbes Hall. For date and time of meeting, please contact SandraTrutt.


Living Green

Here are some tips from Sustainable Works on transportation. If we changeour behavior in these five ways, we can positively affect the environment.

1. Rideshare, bike, walk or take the bus whenever possible.

2. Keep your car well tuned.

3. Buy locally made or locally grown products.

4. Trip Link - consolidae daily errands to eliminate unnecessary driving.

5. Shut off the engine of your car when waiting.

For more information or to join the Green Living group, contact SandraTrutt.

Faith in Action News: 

FIA Issues Election will be on September 24

As the new Faith in Action (FIA) chair, Iwould like to thank Charles and ChristineHaskell for their dedicated work duringCharles' three-year tenure as chair. I would alsolike to thank Judith and the members of the commissionfor their support. I realize that I have verybig shoes to fill.

FIA is holding the annual Issues Election onSunday, September 24, at 12:30, in the Sanctuary.I strongly urge as many of you to attend as areable. As a congregation, a community, and citizensof California, we have very importantchoices coming up in this November's election.Do we want to see affordable health care for allCalifornians, not just those able to pay? Do wewant "clean money" financing future elections?How as a congregation are we going to act onActions of Immediate Witness from this pastJune's General Assembly?

Please give somethought to thesequestions and bringup your own topics.Each suggested topicwill receive a vote.The top three votecarriers will determinewhat actionsFIA will take for thiscoming churchyear. Rememberthat a churchmember or friend has to be willing to take thelead and organize a group to follow through onthe issue. The procedures will be explained at themeeting.

Lunch will be sold after the service.

Please contact me if you would like to suggest any topics for the Issues Election.

- Cathie Gentile


Support for Daybreak Wanted

Long-time Social Action Committee member Dagmar Schnauss,has been coordinating delivery of food items to Daybreak Day Center and Shelter,which works exclusively with mentally ill homeless women in Santa Monica. Dagmarand a group of committed volunteers have been providing casseroles once a monthfor approximately the last 10 years. Dagmar is no longer able to continue thiseffort. If you would like to take up this worthy cause please contact CathieGentile. Any current or former members of the Social Action Committeeare cordially invited to attend the Faith in Action Commission meetings. Thenext meeting is Sunday, September 10, 12:30 to 2 p.m., in Room 4.

Cathie Gentile

Splinters from the Board: 

The board approved motions at the lastmeeting to appoint Carol Agate to be ourPacific Southwest District (PSWD) representative.In the election for UUA representativefrom the PSWD, the board agreed to award allof our votes to the one candidate who gets themost votes at the September board meeting.

The board approved an expenditure of notmore than $10,000 of Capital Campaign fundsto Kendall Planning and Design for the followingfacility planning services required for theproposed renegotiation of the current varianceand conditional use permit (CUP) placed onour property by the city of Santa Monica:

Other UU News & Events: 

Special Election in September to Choose PSWD Trustee

In September, congregations of the Pacific SouthwestDistrict (PSWD) will vote for the new trustee to serve onthe UUA board. We will have a congregational meetingto cast our votes, and I am trying to arrange a forum at ourchurch for available candidates to speak. I will also beobtaining handouts stating their positions. Another optionfor meeting the candidates is to attend a district-sponsoredforum on August 24 at 7 p.m. at the Studio City UUChurch.

The candidates who have filed to run for the Trusteeposition are John Blue, Neighborhood Church, Pasadena;Nancy Edmundson, Unitarian Society, Santa Barbara; TomLoughrey, Orange Coast UU Church, Costa Mesa; andJoAnne Smith, Valley UU Church, Chandler.

The best way for you to find out their opinions now isto subscribe to PSWD-L. (Go,click on "Programs& Services," select "Communication Forums," select"E-mail lists" in left column, click on "Click here for analphabetical listing of all UUA Sponsored Lists," scrolldown to and select "PSWD-L.") If you have a question tosubmit to the candidates, e-mail it to gilajones at She will pass the questions along to the candidatesand they'll be given about a week to submit theiranswers. The answers will be put into a single e-mailand sent simultaneously to the list.If you don't have e-mail or don't want tosubscribe, give me your question. I'llsend it in and give you theanswers.

- Carol Agate

Embracing Our TheologicalDiversity

The Pacific Southwest District Leadership Resources Team is happy to announcean exciting workshop to be offered at three locations across the District.  Asa way of furthering the conversation around our diverse membership we willhost a workshop titled “Embracing Our Theological Diversity” withthe Rev. Dr. Tom Owen-Towle, Interim Minister Summit UU Fellowship and  memberof the UUA Commission on Appraisal as our Keynote Speaker.  Besides thekeynote talk there will be opportunity for participants to interact.

The workshop will run from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  The workshop closestto our congregation will be held at the Unitarian Society of Santa Barbaraon Saturday, September 30.  Registrationmaterial has been sent to each congregation and will be available on our websiteat  There willbe no charge for individuals to attend but we will be asking each congregationsending people to contribute $25 for the costs.  If you have any questionscontact

September 30, 2006 - UnitarianSociety of Santa Barbara, SantaBarbara, California

October 7, 2006 - UnitarianUniversalist Fellowship of San Dieguito, SolanaBeach, California      

October 14, 2006 - ValleyUnitarian Universalist Church, Chandler,Arizona

RE News: 

From Our DRE

Catherine Farmer Welcome to the2006