RE Weekly Updates - April 12, 2013
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Calendar of upcoming events:
Saturday, 4/13
COA/YRUU Outing – Get Your Bounce On!
Sunday, 4/14
UUCCSM T-shirt sale continues, benefitting the YRUU trip to New Orleans!
8th-9th O.W.L. meets
10th-12th O.W.L. meets
Second Sunday Supper – fun and fellowship for all ages! 6pm in Forbes
Tuesday, 4/16
Under-5 Play Group meets, 9:30-11:00am in the cottage
Sunday, 4/21
8th-9th O.W.L. meets
10th-12th O.W.L. meets
Tuesday, 4/23
Under-5 Play Group meets, 9:30-11:00am in the cottage
Sunday, 4/28
YRUU Sunday Service – don’t miss it!
Faith in Action Sunday for 1st-5th grades – doggy treats for shelter puppies
8th-9th O.W.L. meets (begins at 12:30 today only)
10th-12th O.W.L. meets (begins at 12:30 today only)
Tuesday, 4/30
Under-5 Play Group meets, 9:30-11:00am in the cottage
Volunteer Opportunities:
NEW Helpers Needed for 1st-5th Grade Doggy Treat Social Justice Sunday, April 28: While our older youth are attending the YRUU service, elementary youth will be making doggy treats to donate to a local shelter, and we’ll have a special visit from rescue group Dawgsquad. We’re looking for a couple of adults, during either the 9:00 or 11:00 service, to assist with the project. If you’d enjoy taking part, please let me know by contacting or 310-829-5436 x105.
NEW Makeup artist help needed for Youth Service on Sunday, April 28: This year’s YRUU youth service has a special zombie theme – using the pop-culture phenomenon to explore issues of disconnection and relationship, finding your passion and living in the moment - and our youth are looking for someone with makeup experience to help prep the youth for the service, at 8:30 & 10:30 on the 28th. If you’d like to help out, contact or 310-829-5436 x105.
This Week in RE:
· Preschool-Kindergarten: “My Shadow” This week our preschool classes will continue exploring our wonderful world with stories and activities that focus on our shadows. Meets in the NW room of the cottage.
· 1st-2nd Grade (Spirit Seekers): “The Mountain that Loved a Bird” This Sunday we’ll begin our exploration of April’s theme of TRANSFORMATION with a story about a mountain whose existence was utterly transformed by the unwavering kindness of a bird named Joy. Meets in the SE room of the cottage.
· 3rd-5th Grade: “It Came from Outer Space. Or Not.” This week our UUniverse Story classes will continue their exploration of the origins of life with a look at different theories scientists have developed to explain how life on our Earth began. Meets in Room 2, the second room down the hallway upstairs above Forbes Hall.
· 6th-7th Grade (Compass Points): “Going to Extremes” This week we’ll explore the concept of whether people are born good or bad, or whether they become that way through their life’s experiences, will consider what makes a person do violent things, and will explore the idea of inherent worth and dignity – for everyone? Meets in Room 3, the third room down the hallway upstairs above Forbes Hall.
· 8th Grade (Coming of Age) – 9:00 only: This Sunday, the COA class will continue working on crafting their own service for the culmination of the Coming of Age program on May 19th. Meets in the mural room at the end of the hallway upstairs above Forbes Hall.
· 9th-12th Grade (Young Religious Unitarian Universalists) – 9:00 only: This Sunday YRUU will continue working on plans for their YRUU Sunday service on April 28th! Meets in Room 1, the first room at the top of the stairs above Forbes Hall.
Under-5 UU Play Group Starting 4/9: A weekday play group for children under 5 and their parents will begin meeting weekly on Tuesdays from 9:30-11:00 am in the Cottage nursery, beginning next week on April 9th. Contact Jonathan Bijur for more info.
UUCCSM Shirt Sale Continues this Week! Show your UUCCSM pride and help support our YRUU youth’s fund-raising effort for their service-learning trip to New Orleans this summer by purchasing a special UUCCSM t-shirt! Shirts are $25 each and are available in a wide variety of styles and sizes and come in a rainbow of colors, with our UUCCSM logo printed in white. We have t-shirts in adult and child sizes, women’s cut short-sleeve and ¾ sleeve t-shirts, and long-sleeve t-shirts! On sale now in the courtyard on Sundays following the service – purchase one of the shirts we have on hand, or place an order for the exact shirt you want if it’s not already available. Hint: these shirts are GREAT to wear as part of the UUCCSM contingent at the Pride Parade in June, or if you purchase a white shirt they’d be perfect for tie-dying, on your own, at our UUCCSM church camp in September or on Tie-Dye Sunday in summer RE! NOTE: If you ordered a shirt last Sunday, it has arrived an can be picked up this week!
Let’s Go to Camp this Summer! de Benneville Pines Summer Camp Registration Open: Flyers and registration information for this year’s Summer Camps at our lovely UU camp in the mountains are now available online. UUCCSM has its own church camp weekend in September each year (HIGHLY recommended), but there are many more opportunities to go to camp for people of all ages throughout the summer. See below or check out the full roster of programs at
What is Camp de Benneville Pines? Owned by our UU district (including SoCal, Arizona and part of Nevada), the camp is located in the Barton Flats area of the San Bernardino National Forest, about 90 miles east of Los Angeles. At an elevation of 6,800 feet, the camp is surrounded by a forest of towering pines, cedars, and oaks. The mission of Camp de Benneville Pines is to provide a mountain retreat where Unitarian Universalist principles and values are lived and celebrated in community.
Elementary Summer Camp, “Generosity of Spirit,” June 30 – July 6, 2013
For youth completing grades 2-5.
Please join us as we play, sing, laugh, swim and enjoy the greatness of being in community with Unitarian Universalists from all over the Pacific Southwest District. We talked last summer about how “what we bring to the world is exactly what the world needs from us.” This summer, we will explore the many ways in which we can share who we areand be where we are needed. As always, we will have tons, tons, tons of fun!
Jr. High Summer Camp, “Keep the Unity in ComUUnity,” July 7 - 13, 2013
For youth completing grades 6-8.
This year, our Junior High summer camp will be centered around becoming peacemakers in our lives and in the world! Each day we will focus on one of the following: respect, communication, listening, forgiving, and living courageously. Living peacefully - at home, at school, with friends - begins with us and spreads like ripples in water. Campers will also participate in swimming, hiking, canoeing, archery, crafts and more!
YRUU Sr High Summer Camp, “Camp IllUUminate-Us,” July 14 - 20, 2013
For youth completing grades 9-12.
Let that little light of yours shine brightly at Camp IllUUminate-Us, a spectacular summer week of self-discovery and fun in a caring, accepting community. Roast marshmallows, tell stories and worship, all around a blazing bonfire. Join in groups to share your favorite song and learn about each other. Come to Summer Camp! You'll get to discover wonderful friendships, work together in team building games at our Summer Olympics, and enjoy an exciting star-gazing evening, all the while singing "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!" Who wouldn't want to let their individuality shine and grow within our spectacular district-wide youth community? Enjoy all of your favorite workshops and events, not to mention quite a few new activities. You can expect an illuminating and exciting week at Camp DeBenneville Pines! We hope to see you there!!
UU Family Camp, “Exploring the Interdependent Web”, July 21-27, 2013,
Unitarian Universalists affirm and promote 7 key principals or beliefs within our congregations and communities. The 7th principal states: " Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. But who is included in our web? Does it include all life? What does “respect” actually mean? What does it mean to be “interdependent?” How can we teach our children? How can we influence one another? In this year’s Family Camp, let’s explore the interdependent web and how we are each a part of it. In our beautiful natural setting, we can spend a week together making music, "capturing the flag", tie-dyeing, staring at trees, hiking, contemplating, swimming, worshiping, laughing and playing. In a co-operative environment, we will explore together what it means to be part of an interdependent web. Price includes lodging, all meals, all workshops and activities, including hiking, swimming, canoeing, playing, music making, archery and arts & crafts. Oh yes, and all the R & R you can fit into the week! Register early; this camp sells out. An extra perk for UUCCSM folks: the Camp Dean is our very own Amy Brunell!
Please sign up to bring snack for your child’s RE Class: Most of our RE classes still have lots of open spots for parents to sign up to bring a snack to class. Children and youth value snack highly as part of their RE experience; parents, please take part in making sure it’s available every Sunday! Here are links to online signup pages for each class; just fill in your last name for the Sundays you’re willing to help out, and you’ll get a reminder email midweek leading up to the Sundays you’ve signed up for.
· 9:00 Preschool-K: document/d/ 1ufVuIEr6mprU7qJoBIB5zLLa_ 3jE9N7fr3A4zTaWhMk/edit#
· 9:00 1st-2nd Grades: document/d/ 1AF3KpLXhQQ3VjhG6iUoJ_pnLty_ UXzI9ZeitbBd0H8M/edit#
· 9:00 3rd-5th Grades: document/d/110AaDJ89pZT_ ZjO9lVreQ27fKGmKOFOho7AKExSyLR I/edit#
· 9:00 6th-7th Grades: document/d/ 1EKU4mbGqhw44nPj9LdfW27- csnLDHW5QmxOrejIam74/edit
· 9:00 8th Grade (COA): document/d/ 1FB5jHL7YoaH108ssr5IJGlnhiK8jg 20s0Koj11Lm3ps/edit
· 9:00 9th-12th YRUU: document/d/ 1oqqIus8jaWyxtJYmWcNpmbsosVpi1 TfA-F11_sSAwnU/edit
· 11:00 Preschool-K: document/d/1gPziJCMxNoRq4- 0griRoMOrkjZZ5jMqfEzieCUTWpFs/ edit#heading=h.gjdgxs
· 11:00 1st-2nd Grades: document/d/1UnitBIIPUViUOH- hIAYZD4eMoNSv_Tbpd8pFyCs-q34/ edit#
· 11:00 3rd-5th Grades: document/d/ 1zMN3zUu13da4GFt8xgIBQbnoRP1PL h_kA3qr_IYx_xE/edit#
· 11:00 6th-7th Grades: document/d/12d_ JtawEjyetDi1mFIKU_ Ds8v0KqpCcVEiTGhHEIJZE/edit
RE Books Wish List on Amazon: Another arm of the “master wish list” for the RE program, is an Amazon Wishlist of books and supplies that will be useful in RE classes this year or that will be valuable resources for teachers & families in our church. We do have some money earmarked for purchases, but we are running on a tight RE budget, and donations are happily accepted. If you’d like to help out by donating to the program, check out the Amazon list at (Used books in “good” condition are just fine!) THANK YOU to the members who have already sent books or other supplies our way – they are so appreciated!
UU Everyday (resources and ideas for practicing your UU values at home):
Chalice Lighting Words of the Week (April’s Theme – TRANSFORMATION):
April 14:
As others before us have sought to make ordinary times special by lighting a candle, we now seek to transform this ordinary time into a special and sacred one by lighting the flaming chalice, symbol of our faith.
-- Penny Hackett-Evans
For the 2012-13 church year we’re trying out a new way of living as one lifespan religious community: congregation-wide ministry themes. Each month we’ll explore a new theme, and in April our theme is TRANSFORMATION. The chalice lightings shared here will be used in all of our RE classes, and I hope that your family will also share it at home during the week. I’m tickled by the idea of all of our UUCCSM families sharing a reflection in common each week as we go about our daily lives.
At-Home Ideas to Explore our Congregational Theme for April - TRANSFORMATION
Books for Children:
· Arrow to the Sun: A Pueblo Indian Tale, Gerald McDermott, Puffin, 1977
· Hope for the Flowers, Trina Paulus, Paulist Press, 1997
· How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Dr. Seuss, Random House Books for Young Readers, 1957
· The Story of Jumping Mouse, John Steptoe, HarperCollin, 1989
Further Resources for Adults:
· Explore the following readings in Singing the Living Tradition published by the Unitarian Universalist Association. (Our hymnal)
o #437 by Kenneth L. Patton
o #441 by Jacob Trapp
o #479 by Denise Levertov
o #483 by Wendell Berry
o #504 by e. e. cummings
o #510 by Jane Rzepka
o #529 by Rabindranath Tagore
o #531 by Ralph Waldo Emerson
o #627 by Max A. Coots
o #628 by Sara Moores Campbell
· Video: Joseph Campbell: Sukhavat, Acorn Media, 2005
· Transcendence: Philosophy, Literature, and Theology Approach the Beyond, Regina Schwartz, Routledge, 2004
· The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, Joseph Chilton Pearce. Park Street Press, 2004
· Sermon ‘When I Was a Child’ by Rev. Jeanne Nieuwejaar, words/sermons/submissions/ 20137.shtml
This Week in UU History: (From This Day in Unitarian Universalist History, by Frank Schulman)
April 17, 1648: John Webberly was imprisoned in Oxford, England, for translating and publishing Unitarian books. He remained in prison until his death.
April 17, 1774: Theophilus Lindsey founded the Unitarian Society (now Essex Street Chapel) in London. The first services were held with 200 attending, including Benjamin Franklin, who joined the church. Many historians consider this the beginning of the Unitarian movement in England. The Unitarian Society was the first church in England organized on Unitarian principles. At that time it was a criminal offense in England to express Unitarian views.
April 17, 1978: The pioneering Unitarian religious educator Sophia Lyon Fahs, who was ordained a minister when she was 82, died at age 101 in Hamilton, Ohio.
April 18, 1827: The Boston Sunday School Society was organized in the Berry Street vestry of the Federal Street Church in Boston (now the Arlington Street Church). In 1868 the name was changed to the Unitarian Sunday School Society.
April 19, 1813: Benjamin Rush, a physician, devout Universalist, and signed of the Declaration of Independence, died in Philadelphia at age 67.
April 19, 1882: Charles Darwin, the Unitarian naturalist who formulated the theory of evolution, died at age 73.