November, 2004

November, 2004

Our Fourth Annual Issues Election

The Faith in Action Commission calls a town hall meeting each September toreview our ongoing witness and advocacy programs and to prioritize possiblenew social action initiatives. Our fourth annual meeting was held September26, with more than 30 participants.

The FIA Commission recommended that all of our current programs be continued,but with some changes in leadership and emphasis. This recommendation was stronglyendorsed by the church members present at the meeting.

There was a resounding endorsement of our church's approach to helping hungryand homeless people in our community. We continue an active collaboration withthe Westside Shelter and Hunger Coalition (WSHC). Marge Zifferblatt has ledthis effort for many years, with help from Charles Haskell since 2003. Threemember organizations of the WSHC and one of its major public events have beenthe focus of our church's work.

The longest association has been with the Westside Food Bank. Our church donatesfood to this organization every Sunday, and twice a year we help sort food collectedby Postal Service food drives. Paula Bernstein coordinates this activity.

Our second longest association has been with Turning Point, a program of transitionalhousing managed by the Ocean Park Community Center (OPCC). Janet Goodwin anda team of volunteers prepare periodic meals for this organization.

The third and most recent association is with Step Up on Second, a programof housing and case management for the ambulatory mentally ill. Lyn and GeorgeArmondo and more than 40 volunteers prepare monthly dinners for the organization'sclients living in Santa Monica. Our final contribution has been in support ofWSHC's annual success breakfast honoring people who have been able to make thetransition from homelessness to relative self-sufficiency.

Economic justice was endorsed as an ongoing program of our church, but withnew leadership. We want to thank Cathie Gentile for leading this effort lastyear and to welcome Mar Preston as the new coordinator of this effort. Continuationof our criminal justice reform initiative under the leadership of Patrick Barbushwas also endorsed.

For the last two years we have had an active Peace and Civil Liberties Committeeunder the direction of S. J. Guidotti. With his resignation as chair in August,the committee has decided to hibernate until after the November elections. Whilethe members of the committee consider their options, Charles Haskell will beserving as the contact person for this initiative.

The following core FIA programs and liaison responsibilities were stronglyendorsed without a change in leadership: UU-United Nations Office (Eleanor Eagan);UUSC (Simon Huss and Rachel Donaldson); Women's Alliance (Lyn Armondo); Interweave(Ron Crane); FIA Bulletin (Charles Haskell); and FIA Speaker Series (Max Epstein).We also decided to add the California UU Legislative Ministry to the list ofthese core FIA functions.

At the request of the Rev. Lindi Ramsden, executive director of the CaliforniaUU Legislative Ministry, a straw vote was taken to see which of the issues currentlyunder review by the California UULM was of greatest concern to our congregation.Healthcare access legislation and support of legislation to legalize same-sexmarriage stood out as the issues of greatest interest.

As part of a discussion of possible new initiatives, Marv Pulliam providedan overview of our church's new small group ministry program (covenant groups).He explained how the groups function and how they democratically choose shortterm projects of community service. After full discussion it was decided thatFIA would not undertake a major new witness and advocacy initiative this yearthat might compete with the covenant groups. Rather, we look forward to seeingwhat kinds of community service projects are chosen by the various covenantgroups during the coming year. Hopefully, this new program will help us deepenour church's involvement in social action and community service. As stated bythe Rev. Ramsden, this may be another way we can take concern for social justiceand community involvement "from the porch to the living room of our congregations."

-Charles Haskell Chair, Faith in Action


Calling Food Sorters: Put Thursday, Dec. 2 on Your Calendars

Once again, it's time for our December Food Sort at the Westside Food Bank.Here's our chance to respond to a real need to help hungry people by sortingthe cans and boxes of food collected by the Food Bank, and putting them intoboxes for the agencies that distribute groceries. Please plan to join us onThursday, December 2, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., at the Westside Food Bank, 1710 22ndStreet, Santa Monica. Last December, we sorted 11,250 pounds of food. It's afun and worthwhile project for the entire family. For more information, callPaula Bernstein
