Newsletter for February, 2001
At the January 28 meeting, capital campaign chair Ray Goodman reportedthat our pre-capital fund drive has already raised more than $1.25 million incash and endowment pledges toward the $2.5 million estimated cost of the buildingproject...and outlined plans for raising the remainder of the balance throughcongregational contributions and real estate loans.
In April, President Jim Cadwell proposed a plan for carrying out the capitalcampaign, and a motion was passed unanimously that the board will empower thesteering committee to evaluate and schedule the next step in the capital campaign.
UUSM Building and Expansion History
1926: Santa Monica congregation organized.
1927: Congregation begins meeting in home of Rev. Lawrence Hayward. AllSouls Unitarian Church of Santa Monica officially founded. Rev. James MacDonaldbegins his ministry, conducting services in a room of the Santa Monica Womens'sClub
1930: Church buys 18th street property and constructs and builds thecurrent building (with a parsonage cottage added later at the back of the property).
1950s: An open porch is added to the minister's study, and the churchoffice is enclosed for church school use, and a room connecting the back ofthe church to the parsonage is built. Parsonage is converted to Sunday schooluse and minister moves off campus.
1959-60: Forbes Hall built, with classrooms above, to accommodate newgrowth. Sanctuary is also expanded to the north, into the former social hall.
1966: Property on 17th Street is purchased to provide room for futureexpansion.
1980s: The organ is built installed and dedicated.
1992: The Anderson Courtyard and the Mitchell Marcus memorial fountainare dedicated.
1994: Northridge earthquake badly damages the church and shakes the 17thStreet house off its foundation.
1997: House removed from 17th Street lot.
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