
May 2008
From Our Minister: 

This is the third year our Coming of Age servicecoincides with our Annual Meeting Sunday,May 18. As it turns out, it's a happy confluenceof events. In the morning we recognize and affirmour young people and in the afternoon we conductbusiness for the future of the church.

I know that this year will be a somewhat differentAnnual Meeting than usual. I will deliver myfinal Annual Report of the Minister and you willinstall a Board of Directors that will work with aninterim minister. It's a time of uncertainty and sayinggoodbye for all of us.

It's also a good time to acknowledge the manystrengths you possess - a group of teens celebratingComing of Age, another group getting ready fortheir heritage trip to Boston, President Ron Cranedemonstrating that he can lead us through any crisis,each of you supporting each other and makingcommunity together. All at the same time as you areremodeling your buildings and getting ready for thefuture.

These are the strengths of a healthy institution.When we get to May 18 we'll take the time to appreciatethem. Whatever the future brings I am certainthat you will meet your challenges and exceed yourdreams.

- Judith Meyer

From Our President: 

It is time to practice democracy

Our Annual Business Meeting on May 18 is of particularimportance:

News & Announcements: 

Limited space is stillavailable as UUCCSMmembers and friends head tobeautiful Camp de Benneville Pines, locatedin the San Bernardino Mountains just 100 miles east ofSanta Monica, for a fun-filled and relaxing weekendtogether. This year's annual retreat weekend is June 13through 15.

Singles, couples, and families young and old enjoyclean mountain air, lots of activities, great food and fellowship.Rustic heated cabins are clean and comfortable,with indoor plumbing and hot showers, for "roughingit, gently." Registration for the weekend (generallyunder $150/person with discounts for kids) includestwo nights lodging, meals Friday night through Sundaylunch, and all kinds of activities from archery to canoeing,yoga to mindfulness meditation, dam building tosing-a-longs, adult hot-tubbing and a pool with a lifeguard.Please contact Margot Page, de Benneville WeekendRegistrar, at (310) 821-5169 with any questions.

Do you have a skill or talent to share? We are lookingfor people to lead activities and workshops during theweekend. We would like to provide a variety of workshopsfor all ages and tastes, so please get in touch withus if you plan to attend the weekend and would be willingto lead an activity.

Want to sample the camp experience by DVD? Wehave a limited number of copies of a short film that capturesthe essence of our beloved camp.

Contact Jacki Weber, de Benneville Weekend ProgramDean orAmy Lacombe, Vice-Program Dean, or Margot Page. More information on de Bennevilleis at


A Big Step Up for Disabled Members and Guests

People with physical disabilities will now find it easierto reach the chancel, thanks to the sturdy aluminumramp we have just purchased. People in wheelchairs ormotorized scooters, or anyone who just can't climbstairs, can now get from the sanctuary floor up to thechancel for choir performances, other music performances,lighting the chalice, or making announcements.

In order to leave passageways in the sanctuaryclear, the ramp is being stored on the floor to the rightof the doors into Forbes Hall. Since it takes two peopleto unfold it and set it up for each use, please notify thechurch office in advance if you will need it. Instructionsfor use will be placed with the ramp.

We've worked on this for a long time, and are gratefulto those who met, measured, discussed, designed,compared, e-mailed, and finally completed this project:Carol Agate, Melinda Ewen, S.J. Guidotti, JoeHardin, Karl Lisovsky, Ren Renshaw, Peggy Rhoads, andSara van Dyck. Pat Parkerton deserves special thanks asthe key, the person who came up with the solution.Church members should be proud that this is anotherstep toward making our services truly welcoming toeveryone.

- Sara van Dyckand members of the Disabilities Subcommittee


Thank You!

Pat Parkerton, who led two town hall meetings on thebuilding program last month. Pat has shown us how tocome together to hear each other's concerns and staytogether to build consensus. Our appreciation goes toher for her leadership skill, for the time she has given toour process, and for her contribution to our buildingprogram.


Guidelines for Sunday Announcements and Flyers and Tables in Forbes

Happily, our congregation isinvolved in many activities,which requires management of our spatial resources,especially on Sunday.

Melinda Ewen, director of administration, pointsout that there is limited space for announcements andflyers in the Sunday morning order of service. To makeit possible for the greatest number of requests for spaceto be met, Melinda often needs to edit text submittedfor announcements. Events held outside the church orby non-UUCCSM organizations can be submitted forthe "Opportunities Outside Our Church" announcementsection, which is e-mailed and posted on bulletinboards, but not printed in the order of service. There isa limit of two flyers (four sides) in each OOS, which mayrestrict flyer use to one time only. Deadline forannouncements and flyers is 8 a.m. every Thursday

Melinda and our other office professionals, HollyNguyen and Rima Snyder, also assign floor space fortables and displays in Forbes Hall on Sunday. If youhave need for either publicity or a presence in Forbes,please call the church office staff, who will be pleased toassist you.


Why Attend the May 18 Annual Meeting?

To give your final OK so we can start building.

To elect the people who will appoint the committeeto find our next minister.

To decide where to spend and what to cutfrom next year's budget.

Need more reasons?See our president's column.

Faith in Action News: 

Join the Pride Parade

Come join us for this year's LGBT Pride Celebration andParade on Sunday, June 8.All are invited to march: singles and families,adults and children,gay and straight together.Lastyear our congregation had over 30 marchers - let's double that this year.The walk is very manageable and the experienceis exhilarating (just ask one of the many who have done it).Many of you already have your T-shirt so come be part of ourcolorful UU rainbow. It's truly a DON'T MISS event. Contact Janet Goodwin to say that you are interested(I'll put you on the e-mail list of updates). The general time frame is 9:30/10 a.m. to 12:30/1:30 p.m. but the actualmarching is around an hour and a quarter. Let's show Los Angeles that we stand on the side of love.

- Janet Goodwin

Interweave Seeks Help for Common Ground

Interweave, our affiliate group for bisexuals, gays,lesbians, and transgenders, and their friends and allies,will be collecting jeans and sweatshirts for homelessyouth who seek services at Common Ground, the WestsideHIV Community Center. Common Ground,located at 2012 Lincoln Blvd. in Santa Monica, provideshomeless youth basic resources (clothing, hygieneproducts, an address to receive mail); medical, mental,and dental health services; HIV prevention; legal advocacy;and job/educational support.

Please bring new or gently used, clean items to theInterweave table in Forbes Hall after services in March.In subsequent months, we'll be collecting other clothingand art items for the youth-we'll keep you postedon what they need.

For more information about Common Ground andtheir needs, visit,e-mail, or call(310) 314-5480. Also contact our liaison with CommonGround, Judy Federick if you would like to help out or if youhave questions.


Thanks for the Undies

Once again you have been generous with those inneed. Thanks to you, we have distributed underwearfor:

Green Living Committee: 

E-Waste Collection Day

Saturday, May 3, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. will be ourE-Waste Collection Day. State law requires that all electronicequipment be recycled. This includes TVs, computers,monitors, modems, cell phones, VCR and CDplayers, fax machines, phones and phone systems,printers, stereos, and PDAs. All of these items will becollected at no charge. Please do not bring batteries orany other non-electronic items.

The collection site will be in the alley behind thecottage. For more information, call Sandra Trutt.


Recycle It

As our congregation works to grow and be moreresponsible to the environment, we are adding recyclecontainers in each room. Our goal is to have one recyclebin by each trashcan in all our classrooms andmeeting rooms.

All recycle containers including the one in theoffice can be used for cans, bottles, paper, and plastic.Items must be clean. If an item is dirty from food andcan't be washed, please put it in the trash containergoing to the landfill.

Thank you.

Splinters from the Board: 

At the meeting on April 8, Pat Parkerton of theCongregational Concerns subcommittee of theNew Building Committee reviewed the results ofthe Town Hall Meetings on March 31 and April 6. Resultswere a mixture of compromise and consensus. Planswere approved for the landscaping of the parkway andthe courtyard. The understanding was that plans wouldmove forward for remodeling of Forbes Hall, but nocommitment could be made until it is known howmuch money will be available for that phase of the project.The current goal is for front landscaping to be completedthis summer, side courtyard and alley parking tobe paved this fall, and Forbes remodeling to be plannedthis summer with work to begin after the first of January.

Melinda Ewen, Director of Administration, reportedthat with the resignation of Sherman Neusom and additionof new members Ian McAllister and Stephan Garboski,church membership is now 413.

S.J. Guidotti, chair of the Nominating Committee,presented the slate of candidates for the Board of Directorsand for the Nominating Committee for calendaryear 2008 to 2009. The Nominating Committee, withsuggestions from the congregation and approval of theboard, will create a Search Committee for the SettledMinister.

The board reviewed and amended the agenda forthe Annual Meeting scheduled for May 18.

Melinda reported that the collection of pledges isup and expenses are down, so the operating accountsare close to the budget, though overall, both incomeand expenses are below expectations.

Rebecca Crawford, Finance Committee chair, presentedthe budget to be proposed to the congregation atthe May 18 Annual Meeting for July 2008 to June 2009.The board accepted the budget with one vote abstentionand recommended approval by the congregation.

The board approved a motion to appoint BronwenJones to chair the Interim Minister Task Force. The taskforce includes Beverly Alison, Kathy Cook, Rob Briner,and Beth Rendeiro. The board also approved a motionto allocate $3,000 to the committee to conduct thesearch.

Marsha Smith and Laurel Bleak are coming to theend of their term as co-chairs of the Membership andLeadership (M&L) Committee. The board approved arequest for the Nominating Committee to recruit newco-chairs as well as four new members. The board alsoapproved the Nominating Committee to recruit a volunteer Congregational Life Coordinator to work closelywith the M&L Committee.

The Rev. Judith Meyer announced that her last Sundayin the pulpit will be June 29, though she will be hereintermittently in July and August to attend to pastoralneeds and to clear the minister's office.

Catherine Farmer, DRE, was not at the meetingbecause she was attending a family funeral out of town.She left a report that Kindergarten/First Grade OWLbegan on April 13, following the parent orientation onApril 6. She also left a document entitled "Guidelines forRequesting Childcare at UUCCSM" (see page 3).

Music Director Steve Wight reported that preparationscontinue for the choir concert on May 10. Goodnews is that Michael Lamb, former tenor section leader,will be returning for the performance and will be movingback to this area in the fall.

- Gerrie Lambson

RE News: 

Catherine FarmerFrom Our DRE

Spring is always the busiest time of year in ReligiousEducation (RE), when we're simultaneously wrappingup the year in our classrooms, putting togetherour Coming of Age and RE Sunday services, recognizinggraduating high school seniors in a special Bridging Ceremony,planning and recruiting for our summer RE programs,all the while creating the structure and vision forour next year's program to be kicked off in September.Whew! That's a lot to have going on all at once, especiallyon top of all of the larger transitions happening in ourchurch community this year, but I love being part of achurch community that is so vibrant, so very active.

We have an RE program to be proud of here atUUCCSM, and its high quality is very much dependenton the generous gifts of time and energy given by churchmembers who have volunteered to teach in RE classes,or coordinate special events, or serve on the RE Council,or help out in any number of ways large and small. Youmade this program what it is.

The flip side is that it is also you who will determinewhat our program will be next year. By now RE familieshave already been asked to participate in a survey thatwill generate feedback about your vision for the religiouseducation of your children and youth. And we'vegot a lot of great stuff in store for the RE program nextyear. We're in the market for volunteers; recruiting forour 2008