March, 2004
The FIA Bulletin is Available Online
The goal of the FIA Bulletin is to publish original stories, essays, letters,poems, photographs, and related material created by church members in supportof the witness and advocacy program of our church.
The views expressed are those of the individual authors. Articles should notbe construed as official position statements of our church unless clearly identifiedas such. Editing is guided by an editorial board consisting of church members.
The first issue of the FIA Bulletin was mailed to everyone on the church newslettermailing list on March 15, 2003. Subsequent issues have been published as electronicdocuments.
Our most recent issue (Winter 2003-2004) was publishedelectronically on February 14. Printed copies may be found on the FIA tablein Forbes Hall.
The lead article in the Winter issue summarizes the results of our annual reviewof UUA/Commission on Social Witness proposals on February 8. Of particular notewas our decision to engage in the Study/Action Issue on penal reform. PatrickJ. Barbush will lead this effort. We also held a straw vote to prioritize fourproposed Study/Action Issues to be considered at General Assembly in June. Aproposal on gay marriage was the strong favorite of those congregants attendingthe meeting.
The Winter issue contains a rich blend of essays, news articles, photographs,and a poem. As always, the issue is dedicated to the original creative workof our congregants, with a strong emphasis on potential witness and advocacyissues. We hope you will find it engaging.
With few exceptions, the FIA Bulletin has been well received by the membersof our congregation with computer access to the Internet. But how do other membersfeel about the FIA Bulletin? Is our current approach to distribution adequateto the needs of our congregation? Are there other suggestions for improvingthe FIA Bulletin? Wouldn't you like to contribute an essay, photograph, or poemof your own for possible publication? Questions, comments, suggestions, andcreative work for publication are welcome. They can be placed in the FIA boxin the church office or sent to me.
--Charles Haskell, Editor, FIA Bulletin, Chair, Faith in Action Commission