
Mar 2003
Building News: 

Town Hall Meeting Planned

On Sunday, March 23, after the second service, there will be a presentationof the work done to date by our architect, Ralph Mechur. Fromthe time he took over the project until the end of January, all his attentionwas focused on the 17th Street property and working with the city. In February,he turned his attention to the sanctuary building and Forbes Hall. At our Marchtown hall meeting, Ralph will present his ideas to the congregation and memberswill have an opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions.

In addition to Ralph's plans, there are also some very preliminary plans drawnby our member, Fran Hotchkiss, who is a landscape designer.The focus of the design is the courtyard between the existing building on 17thStreet and the new building. After the presentation to the congregation, wewill consider plans for making a presentation to our neighbors.

Finances are an important element in the building equation. The capital campaignwe had last year went pretty well and we appreciate so many members and friendssupporting the program. We do still have additional funds to raise if we areto successfully complete the full scope of the building program. On March 23,Jim Cadwell, the chair of the capital campaign committee, willgive a brief update of the status of the campaign.