July, 2004

July, 2004

Should We Hang Banners on Our Church?

On August 1 we'll decide whether or not we should allow banners to be hungon the outside of our church. Personally, I support Interweave's proposal tohang a tasteful banner on our church that demonstrates our support of same-sexmarriage. This month's column will explore some of my reasons for supportingthis proposal.

An attractive banner can be educational. We celebrated our 75th anniversaryas a congregation in Santa Monica with a banner. It was a very nice reminderto our neighbors of our long presence in the community. The banner under considerationnow is a celebration of our denomination's longstanding support of samesex marriage.A public display of our moral stand on this critical issue would help educatethe public about our values and beliefs.

An attractive banner can help us reach out to likeminded souls on this issue.Neighbors and visitors to our part of Santa Monica may not be aware of our standon this moral issue. A banner would serve as an invitation to join us in thepursuit of same-sex marriage as a civil right.

Attractive banners on moral and religious issues could enliven and beautifyour church. This may be especially important as we undertake our major buildingprogram. Banners could provide an interesting contrast to the ugliness of aconstruction site.

I disagree with the argument that a banner on the issue of same-sex marriagewould be an inappropriate expression of a political point of view. From my perspective,any resolution or statement of conscience passed by two-thirds of our membersat an official church business meeting would be fair game for a Faith in Actionbanner on our church. This is one way we define and refine our religious worldview - through the democratic creation of resolutions and statements of conscience.

I disagree with the argument that banners on our church may invite vandalism.If we allow fear to be our guide on hanging banners, what does that say aboutour right to the free and responsible search for truth?

Faith in Action embraces education, service, witness and advocacy. I urge ourcongregation to approve the use of attractive banners as a new way of sharingour religious values with our community.

-Charles Haskell Chair, Faith in Action