
Jul 2008
From Our Minister: 

Thank you for voting at the annual meetingto name me Minister Emerita. I amhonored and thrilled that you have conferredthis status on me. Not only does it allowme to have a continuing relationship with thecongregation, but it validates my career in ministry.I am particularly grateful to Rebecca Crawford,who crafted the resolution with help fromher mother, Gaye Deal, and to the Board ofDirectors, who recommended this action to theannual meeting.

During the interim period over the nextcouple of years, however, I will not be active inthe congregation. The recommendation fromboth the Unitarian Universalist AssociationMinisterial Transitions Office and the UnitarianUniversalist Ministers Association is that thedeparting minister absent herself while thetransition takes place. Interim Minister RobertaHaskin and I have discussed this policy and willrevisit it from time to time together. She is mytransition coach.

My time away from the church and yoursearch process will inevitably change our relationship.But the covenant we have shared asminister and congregation - the trust you haveplaced in me - continues. As Minister Emerita Iwill have an altered role but I will still be a ministeramong you. We shall find out what that rolewill be as the future unfolds.

In the meantime, I will take the next coupleof years to let go of my involvement in thechurch, so that you can move forward. The Rev.Roberta Haskin is a skilled transitional leaderand a centering presence - for you and for me.We are all in good hands.

- Judith

From Our President: 

We have begun, again.

As you visit Church this month you'll see the progressionof the landscaping phase of the buildingprogram. The north, front, and south of the cottagewill be completed for our use by fall.

The New Building Committee chaired by TomHamilton and Pat Parkerton has recommended TerraForm Landscaping and the Board of Directors hasapproved the contract. The contract requires an expenditureof $290,000.

A great deal of the work will be "underground" interms of required subterranean construction. We won'tsee it, but our future courtyard/patio will in essence bea "second story" of an elaborate drainage and waterretention system.

In terms of being "Green" you're more apt to see theeffect in the Santa Monica Bay than what happens underour property.

The next phase of refurbishing the Forbes complexwill be studied, discussed at a Town Hall meeting todetermine priorities within our budget availability, andpresented to the congregation for approval in the fallwith a plan to begin construction by January.

Get ready for change: both physical and organizationally.

Judith will retire in August; Roberta Haskin willbegin her interim Ministry on September 1.

Our programs are going full speed - like a Priusgoing down the Grapevine during a Santa Ana.

Faith in Action is realizing the results of its longtermsupport of Marriage Equality; Religious Explorationis flourishing; Membership and Leadership isattracting and working to retain a bevy of new, youngermembers who are bringing to us an infusion of newenergy; our music program is magnificent, just listen;"Green" has become a way of life rather than being aconcept of the future; we are planning and will implementtechnology that will bring our UU message intothe astonishing age of technological presence.

It is an exciting time for our community. You are anintegral part of this exciting time.

Thank you all...

...for what we are and what we will continue to become.

- Ron Crane

News & Announcements: 

Summer Retirement Party for Judith

Sunday, August 24,11 a.m. to noonfollowing the 10 a.m. service.Details are still being planned.Volunteers are needed.Contact the church officeto join the retirement party team.


Can You Help Choose Our Settled Minister?

The Nominating Committee has the responsibilityof nominating a slate of nine candidates for theSettled Minister Search Committee. Although weare still enjoying Judith's care until August 31 and aninterim minster, Rev. Roberta Haskin, has been chosento help us for up to two years in our transition to a newminister, we recognize that our committee needs tomove without delay to develop a list of people interestedin being a part of the Search Committee. More informationwill be forthcoming in the next few months as wedevelop criteria for committee membership, but themain and obvious consideration is the amount of timerequired to be thoroughly and continually involved forthe duration of the process. This work may well requirea minimum of 20 hours monthly for more than a year.If you think you might be interested and/or want toknow more, please contact the Nominating Committeeby e-mail at nomcom@uusm.org or call the churchoffice at (310) 829-5436. Leave a message with yourname, phone, and e-mail address and we will be intouch. Thank you.

- Your Nominating Committee:Rob Briner, Liza Cranis, Cathie Gentile,Dayla McDonald, Karen Patch, and Pam Teplitz

Building News: 

New Building CommitteeBuilding Program Moves Ahead

The board signed a contract with Terra Form LandscapeCompany for the next phase of our building program.This phase includes landscaping and drainageconstruction, as approved by the congregation at theannual meeting in May. Congratulations to the congregationand the members of the New Building Committee,old and new, on taking this next step in our facilityupgrade.

(Photo, left to right: Ralph Mechur (architect), Ron Crane (church president), Tom Hamilton and Pat Parkerton (New Building Committee co-chairs) and Philip Castiglia of Terra Form Landscape Company.)

Faith in Action News: 

FIA Feeds the Homeless

A Mother's Day dinner was delivered to TurningPoint, a homeless shelter that our church supports, by aspecial group of women accompanied by some of theirchildren, who volunteered their time as a gift to theirmom.

Participating were Anne Gallagher with son Tom;Maria Groezinger and daughters, Emma and Hanna;Didi Rea and her daughter Josie; Barbara Kernochan,and Jessamine Winston. The recipients gave a bigapplause for the dinner - the chicken dish and thedesserts were especially big hits.

Faith in Action supports Turning Point on two otherholidays: Martin Luther King Day and Labor Day. Volunteersgenerally purchase and prepare food, and serve anevening dinner. One of our small ministry groups provideddinner on Martin Luther King Day as an in-serviceproject. This is a rewarding way to spend a holiday.Please contact Marsha Smithif you are interested in participating in the coming year.


Eighth Annual All-Church Interweave Picnic is August 10

The eighth annual all-church Interweave Picnic willbe held on Sunday, August 10, immediately after the 10a.m. service, on the church grounds.

The Women's Alliance (established by our freethinkingforemothers in 1927) and Interweave (the UU groupfor bisexuals, gays, lesbians, transgenders, and theirfriends and allies) welcome you to picnic, socialize, andget to know people from Common Ground's HomelessYouth Program.

Common Ground's mission is to bring diverse membersof the Westside community together in the fightagainst AIDS. They provide comprehensive social servicesand public education programs to Westside residentsliving with and at-risk for HIV. They ensure thatpeople of diverse cultural backgrounds, those living inpoverty, youth, and people who are homeless are able toaccess their services.

All are welcome to join the fun. Bring children, parents,guitars, games, sunscreen, and hats.

Free food and drink will be provided: hot dogs, othergood stuff, and treats.

Donations will be gratefully accepted for CommonGround Westside.

Green Living Committee: 

1. Cat lovers, please do not flush kitty litter and itssolid waste down the toilet. This waste must go to thelandfill. Cat droppings carry diseases that the city sewersystem cannot filter out. These diseases are transmittedto wildlife and are contributing to the decline in the seaotter population off the California coast.

2.Why reuse? Reusing items reduces the amountof energy used to create new ones. It also cuts down onthe amount of emissions we pump into the atmosphere,which affect the Earth's climate and its life forms.


Green Sanctuary Meeting

The Green Sanctuary Group will meet on Saturday,July 12, at 11 a.m., in Room 3. We will discuss environmentaljustice issues and new classes to offer. Everyoneis welcome.

Splinters from the Board: 

At the board meeting on June 10, Susy Holyhead ofSustainable Works presented President Ron Craneand Green Sanctuary Committee Co-Chair SandraTrutt with a certificate recognizing the church's commitmentto solving environmental problems. The list ofaccomplishments included reducing the solid waste ofthe church by 27% and switching all cleaning productsto "green" approved ones.

Leon Henderson presented the Adult ReligiousExploration Committee's proposal to coordinate theactivities and classes of all church committees, offeringsupport and publicity for courses.

Architect Ralph Mechur introduced Philip Castiglia ofTerra Form Inc., the landscaping company that will bedoing the work on the next phase of the building program.After the board examined the terms of the contract,the president signed it. Work was scheduled to begin June16, with expected completion in September or October.

Tom Hamilton and Pat Parkerton, co-chairs of theNew Building Committee, presented a list of items thatrequire consideration in planning for the next buildingphase, remodeling for Forbes Hall. It was agreed that theboard will examine the items, and meetings of the congregationwill have to be scheduled to present alternativesolutions so that informed decisions can be made.

Melinda Ewen, Director of Administation, reportedthat we have a new member, Gary Hill, which brings ourmembership to 415. She also reported that income andexpenditures are expected to be close to equal at the endof the fiscal year on June 30.

Rob Briner, a member of the Nominating Committee,said they expect to have a replacement soon for theboard position vacated by Sanjeev Jain, who resignedbecause he had a job transfer overseas. The committeeis also working toward creating a nine-member MinisterialSearch Committee, as required by our bylaws.

The board recognized the appointment of new committeechairs Pat Gomez (for the Membership and LeadershipCommittee), and Melanie Sharp (for the Diningfor Dollars Committee).

The board planned the usual August board meeting.A retreat will be scheduled in September, as requestedby Interim Minister Roberta Haskin.

The board accepted the resignation of Kim Miller aschair of the Personnel Committee with appreciation forher effort and expertise.

Rev. Judith Meyer thanked Rebecca Crawford and GayeDeal for crafting the resolution and the board for recommendingthat she be appointed Minister Emerita. Sheappreciates the congregational affirmation of her ministry.

Catherine Farmer, Director of Religious Education,reported that almost all of the volunteer teaching positionshave been filled. She is happy with the level ofparental involvement in the RE program. She encouragedeveryone to participate in the spaghetti supper tofund the YRUU heritage trip to Boston.

Steven Wight, Music Director, extended thanks for thevolunteer efforts of the Solstice Singers, a group ofwomen from the choir; to Bronwen Jones; and to MichelleMcWilliams and Tiffany Carmel, who have appeared asguest soloists without pay. These contributions havemade it possible for the budget to be met for the year andfor us to enjoy exceptional music in our services.

- Geralyn Lambson