
Jul 2006
News & Announcements: 


  • Tracy and Philip Scruggs, KarenLang, Vilma Ortiz,Amy and Bruno Lacombe, MichelePrichard and RodLane, Linda van Ligten and GregWood, and their children,for participating in ourspecial service celebratingadoption May 14.
  • To Carol Agate and DaylaMcDonald and all thenewsletter team for accomplishinga smooth transitionto Dayla as editor-in-chief.


Vacation Notice

The Rev. Judith Meyer ison vacation during themonth of July.


Choir to Perform at UCLA Dalai Lama exhibit July 30

The UUCCSM Choir will perform "Songs ofPeace" at UCLA on Sunday, July 30, at 4 p.m., aspart of the university's Summer Sunset Series.This summer's concerts are presented in conjunctionwith the UCLA Fowler Museum's premier ofthe traveling art exhibition, "The Missing Peace:Artists Consider the Dalai Lama." The museum isopen from noon to 5 p.m.

Admission is free to both the Fowler Museumexhibit and to the outdoor concert next to themuseum. Parking is available for $8 in campuslot 4.


Living Green

Our church is sponsoring a six-week SustainableWorks workshop on Living Green. The first session, onwater, was so informative and inspirational that I wasmoved to write something for the newsletter. I receiveda big shock when workshop leader Ferris Kawar told usthat using our garbage disposals caused more harmthan good from a "green" point of view. It seems that thewater filtration system was designed to take care ofwash water and sewage. The ground-up food clogs theworks and is causing many problems. We were cautionedabout putting large amounts of food down thedisposal. Ferris suggested we scrape our plates into thekitchen garbage. Raw vegetables can be added to thegreen bin or to the compost pile.

If you would like to join the class or get more information,please contact Sandra Trutt or FerrisKawar.

-- Sandra Trutt

Building News: 

Town Hall Meeting on Building Plans

At a town hall meeting on Sunday, July 30, at 11:30 a.m., the Building Committeewill present the latest word on our building plans. By then we anticipatethat the revised plans for our application to the Santa Monica Planning Commissionwill be ready for congregational review.

At the May 21 annual meeting the congregation authorized the Board of Directorsto submit an application for revisions to our Conditional Use Permit to thecity. The following amendment was added to the authorization:“. . . prior to submitting the application the Building Committee [will]prepare a mailing with the plans and information about the plans, and holdan informational meeting for the congregation . . . .”

This application is to modify plans for phase two of the building program,which involves new classroom space and a social hall. We hope constructioncan start as soon as possible after we complete the moving and renovationof the cottage.

As those who attended the annual meeting know, there has been a change inthe earlier plans. The Santa Monica City Council imposed a condition thatwe secure 12 nearby parking spaces to be available during all church operatinghours. Because of board concerns that we could not meet that requirement withoutits impacting or eliminating our programs, we have redesigned the area toconform to zoning regulations without the requirement that we obtain a variance.

The building committee looks forward to discussing those plans with you.Please try to attend the meeting. If you are unable to, please contact CarolAgate with your comments and feedback

Splinters from the Board: 

Our new president, Charles Haskell, called themeeting to order and explained some of his philosophyof leadership. He is not recommending aboard retreat in August this year because he thinks theboard should be having regular meetings and others,such as town hall meetings, to deal with specific subjectssuch as the building program and planning for the nextchurch year.

Other points were to include proposed motions in theagenda, and he encouraged board members to participatein committees that reflect their most strongly heldinterests.

Since proposed motions were included in the agenda,the board was able to discuss and approve the following:

RE News: 

RE Shining Star: Janet Goodwin

Janet GoodwinThis month, we honor Janet Goodwin as our REShining Star. Janet has just completed a two-yearterm as the Chair of the RE Council, and we arevery sorry to see her go. Janet's warmth and generosity ofspirit make her a joy to work with, andthrough her leadership in the lasttwo years the RE program hasblossomed. But Janet is eager toget back to what she loves best- teaching in the RE classroom.And how could webegrudge her that? Janet isone of our most seasoned andskilled RE teachers, and nextyear's Explorers class will belucky to have her on the team.Over the years, Janet has taughtelementary classes, assisted inNeighboring Faiths, facilitated RE Councilmeetings, served as an RE Greeter, helped with innumerableRE events, all while continuing her volunteer workwith another of UUCCSM's most valuable programs,Faith in Action. And until this month, it has been Janetherself who has penned our monthly RE Shining Starrecognition, and her shoes are hard to fill; if the writingstyle now is somewhat lacking, it certainly does notreflect the level of esteem we hold for this month's ShiningStar, for Janet is one of our most shining examples ofRE leadership. Three cheers for Janet!

- Catherine Farmer