TownHall Meeting on Building Plans
At a town hall meeting on Sunday, July30, at 11:30 a.m., the Building Committeewill present the latest wordon our building plans. By then we anticipatethat the revised plans for our application tothe Santa Monica Planning Commission willbe ready for congregational review.
At the May 21 annual meeting the congregationauthorized the Board of Directorsto submit an application for revisions to ourConditional Use Permit to the city. The followingamendment was added to the authorization:". . . prior to submitting the applicationthe Building Committee [will] preparea mailing with the plans and informationabout the plans, and hold an informationalmeeting for the congregation . . . ."
This application is to modify plans forphase two of the building program, whichinvolves new classroom space and a socialhall. We hope construction can start as soonas possible after we complete the movingand renovation of the cottage.
As those who attended the annual meetingknow, there has been a change in theearlier plans. The Santa Monica City Councilimposed a condition that we secure 12nearby parking spaces to be available duringall church operating hours. Because of boardconcerns that we could not meet thatrequirement without its impacting or eliminatingour programs, we have redesignedthe area to conform to zoning regulationswithout the requirement that we obtain avariance.
The building committee looks forwardto discussing those plans with you. Pleasetry to attend the meeting. If you are unableto, please contact Carol Agate with your comments and feedback.
Pipes are Grand Marshals in Gay Pride Parade
The Rev. Ernie Pipes and Maggie Pipes drew thunderousapplause at the recent West Hollywood GayPride Parade. A banner held in front of the convertiblethey drove in proclaimed that in 1959 he was the firstminister in the Los Angeles area to perform commitmentceremonies for gays and lesbians.
Also participatingin the parade were Kris Langabeer, Debbie Menzies,and Skye Menzies-Langabeer; Linda Van Ligten andAlyssa Wood; Liza Cranis; Katrina Thompson andColtrane (asleep in his stroller); Judy Federick; PatMcGuire; John Fels and Ron Crane; Carol Agate; KathyCook; Cathie Gentile; Janet Goodman, Karl Lisovsky,John-Michael Lisovsky, and Angela Lisovsky; and CarmenDrum and Lloyd Drum.
Tributes to Warren Mathews - 50 Years at UUCCSM
1956-2006-- Having joined our congregation 50 years ago, Warren was first electedto the board in 1969. Since then (in the past 37 years) he's been treasurerfour times (including the current 2006-07 term), andalmost continuously either on the board and/or theFinance or Personnel Committees.
Carol Agate: Thanks, Warren, for always being there.You have been there whenever I needed your help oradvice. You've been there for the church, patientlyexplaining financial projections, doing your best to helpus understand them. You've been in the office, teachingour bookkeeper and doing the job yourself when we havebeen between bookkeepers. You've been honest andstraightforward, qualities I admire and appreciate. Howlucky we are to have your abilities and dedication appliedto the service of the church.
Wally Boag: So the word is out that WarrenMatthews has had 50 years' participation with UUCCSM.That is exciting. Ellen and I have only 17 years with thechurch. We met Joyce and Warren on our first Sunday.They were fast to take us to lunch that day to find out allabout us. I have enjoyed Warren ever since with his manytalents. As a comic I was pleased that he laughs at mygags. Over the years I have produced some vaudevilleshows for the church and Warren was always the stagemanager. He knows where every light and mike is in thebuilding. He also knows where every church dollar is. Solet's have lunch Wednesday.
Rob Briner: Although I'm a relatively recent memberof this community, as the church historian (since2003) I've gleaned the reach and depth of Warren's workand contributions from the archives. Without exaggeration,the documents show that he's been involved in anddone everything - from grunt physical work to cerebralplanning, mechanics to administration, problem avoidingto problem solving. Many others have made stellar contributionsover long periods of time, often over decades, butI can't identify anyone who has done as much over all ofthe past five decades. Quite frankly, I am in awe of hisknowledge and skills, and have absolute confidence thatour church has been run honestly and with integrity significantlybecause of Warren's thousands of hours of volunteerlabor. As a postscript, I recently asked Warrenabout his professional and semi-professional singingexperience. I was flabbergasted to hear that he begansinging in college (MIT) with the Handel & Haydn Societyof Boston, then with the Robert Shaw Chorale in NewYork, then under Howard Swan at Occidental College(while he attended Cal Tech), and then with other ensemblesin Los Angeles including under Jester Hairston, RogerWagner, and Gregg Smith (all are well known names in thefield). So, Warren has excelled in his chosen profession,our church community, and in the arts - which is prettymuch the definition of "Renaissance Man."
Peggy Butler: Warren, how do I admire and appreciatehim? I will count a few ways: (1) As a willing volunteerwho will do anything the church needs. No job too smallor menial nor too difficult; (2) As the financial volunteerwho oversees the records ofthe church and the staffmembers who keep them. Apatient, helpful teacher; (3)As a voice of reason andsensibility. His thinking isclear and to the point; (4) Asa supportive friend who isrespectful, kind, and caring;and (5) etc., etc., etc.! Thefourth attribute is the one Iwant to elaborate on. WhenI staffed the church office hewas available to me for anyassistance both professionallyand personally. When Ihad a heart attack and subsequentsurgery, Warrentook over my applications for Social Security benefits anddisability insurance. He prepared the forms, brought themto me for signing, and saw that they were mailed, whichwas a great kindness to me at a very difficult time. Thankyou, Warren, for all you have done for the church, for me,and for the example you are as a truly loving, generousman.
Melinda Ewen: Warren, more than any other person,has created the infrastructure of the UUCCSM organization.He is our mentor.
Milton Holmen: During the 50 years that Marionand I have been members of UUCCSM, Warren Mathewshas made a significant contribution to every aspect of thechurch and its operations. I cannot imagine the church'slong period of growth, community involvement, and serviceto its members without Warren's enthusiastic participationin generating, planning, conducting, and managingneeded activities, large and small. His leadership hasincluded analyses of problems and opportunities, recommendationsfor preservation of our best programs, andsuggestions for new programs to fill in gaps as our congregationand the world around us have evolved. His leadershipstyle is participative rather than authoritative, whichhas contributed to the growth of others. His example ofselfless service has inspired many members of our congregation to be active. Additionally, he has done much tomaintain and improve the physical condition of thechurch, contributing time and effort largely unseen. Wehave all enjoyed the results of Warren's dedication.
Barbara Kernochan: To give an adequate history ofWarren's extensive involvements here at the corner of 18thand Arizona, one would of course have to ask Warren. Ican attest to our shared time on the Board, overlappingstints on the Personnel Committee, and several fun-filledretreats, during which Warren's job was to ask the probingquestions and answer many more than he posed. His academicmind, demanding incisive thinking, bold action,and grammatical accuracy, are tempered by wit, a readylaugh, and the beautiful singing voice that could havenudged his life in very different directions. He served asmentor for at least one Coming of Age class, has crawledunder the sanctuary (for the sheer filthy thrill of it, I suspect),and has frequently been observed in tennis whiteswrestling computer glitches into submission in the office.Indeed, it is possible that he actually built the churchoffice, but I lack documentation on this point. He is ofcourse brilliant, and can be utterly maddening. Frequently,he is maddeningly brilliant. To have these giftsbestowed upon us throughout such a span of time andwith such depth of commitment,we are grateful beyond measure.Thank you, Warren, again andagain.
Carol Kerr: As UUCCSM'sboard president for the pastthree years, I have become WarrenMathews' biggest fan - barnone. He is the "go to" personfor just about everything - acredit to his extensive service toour church and the breadth ofhis institutional knowledge.
Ofelia Lachtman: When achurch congregation has had avolunteer around for over fifty years who has both perspicacityand perspicuity, it's a darned lucky congregation.Warren Mathews has both, along with an overflowing generosityand - most of the time - a somber patience. Helistens well. Whenever I have a question to do with thechurch, or not, I go to Warren for an answer or advice.Thank you, Warren.
Anne MacQueen: When I was a new hire in thechurch office (in 1991) as a finance assistant, it was WarrenMathews who explained the job and gave me a quickcourse in accounting. Of all the chores set out before me,balancing the books each month seemed especiallyimportant. Oh dear, it wasn't long before there was suddenlya large imbalance - two or three thousand dollarsI recall. And Warren did not come to my rescue! I struggledfor several months until finally one morning I foundthe error. I was almost delirious with joy when I told him,and he just beamed. I'm certain Warren could have doneit with far less sweat. But, as a generous and wise teacher,he let me have the pleasure of solving it myself. Warren, Itrust you are reading this. I am keenly aware of howmuch the church has benefited from your involvement,but now I want to speak personally. I came to know youas a man of rare nobility with "a beautiful mind." Youhave enriched my life. Thanks, and happy 50th anniversarywith UUCCSM.
The Rev. Judith Meyer: For many years Warrenhas been a virtual staff member, working closely witheach of us on everything from finance to personnel tocomputer issues. He has been a trouble-shooter, mentor,and leader. As a member of the staff, I thank Warrenespecially for all the ways he has helped us. He has beena caring listener and trusted advisor. He has been thevoice of wisdom and compassion when difficult decisionshave needed to be made. He understands the delicateand vulnerable workings of a church and its ministryand enabled us to do more than we could have on ourown. Of all the roles Warren has played and contributionshe has made to the life of our church over these years, hiswork in supporting and guiding the staff is what I cherishmost.
Ernest Pipes: Volunteer organizations often areunaware of the fantastic talent that sometimes drops intotheir lap. With a Ph.D. in physics from MIT (and mathematicalwizardry you wouldn't believe), Warren went onto become a Vice President of Hughes Aircraft in chargeof an entire division (electronics, I believe). Upon retirementhe brought these high-powered skills in administration,management, and personnel recruitment to thecorner of 18th and Arizona. For many years he was theCFO (chief financial officer) for the church, overseeingthe books, making financial projections, and bringing toeach annual congregational meeting a lucid picture ofthe church budget - which he always helped to frame.When the office needed to hire new personnel, he saw tothe job descriptions and, often, the interviews. When thechurch by-laws needed tweaking or major overhaul, Warrenbrought his sharp mind to that task. And in all of thishe saw as his underlying job training others to take overwhat he was doing, so that the church would "never beoverly dependent on one person." Volunteer organizationsare rarely so greatly blessed.
John Raiford: Warren is my version of the goldstandard as a church member: ethical, hard-working, dependable, knowledgeable, and intellectually stimulating.It is a delightful experience to watch himpolish off a hearty lunch (including appetizer, maincourse, dessert, and libation) while giving mini-dissertationson matters ranging from music to scienceto politics to community affairs. To my knowledge,no financial wizard from our congregation has eversuccessfully challenged Warren's many-faceted presentationson the church's financial status (such asat annual meetings). And he has a readily availablesense of humor, which he frequently uses - just forthe fun of it. I feel fortunate to be Warren's fellowchurch member and friend.
Nancy Shinno and Patrick Burrows: It'shard to think of the church without thinking of Warren.When we joined in1994, we heard he is the oneperson who has his finger on the pulse of everythinghappening. Also that he is not "the power behindthe Throne"; he is the Throne. Some even call him"Chancellor." We've experienced Warren and Joyceas warm, welcoming, supportive people sharing injoys and sorrows of life. It's not unusual to drop bythe church and find Warren donating his time andenergy. He is truly devoted to the congregation anda great person to know. Warren, let's do this again inanother 50 years!
Peter van den Beemt: Warren Mathews savedme from a huge embarrassment when Wally Giffenand I planned a Dining for Dollars event thatincluded dinner for 80 people and a two-hour concert.The call for the dress rehearsal the night beforewas an hour before the show. We were having problemswith the soundboard and the engineer I hadasked to help couldn't get it working. After eightmonths of hard work, disaster was imminent. Warrenwas at the church that night and he fixed theproblem, then ran the soundboard for the rehearsaland the concert. He did a tremendous job and savedour lives. Warren and I have faced many issuestogether, sometimes on the same side and sometimesnot. In every case he was calm and wise andhelped reach a fair and effective solution. My admirationfor Warren is unbounded, and I am honoredto have had such a long association with him.
Jacki Weber: What Warren Mathews is, is whatI aspire to be. Warren is a thinker. He works throughscenarios and expresses them, yet he doesn't seemto grow attached to them and he's always willing toconsider another's viewpoint fully. He's joyful inconversation and in service. He's a workhorse, butnot a martyr. His generosities of both time and ofmoney are unparalleled. And he's a master on thetennis court. I'm so pleased to share this communitywith him, to learn from him and enjoy his company!
Our Weekend at Camp de Benneville Pines
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John & Ron in a pensive moment on the porch |
We know it's de Beneville when Sue brings a puzzle with no borders. | ![]() |
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It must be Jacki's turn to chase the kids. |
This year, Sudoko was the favorite game. | ![]() |
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Two boys and the mountain air would knock anyone out. |
Emmy plans her next move. | ![]() |
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There are always babies to borrow. | ![]() |
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Greg couldn't decide which instrument to play, so he choseboth. |
Building Plans Dominate Discussion at Congregation's Annual Meeting
A major order of business at the 79th annual congregationalmeeting on Sunday, May 21 was theelection of the board and nominating committee.Elected as president was Charles Haskell, whoexplained his plans for the coming year. Other officersare Ron Crane, first vice president; Peter van den Beemt,second vice president; Dayla McDonald, secretary; andWarren Mathews, treasurer. Elected as members-atlargefor two-year termswere Rebecca Crawford,BronwenJones, and PatParkerton.Phyllis Korywas elected asmember-atlargefor oneyear, completingPeter van den Beemt'sterm. Carol Kerr willautomatically fill theposition of immediatepast president, and Patricia Wright and Marv Pulliamwill remain on the board, serving the second year oftheir terms as members-at-large.
Elected to the nominating committee were EdnaBonacich and Anne Gustafson. Remaining members areJohn Fels, S.J. Guidotti, Linda van Ligten, and VictorPaddock.
Members of the congregation reported on theirwork for us this year. Our minister, the Rev. JudithMeyer, also read the names of members who have diedsince the previous annual meeting. Warren Mathews, onbehalf of the Finance Committee reported that for thefirst time in several years we anticipate no problemremaining in the black. The budget passed unanimously.Reports were then presented by President CarolKerr and Capital Campaign Chair Ron Crane.
The Building Committee report by Alison Kendalldrew the most discussion. She and our architect, RalphMechur, showed the substantial change in plans necessitatedby the decision of the Santa Monica City Council.The congregation voted to authorize the board toproceed with its Conditional Use Permit application tothe city council. Thenext building vote was to proceed with relocating andrenovating the house at 1248 Eighteenth Street. Itpassed with three votes in opposition.
The meeting ended with the installation of the newofficers, board members, and members of the nominatingcommittee.
Dean Voegtlen's Fabulous Pancake Breakfast Lives On!
About eighty people attended this year's event, whichwas held in Forbes Hall on June 10. Dean's originalpancake recipe is used, which requires the eggs to beseparated and the egg whites to be beaten, giving thepancakes that special lightness.The pancakes are served with realbutter and maple syrup, along witha fresh fruit salad, bacon, sausage,juice, and coffee. Chefs and foodpreparers included Gerald Saldo,Kirk Silsbee, Mort Postel, JoyceHolmen, and Ellen Levy.
EmilyHero was a big help with the setupand flowers; she cooked somecakes on the electric griddle, too.Elizabeth and Stella Saldo, JessieDietz and Ian Postel also helped with the setup.Jessie organized Pancake Gamesfor the kids with Ian's help.Thanks to Tom Ahern, Petervan den Beemt, Mort, Joyce,Dale, Lisa and everyone elsewho helped with the bigclean-up. This Dining forDollars event was organizedby Bob Dietz.
- Tracy and Philip Scruggs, KarenLang, Vilma Ortiz,Amy and Bruno Lacombe, MichelePrichard and RodLane, Linda van Ligten and GregWood, and their children,for participating in ourspecial service celebratingadoption May 14.
- To Carol Agate and DaylaMcDonald and all thenewsletter team for accomplishinga smooth transitionto Dayla as editor-in-chief.
Vacation Notice
The Rev. Judith Meyer ison vacation during themonth of July.
Choir to Perform at UCLA Dalai Lama exhibit July 30
The UUCCSM Choir will perform "Songs ofPeace" at UCLA on Sunday, July 30, at 4 p.m., aspart of the university's Summer Sunset Series.This summer's concerts are presented in conjunctionwith the UCLA Fowler Museum's premier ofthe traveling art exhibition, "The Missing Peace:Artists Consider the Dalai Lama." The museum isopen from noon to 5 p.m.
Admission is free to both the Fowler Museumexhibit and to the outdoor concert next to themuseum. Parking is available for $8 in campuslot 4.
Living Green
Our church is sponsoring a six-week SustainableWorks workshop on Living Green. The first session, onwater, was so informative and inspirational that I wasmoved to write something for the newsletter. I receiveda big shock when workshop leader Ferris Kawar told usthat using our garbage disposals caused more harmthan good from a "green" point of view. It seems that thewater filtration system was designed to take care ofwash water and sewage. The ground-up food clogs theworks and is causing many problems. We were cautionedabout putting large amounts of food down thedisposal. Ferris suggested we scrape our plates into thekitchen garbage. Raw vegetables can be added to thegreen bin or to the compost pile.
If you would like to join the class or get more information,please contact Sandra Trutt or FerrisKawar.
-- Sandra Trutt
Town Hall Meeting on Building Plans
At a town hall meeting on Sunday, July 30, at 11:30 a.m., the Building Committeewill present the latest word on our building plans. By then we anticipatethat the revised plans for our application to the Santa Monica Planning Commissionwill be ready for congregational review.
At the May 21 annual meeting the congregation authorized the Board of Directorsto submit an application for revisions to our Conditional Use Permit to thecity. The following amendment was added to the authorization:“. . . prior to submitting the application the Building Committee [will]prepare a mailing with the plans and information about the plans, and holdan informational meeting for the congregation . . . .”
This application is to modify plans for phase two of the building program,which involves new classroom space and a social hall. We hope constructioncan start as soon as possible after we complete the moving and renovationof the cottage.
As those who attended the annual meeting know, there has been a change inthe earlier plans. The Santa Monica City Council imposed a condition thatwe secure 12 nearby parking spaces to be available during all church operatinghours. Because of board concerns that we could not meet that requirement withoutits impacting or eliminating our programs, we have redesigned the area toconform to zoning regulations without the requirement that we obtain a variance.
The building committee looks forward to discussing those plans with you.Please try to attend the meeting. If you are unable to, please contact CarolAgate with your comments and feedback
Our new president, Charles Haskell, called themeeting to order and explained some of his philosophyof leadership. He is not recommending aboard retreat in August this year because he thinks theboard should be having regular meetings and others,such as town hall meetings, to deal with specific subjectssuch as the building program and planning for the nextchurch year.
Other points were to include proposed motions in theagenda, and he encouraged board members to participatein committees that reflect their most strongly heldinterests.
Since proposed motions were included in the agenda,the board was able to discuss and approve the following:
RE Shining Star: Janet Goodwin
This month, we honor Janet Goodwin as our REShining Star. Janet has just completed a two-yearterm as the Chair of the RE Council, and we arevery sorry to see her go. Janet's warmth and generosity ofspirit make her a joy to work with, andthrough her leadership in the lasttwo years the RE program hasblossomed. But Janet is eager toget back to what she loves best- teaching in the RE classroom.And how could webegrudge her that? Janet isone of our most seasoned andskilled RE teachers, and nextyear's Explorers class will belucky to have her on the team.Over the years, Janet has taughtelementary classes, assisted inNeighboring Faiths, facilitated RE Councilmeetings, served as an RE Greeter, helped with innumerableRE events, all while continuing her volunteer workwith another of UUCCSM's most valuable programs,Faith in Action. And until this month, it has been Janetherself who has penned our monthly RE Shining Starrecognition, and her shoes are hard to fill; if the writingstyle now is somewhat lacking, it certainly does notreflect the level of esteem we hold for this month's ShiningStar, for Janet is one of our most shining examples ofRE leadership. Three cheers for Janet!
- Catherine Farmer