January, 2011

January, 2011

Santa Monica Martin Luther King Day Recognition

Santa Monica’s 26th annual Martin Luther King Jr.Day Celebration takes place on Monday, January 17.This is a multi-ethnic, interfaith program with featuredspeaker Val Zavala, Vice President of News and PublicAffairs at KCET; musical performances; and a scholarshippresentation that begins at 9 a.m. at the SGI-USAAuditorium at 525 Wilshire Blvd. in Santa Monica. Thetheme this year is “Democracy Is Not a Spectator Sport,We Must Act Now.” This program is followed by aCommunity Involvement Fair from 10:30 a.m. to noonat 606 Wilshire Blvd., with refreshments and informationaldisplays by a variety of community organizations.Free parking is available on 7th Street andWilshire (behind 7-Eleven store). We plan that nextyear our church will have a display, and encourage peopleto check out the event.

Margaret Rhoades


Undy Sundays are Here

Once again we seek to provide what the homeless ofSanta Monica don't get - new underwear. Every Sundayduring January there will be a collection bag nextto the usual collection box for the homeless. While wethank you for all the contributions you have made ofclothing, towels, blankets, and toiletries, most of usdon't contribute our used underwear, no matter howclean and usable. While various organizations provideshowers, it would really help people feel a little betterto have new underwear. We distribute men's, women'sand children's underwear, in all sizes. I thank you foryour help.

- Geralyn Lambson for FIA


UUCCSM to Host Peace Sunday January 30

Theme: The Cost of War; The Priceof PeacePeace

Sunday 2011 will take place in our sanctuaryfrom 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. January 30, with exhibits open inForbes Hall the hour before and the hour after. Alongwith dialogue and music, there will be a preview ofNorman Soloman's insightful film, "War Made Easy."

Peace Sunday is an annual event sponsored by InterfaithCommunities United for Justice and Peace(ICUJP), The Unity and Diversity Council (UDC), and,this year, our church's Faith in ActionCommission (FIA).

The Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur willdeliver the invocation. Speakers includeStephen F. Rohde, chair ICUJP; RickRhoads, chair FIA; hostmusician/author Rev. Stephen LongfellowFiske; and Rev. Leland Stewart,UDC founder.

Participants will hear music by Rev.Fiske, Persian songstress Mitra Rahbar, gospel/spirit singer Crystal Davis, and Salvadore