January, 2009
Faith in Action Town Hall
Peacemaking: A Draft Statement of Conscience
The invasion and occupation of Iraq is going on sixyears in 2009. President-elect Barak Obama has todecide on a strategy for Afghanistan. How do we asUUs feel about pacifism versus a "just" war? How dowe practice "just" peacemaking?
Attend the FIA Town Hall meeting on January 11 tocontribute your thoughts and vote on the followingstatement of conscience:
Do we, the UUCCSM, covenant to take up peacemakingas part of our mission through worship, religiouseducation, and social action?
Please take a look at the UUA's website for the completetext of the proposed draft statement:http://www.uua.org/socialjustice/issuesprocess/currentissues/peacemaking/121606.shtml
In order for Peacemaking: A Draft Statement of Conscience to appear on the General Assembly (GA) 2009agenda, a 25% quorum of congregations is required.That is, 25% of all certified congregations must participatein the Congregational Poll. Let us fully participatein our democratic process by having our congregationalvoice heard. Handouts on the proposed statementwill be provided at the meeting.
- Cathie Gentile