January, 2005
Biggest Food Sort Ever Held on December 2
About 40 UUCCSM volunteers and friends (including many young people) sortingcans and packages of food on December 2 at the Westside Food Bank in Santa Monica,and breaking the all-time record. "This year you sorted a record 14,660 poundsof food in one evening," Bruce Rankin, Food Bank director, told them. "Thanksagain for the fabulous job you did, sorting the food that came in during thestart of our Holiday Food Drives. Over the past year our 65 member agencieshave seen a growing need for food assistance among the working poor familiesand individuals they serve. We greatly appreciate your efforts to help ensurethat those in need receive the food that is so vital to their existence." TheFood Bank distributed nearly four million pounds of food last year. Over 100,000people on the Westside, including 50,000 children, live in poverty, accordingto the Food Bank. Our church's Faith in Action Committee sponsors Food Sortsin December and June.