December, 2008

December, 2008

Promote Tolerance

Promote toleranceWe all need to be active participants in fighting prejudiceand stereotypes. The Southern Poverty Law Centersuggests ways we can promote tolerance and fight hate.Here are two things we can do:1. Speak up when you hear slurs. Let people knowthat biased speech is unacceptable. Apathy can be asdangerous as hate.2. Complain to media outlets when they promotestereotypes.Let's be active in speaking out for the inherent worthand dignity of every person.

- Sandra TruttMultiracial Development Committee


Undy Sundays are Coming

Undy Sundays are comingWhile you are doing your holiday shopping,remember to look for underwear. During January UndySundays collect new underwear of any size for men,women, or children. For several years, our church hasbeen able to provide new underwear for those in needin our community. We have contributed throughOPCC, Daybreak, the Salvation Army, Step Up on Second,the rape treatment center at SMUCLA hospital,and others. Please remember how valuable it is to havesomething new to put on when you get clean and offerthat feeling to others.