Cost-Saving Changes
In our capital campaign, we raised a lot of money, and interest in our buildingprogram continues to run high. At our June 30 congregational meeting, the focusof discussion was seeking ways to live within our means while holding true toour aspirations. To realize both of these goals, we found, will require a newarchitectural direction and a continuing hard look at our bottom line.
Construction estimates for the building design we have been considering thesepast months came in at or near $1.5 million, as anticipated. Adding permit costs,professional fees, insurance, contingency and other indirect costs, we wouldneed close to $2 million to fund the project. Having raised under $1.1 millionand recognizing the imprudence of taking on a large debt burden, we had to acknowledgethat this scope of work is simply beyond our means.
As a result, the building committee began to look for ways to significantlyreduce the program costs. We looked at several possibilities, from selling theexisting 17th Street building on the alley in order to rebuild Forbes Hall,to scaling back plans on both properties. We decided that our most promisingpath was to devise a more affordable design concept for 17th Street, perhapsusing the existing building on the alley.
We began working with a new architect, Ralph Mechur, who came to us with extensiveexperience with non-profit organizations, as well as eight years of serviceon the Santa Monica Planning Commission. He rose to the challenge and designeda plan that brings savings in construction costs and additional reductions insome soft costs. Approximate costs for the new design, including sanctuary expansion,are $1,450,000.
This new plan does not give us quite the cost reduction we had looked for,but it puts us in the ballpark of what we might afford. If we cannot borrowor raise the shortfall, we might still have to build in phases. Nevertheless,there is real confidence that our new plan is the right direction for us. Judgingby the reaction of participants in our meeting, the congregation is pleasedwith Mr. Mechur's response to his challenge. (Early drawings are posted on theForbes Hall kiosk.)
Much remains to be done. With our new plan under development, the buildingcommittee is turning its attention to parking and city requirements. A businessmeeting, perhaps in late fall, will allow the congregation to decide our course.How grand it would be to break ground next summer!