On Sunday, April 5, Roy Zimmerman will be ourguest musician at both the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services.Roy has been writing satirical songs for 20 years workingin the comedic tradition of Tom Lehrer and the folktradition of Phil Ochs. He is a wonderful performer,nationally known, and often plays at UU churchesaround the country. If you want to hear more, Roy willbe playing at McCabe's Guitar Shop in Santa Monicathat same Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. In the meantime,you can check Roy and his music athttp://www.youtube.com/user/RoyZimmerman.
The Louis Durra Trio will be performing April 26 at7 p.m. in the Sanctuary. A reception will follow. Towhet your appetite, here are a few musical thoughtsfrom our very own Mr. Durra:
"Steve Wight once said to me, "Did you ever noticethat the golden age of songwriting was whenever theperson talking was sixteen?" I came up with aneclectic-listening family and music education -classical music, Motown, Big Bands, Santana,The Beatles - were all in the air around me as a smallchild. My horizons became vastly broader when I"grewed up" and was performing all of the time.
"One of the coolest things (ah, yes, coolest - that'sthe technical term) about playing at Ye Olde UUCCSMis the open-nessivity , even demand. for performing inmany different realms of music. Between what thesoloists bring to the first service, Steve's choices andarrangements for the choir, and topical requests forthe services - the musical styles have spread around400 years pretty thick. With the other music going inthat many directions, I'm encouraged to make eclecticchoices for the prelude music. Last week 20th centuryHungarian composer Bela Bart