Architect Busy Preparing Drawings
This past month, the building committee has been meeting almost every weekto review the plans being drafted by architect Ralph Mechur. Here are some ofthe plas that were presented to the congregation:
After a trial run of placing the choir on the level of the floor, the congregationwas surveyed for feedback on the sound and aesthetics of the location. The vastmajority of respondents found the music to be somewhat better or no different.Only a few thought it was negatively impacted. The replies on the aestheticswere hard to judge because at the last minute the piano had to be moved in frontof the choir so the pianist could see the choir director. (The results of thesurvey are posted on the building kiosk in Forbes Hall.) The new plans havethe choir director standing on the chancel while the choir seats are at floorlevel.
At the back of the chancel is a small room that will house the controls forthe microphones and other sound equipment. The organ and piano will be on thechancel, off to one side. The current configuration has a mix of pews and chairs,with the sanctuary seating 213.
The big change in the Forbes Hall building is the moving of the stairway fromthe front to the back. This will comply with fire codes, and give us additionalstorage areas upstairs and downstairs. The administrative offices will be onthe second floor.
The existing building across the alley will be connected to the new buidling.The area between has been designed with a dramatic stairway encircling an outdoorpatio. The solid back of the stairway created a dark area in the hallways belowand behind it, so the back was changed to a lattice design. The stairway takesup a lot of room, but the fire code does not allow it to be placed in a lessconspicuous location. The possibility of creating a permanent laybrinth in thearea between the buildings is being studied. The 17th Street property will haveseven classrooms in the two buildings, plus a spacious nursery. There is alsoa space for a teachers' room.
While Ralph is working on the plans to present to the city, Barbara Kernochanis revising Judith Meyer's "case statement" to reflect these new plans.This describes who we are: our mission, history in the community, a descriptionof the project, and our reasons for undertaking it.
About a month ago, Ralph met with the city and was told our parking requirementis spaces for six cars. This is based on our increased needs due to the addedsanctuary space. The parking does not have to be on site, so the committee isexploring nearby neighborhood locations we might be able to use.