
Apr 2002
Building News: 

Congregation Discusses Choir Location;
New Building Brochure Available

In a town hall meeting on Sunday, March 17, the congregation met inresponse to a request from many members who suggested that the choir in thenew sanctuary not be placed behind the minister and in front of the greenery.

The meeting was led by President Jerry Gates and Building CommitteeChair Barbara Kernochan. Architect Aleks Istanbullu was thereto hear the congregation's concerns and to answer questions regarding the currentconfiguration. Steve Wight explained that the choir has to be near thepiano, so the choir director can be seen by the singers and the pianist, andthat they must face into the audience.

Most people thought the choir in the back was not a solution. A number of considerationsregarding the placement of the choir were fully discussed, including a locationon the side rather than along the back behind the minister, having the choirturn to face the congregation when they sing, or move a few feet from theirseats to stand facing the congregation. Another idea was to have the choir onthe left next to the green area instead of in front of it. Most people thoughtit was more important to have a deep green area than to have it shallow andalong the entire chancel. The current plans show the green area as narrowedand twice its current length.

This process was said to have been worth while, and the hope was expressedthat future major decisions about the building will be brought to the congregation.President Jerry Gates agreed, and urged people to be active participants inthe process. He summarized the discussion, saying that those present wantedchancel greenery similar to what we now have, fine acoustics, and flexibilityof use. Further, he said that it was agreed that the design should permit maximumseating for the congregation. The builsding committee will work with the architectto meet these desires.

Also in March, we published a new brochure, "Buildingon our Future: Capital Campaign 2002," which presents all the details ofour new building and capital campaign. It contains quotesfrom church members on what the campaign and the church mean to them, detailedbuilding plans, and optionsfor donating to the campaign. You can readthe full text of the brochure here (be sure to zoom in on various sectionsafter the image appears in your browser window), or obtain a hard copy fromthe church office.