Annual Meeting and Voting Update

Given these extraordinary days of COVID-19 and physical distancing, we will not be able to come together at church for our 2020 Annual Meeting. The meeting will instead be presented via Facebook Live Sunday, June 28, 2020, at 12:00 pm.
Please note that this virtual Annual Meeting will be considered an “interim” business meeting. Election results will be announced at the June 28th virtual Annual Meeting and will be ratified at a future meeting when the congregation is able to come together once again in real life and be physically present for one another.
The business of the church continues. This month we will vote on important governance issues to sustain our church in the coming year. All members in good standing who have been members for at least 40 days prior to the June 28th Annual Meeting are eligible to vote. This year there are two methods of voting.
1. VOTE BY MAIL: This election packet containing a paper ballot has been mailed to each member, including a stamped return envelope. Just complete the ballot, place it in the return envelope, and mail to the church office, your name must be on the outside of the envelope, otherwise, your ballot will not be valid. You may also drop your ballot in the mail slot next to the church’s front doors on 18th Street.
The deadline for submitting a paper ballot to the church office, in a sealed envelope with the member’s name on the outside, is Monday, June 22, at noon. Drop it off or make sure to leave plenty of time for the US Postal Service to deliver. UUSM election officials will accept any ballot received by June 22, at noon, or postmarked on or before June 15.
2. VOTE ONLINE: Following a recommendation of the Unitarian Universalist Association, UUSM has enlisted ElectionBuddy to allow members to vote, securely and confidentiality, online. On or about June 5, ElectionBuddy will send each member a “Vote now” email. It will be sent to the email address the church office has on file for every member. That email contains a link for the election along with an identification key that is just for you. Do not share the link with your unique key with any other party. Just complete your ballot online and click Submit. If you do not vote online right away, ElectionBuddy will send you one reminder that includes your unique key. Online voting ends Monday, June 22, at noon.
If you do not receive a “Vote now” email from Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica (via ElectionBuddy) by June 11, check your email spam folder. If you do not find the email, then go ahead and vote by mail. 
If, for any reason, a member votes both by paper ballot and online, the mailed-in (or dropped-off) paper ballot will be discarded. There will be no proxy voting in the June 2020 UUSM election. 
If you have questions or need help with voting, contact Board of Directors Vice President Beth Brownlie, Board of Directors Treasurer Vilma Ortiz, or volunteer parliamentarian Lois Hutchinson - they’re all in the Member Directory. You can also email or call the office at (310) 829-5436 and leave a message; a staff member or volunteer will get back to you.
Whether you vote by mail or online, vote today! We want your voice to count.
Three events are scheduled in June as you consider your vote. Note that these will be your opportunities to ask questions and express concerns and appreciations prior to the close of voting June 22nd.
Meet and Greet the Candidates: You can join a Zoom meeting with candidates for the Board and Nominating Committee. Candidates will be available on Thursday, June 11, 7:00 – 8:00 pm and Friday, June 12, 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Since this is a large group, we are having two meetings to accommodate everyone. Please join us on one or both dates and engage with them. Contact or for Zoom information. 
Finance/Budget Information: There will also be a meeting to discuss the financial status of the church and budget for the 2020–2021 year meeting. Join this meeting on Sunday, June 14, 11:30 am. Contact for Zoom information. 
Annual Meeting: Join in the group experience of the Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 28th at 12:00 pm. It will be streamed on Facebook Live @UUSantaMonica (just as we do our Sunday services). Light a chalice in your own home and hear reports from the board president and the minister, remembering those who have passed this year. The results of the election will be announced, and we will “swear in” the new Board. It will be a time for looking forward with hope for the future and with gratitude for those who serve our community.
Please click on this link to access the full Annual Meeting packet which includes the agenda, minutes from the 2019 Annual Meeting, the slate of nominations, the 2020-21 Budget Summary, Balance Sheet, and 2020 Resolutions.
Thank you!