Annual Meeting and Board of Directors Election Update

Given these extraordinary days of COVID-19 and physical distancing, we will not be able to come together at church for our 2020 Annual Meeting. The meeting will instead be presented via Facebook Live on Sunday, June 28, 2020, at 12:00 pm @UUSantaMonica.
Please note that this virtual Annual Meeting will be considered an “interim” business meeting. Voting will be conducted in the weeks prior to June 28th, and the results will be announced during the streamed event. We will be sharing more details about online and mail-in voting very soon. Look also for further email blasts with updates on the budget and the Annual Meeting. Stay tuned!
Below you will find the agenda for the Annual Meeting and the slate of candidates for the Board of Directors and Nominating Committee with a link to their bios. The election results will be ratified at a future meeting when the congregation is able to come together once again in real life and be physically present for one another.
Beth Brownlie                                                     Norm Richey
Vice President, Board of Directors                     Secretary, Board of Directors 

June 28, 2020, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

1. Chalice Lighting: Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae
2. Call to Order and Quorum Report (number of votes): Jacki Weber
3. Acknowledgment of Officials: Jacki Weber
a. Inspector of Elections: Ken Alexander - coordinate count of electronic votes
and mailed-in paper ballots; ensure there are no duplicate votes; ensure that
only members in good standing are counted.
b. Mailed-in paper ballot counters: Norm Richey, Nurit Gordon
c. Parliamentarian: Lois Hutchinson
d. Record and coordinate Annual Meeting: Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae and Saunder Choi
4. Call to Covenant: Jacki Weber
5. Presentation of minutes from 2019 meeting: Jacki Weber
         Resolution 1: The UUSM Congregation approved the minutes
         from the Annual Meeting on May 19, 2019
6. Acknowledgment of 2019-2020 Board and Nominating Committee: Jacki Weber
7. Presentation of Board of Directors and Nominating Committee candidates: Jacki Weber
8. Election results announced by Ken Alexander (Inspector of Elections)
         The UUSM approved the candidates for the Board of Directors and
         Nominating Committee
9. Minister’s report: Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae
10. President’s report: Jacki Weber
11. Treasurer’s report: Vilma Ortiz
12. Presentation of 2020-21 Budget: Vilma Ortiz, Treasurer
         Resolution 2: The UUSM Congregation approved the budget
         for the 2020-21 fiscal year.
13. Installation of elected officers and members of the Board and Nominating Committee
14. President’s closing remarks: Jacki Weber
15. President-Elect remarks: Beth Brownlie

Candidates for Election to the Board of Directors and Nominating Committee

To read the full bios of the candidates, please click here.
Board of Directors
Beth Brownlie 
Eileen McCormack 
Larry Weiner  
Vilma Ortiz 
Norm Richey 
Roberta Frye 
Mike Monte  
No Vote required
Abby Arnold 
No vote required
Jacki Weber
Nominating Committee
Karl Lisovsky  
Chela Metzger 
Sheila Cummins  
Natalie Kahn
No vote required
Patricia Gomez  
Barbara Kernochan