Order of Service - Sun, May 28, 2017 "Living in the Future"
Date of Service:
May 28, 2017
May 28, 2017
*Gathering Hymn Gracias por el amor arr. William James Ross
Gracias por el amor del cielo, gracias por el inmenso mar,
Gracias por el cantar del bosque. ¡Aleluya!
Gracias por este nuevo día, gracias por nuestra gran unión,
Gracias por todas las bondades. ¡Aleluya!
Prelude Prelude Op. 28, No. 4 Frederic Chopin
Chalice Lighting Jila Tayefehnowrooz (9am)
Tom Peters (11am)
*Opening Hymn #112 Do You Hear?
*Covenant Love is the doctrine of this church.
The quest for truth is its sacrament,
And service is its prayer.
To dwell together in peace,
To seek knowledge in freedom,
To serve humankind in fellowship,
Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise From all that dwell below the skies
Let songs of hope and faith arise
Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank
Time for All Ages
Song of Blessing #1053 How Could Anyone
How could anyone ever tell you you were anything less than beautiful?
How could anyone ever tell you you were less than whole?
How could anyone fail to notice that your loving is a miracle?
How deeply you’re connected to my soul.
Life Together
Pulpit Messages Farewell Committee
Gretchen Goetz (9am)
Cathie Gentile (11am)
Faith in Action
Peggy Rhoads (11am)
Offering It’s A Life (9am) Burkhard Dallwitz
Dahil Sa Iyo (11am) Miguel Velarde, arr. Fabian Obispo Jr.
Devotional Time
Sung Response #1037 We Begin Again in Love
We forgive ourselves and each other.
We begin again in love.
Music for the Morning Goodbye My Love (9am) Stephen Flaherty
I Will Be Earth (11am) Gwenyth Walker
Sermon Living in the Future Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur
*Closing Hymn #1028 The Fire of Commitment
Musical Response Amen in Bb
*Please stand in body or in spirit
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Greeters: Glen Howell, Kris Langabeer, Michael Young & Steve Young
Ushers: Tom Foretich, David Goetz, Jila Tayefehnowrooz & Ned Wright
Coffee: Sheila Bjornlie, Nancy Howell, Leah Moore & Sylvia Young
Welcome Table: Barbara Gibbs & Carol Ring
Bookstore: Sarah Harper
Service Notes
Today 40% of our non-pledge offering will go to Unitarian Universalism beyond our congregation. Today we send our gifts to our Unitarian Universalist Association to promote social justice and liberal religion through public advocacy, leadership development, faith formation, and support for over 1,000 Unitarian Universalist congregations in the United States and around the world.
About Our Guest Accompanist
Travis Reynolds is a composer, pianist, and educator recently based out of Los Angeles. He has held positions as staff accompanist at The Boston Conservatory, pianist for St. Anthony Shrine in downtown Boston, teacher at Belmont Music School, and co-artistic director for SoundWave Milwaukee and Soundry; he currently teaches out of his studio in Inglewood and at West Hollywood Academy of Music. His music has been performed by the Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra, St. Luke’s Chamber Series, Calliope, and others. Travis is a graduate of The Boston Conservatory, where he studied with Jan Swafford and Dalit Warshaw.
“Dahil Sa Iyo” Translation
My life has been full of hardship and suffering.
Because of you, I want to live.
You alone, my love, are my hope.
I became happy.
All this is because of you.