Order of Service: Sun, Aug 20, 2017 "Don't Be Afraid to Stand Out"
Date of Service:
August 20, 2017
Sunday August 20, 2017 Don’t Be Afraid to Stand Out
*Gathering Hymn (standing) #1031 Filled with Loving Kindness
Prelude (seated)
Chalice Lighting Deirdre Dietel, Roberta Frye, & Cathie Gentile
*Opening Hymn (standing) #1008 When Our Heart is in a Holy Place
*Covenant Love is the doctrine of this church.
The quest for truth is its sacrament,
And service is its prayer.
To dwell together in peace,
To seek knowledge in freedom,
To serve humankind in fellowship,
Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise
Offering for the Westside Food Bank (seated)
Time for All Ages Say Something Kathleen Hogue
Song of Blessing #414 As we Leave This Friendly Place
Life Together
Pulpit Message Leon Henderson-MacLennan
Offering It Don’t Mean a Thing Duke Ellington
Devotional Time
Sung Response #1053 How Could Anyone
Sermon Don’t Be Afraid to Stand Out Gabriella Rosco
*Closing Hymn (standing) #1064 Blue Boat Home
*Benediction and Chalice Extinguishing
Postlude (seated) Singing American Gospel Tune
*Please stand in body or in spirit
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Greeters: Roberta Frye, Wendi Gladstone, Audrey Lyness & David Olson
Ushers: Tom Early & Barbara Kernochan
Coffee: Sheila Cummins, Deirdre Dietel & Eileen McCormack
Welcome Table: Barbara Gibbs & Wendi Gladstone
Bookstore: Sarah Harper
Service Notes
Today, 40% of our offering will go to Camp de Benneville Pines. Camp de Benneville Pines is a UU camp in the San Bernardino National Forest, about 90 miles east of Los Angeles. Since 1962, Unitarian Universalists have gathered in the pines to experience the wonder of the natural world while deepening their connections to their faith and one another. This year the all-church camp weekend will be September 15-17, and registration is now open. Please register with our Camp Dean, Jacki Weber. As with all church programs, if the registration fee is a barrier to your participation, please let Jacki know, as scholarships are available, jacki.weber@gmail.com.
Gabriella Rosco organizes in Santa Monica for CLUE-LA , (Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice). The Santa Monica CLUE Committee stands with women and men in various industries that routinely dehumanize, marginalize and disrespect their workers. In Santa Monica, there are three active campaigns: with hotel workers, iron workers and carwash workers, (or Carwasheros). A bar has been raised in Santa Monica in terms of living wages, safe working conditions and respect on the job. When situations look bleak and impossible, the faith community rallies with workers. They stand united, and work to build a more just and sacred society. Gabriella feels blessed to be a part of this movement with CLUE and the Santa Monica CLUE Committee. More information is available at http://www.cluejustice.org/.