Order of Service - September 4, 2016 "Bread & Roses"
Date of Service:
September 4, 2016
September 4, 2016
*Gathering Hymn #318 We Would Be One
We would be one as now we join in …singing
We would be one in living for eac…h other
We would be one in building for to…morrow
We would be one in searching for that… meaning
Prelude Prelude in C Major, Op. 28, No. 1 Frederic Chopin
Welcome Jacki Weber
Chalice Lighting
*Opening Hymn #109 As We Come Marching, Marching
*Covenant Love is the doctrine of this church.
The quest for truth is its sacrament,
And service is its prayer.
To dwell together in peace,
To seek knowledge in freedom,
To serve humankind in fellowship,
Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise From all that dwell below the skies
Let songs of hope and faith arise
Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank
Time for All Ages “Heaven & Hell”
Song of Blessing #413 Go Now In Peace Natalie Sleeth
Go now in peace, go now in peace
May the spirit of love surround you, as you go, as you go
On your way.
Life Together
Offering Profetiza, Pueblo Mio Rosa Martha Zarate Macias
Devotional Time
Sung Response #392 Hineh Mah Tov Psalm 133:1
Responsive Reading #567 To Be of Use Marge Piercy
Music for the Morning Lift Every Voice and Sing John Rosamond Johnson
Sermon A Story of Egypt: A Meditation on Labor Day, Rev. James
Black Lives Matter, & the Great Work of Our Lives Ishmael Ford
*Closing Hymn #121 We’ll Build a Land
Musical Response Star of the County Down Irish Traditional
*Please stand in body or in spirit
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Greeters: Tom Foretich. Barbara Gibbs & Denise Helton
Ushers: Bonnie Brae, Barbara Kernochan, Linda van Ligten & Greg Wood
Coffee: Deirdre Dietel, Peggy Rhoads, Kit Shaw & Alicia van Ooyen
Welcome Table: Barbara Gibbs & Linda van Ligten
Bookstore: Mark Warkentin
Service Notes
Today 40% of our non-pledge offering will go to Camp De Benneville Pines. DeBenneville Pines is a
UU camp in the San Bernardino National Forest, about 90 miles east of Los Angeles. Since 1962,
Unitarian Universalists have gathered in the pines to experience the wonder of the natural world
while deepening their connections to their faith and one another. This year the all-church camp
weekend will be September 16-18, and registration is now open. Please register with our Camp Dean,
Jacki Weber. As with all church programs, if the registration fee is a barrier to your participation, please let
Jacki or the minister kno w, as scholarships are available, jacki.weber@gmail.com.
The Reverend James Ishmael Ford is the minister-emeritus of the First Unitarian Church of
Providence, in Rhode Island. He was recently invited to affiliate as community minister at the
Unitarian Universalist Church of Long Beach, where he and his spouse are members. Reverend James
is also a Zen Buddhist priest, and the guiding teacher at the Blue Cliff Zen Sangha, which meets at the
Long Beach Church. He is the author and co-author of an assortment of UU pamphlets, an online
columnist for the UU World, and is the author of several books, the most recent "If You're Lucky, Your
Heart Will Break."