Order of Service September 30, 2012

Date of Service: 
September 30, 2012

Gathering Hymn

Come, come, whoever you are

Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving

Ours is no caravan of despair

Come, yet again come.



Prelude (9:00)

Choral Prelude (11:00)

Gymnopedie No.1                                                             Erik Satie

Come Into the Circle                                  Betsy Jo Angebranndt

Chalice Lighting

Bronwen Jones (11:00)

Opening Hymn #131

Love Will Guide Us



Love is the doctrine of this church.     

The quest of truth is its sacrament,

And service is its prayer.

To dwell together in peace;

To seek knowledge in freedom;

To serve humankind in fellowship;

Thus do we covenant with each other.

Hymn of Praise


From all that dwell below the skies

Let songs of hope and faith arise

Let peace, good will on earth be sung

Through every land, by every tongue.           ~ based on Isaac Watts

Offering for the Westside Food Bank

Story for All Ages


Song of Blessing

Go now in peace, go now in peace,

May the spirit of love surround you

As you go, as you go

On your way.                                                                 ~ Natalie Sleeth

A Time for Community



Anyone Can Whistle  (9:00)                            Stephen Sondheim

Don’t You Let Nobody Turn You ‘Round (11:00)     arr. McLin                                                                        

Devotional Time

  Pastoral Prayer


 Musical Response


Rev. Barbara Merritt


Hymn #1031  Filled with Loving Kindness


from The Monk Downstairs                                    Tim Farrington                                                                        

Music for the Morning (9:00)

Choral Anthem (11:00)

Ebb Tide                                       Carl Sigman & Robert Maxwell

Wanting Memories                                                 Ysaye Barnwell


“Love in the Tangled Undergrowth of our Lives"

                                                                           Rev. James E. Grant

Closing Hymn #34

Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire



Postlude (9:00)

Choral Postlude (11:00)

Gnossienne No.1                                                               Erik Satie

Knowledge, They Say                                                 Cyril Taylor

Extinguishing the Chalice