Order of Service - October 12, 2014 "Coming Out"
Date of Service:
October 12, 2014
October 12, 2014 Coming Out Day
It is not our differences that divide us.
It is our inability to recognize, accept,
and celebrate those differences. -- Audre Lorde
*Gathering Hymn Oh, we give thanks for this special day
For all gathered here, and those far away
For this time we share, with love and care
Oh, we give thanks for this special day.
Prelude Feels Like Home Randy Newman
Jennifer Leitham Trio
Chalice Lighting
*Opening Hymn #145 As Tranquil Streams
*Covenant Love is the doctrine of this church.
The quest for truth is its sacrament,
and service is its prayer.
To dwell together in peace,
to seek knowledge in freedom,
To serve humankind in fellowship,
thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise From all that dwell below the skies
Let songs of hope and faith arise
Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank and Turning Point
Story for All Ages The Adventures of Tulip, Birthday Wish Fairy
S. Bear Bergmann, read by Janet Goodwin
Song of Blessing Vision for humanity, all around the child.
Loving as one family, all around the child.
Life passages well understood, known and felt around the earth;
Light of love and joy extend all around the child.
Life Together
Offering Future Christmas Jennifer Leitham
Jennifer Leitham Trio
Devotional Time
Sung Response My foot carries days of the old into new,
Our dreaming shows us the way.
Wondrous our faith settles deep in the earth,
Rising green to bring a new day.
Rising green, rising green, rising green to bring a new day.
Music for the Morning The Altered Blues Jennifer Leitham
Jennifer Leitham Trio
Conversation Being Transgender Janet Goodwin and Liam Mina
*Closing Hymn #1014 Standing on the Side of Love
Musical Response Split Brain Jennifer Leitham
Jennifer Leitham Trio
*Please stand in body or in spirit
Service Notes
Thank you to our service participants: Nancy Babbitt, Steve DePaul, Roberta Frye,
Wendi Gladstone, Kris Langabeer, Katie Malich, Kit Shaw, Pam Teplitz, Linda van
Ligten, Jennifer Westbay.
Many thanks to Janet Goodwin, Liam Mina, and Interweave (LGBTQ and Allies) for their
leadership of our annual Coming Out Day service. To lend your support and join the
Interweave email list, please contact Janet at goodwin@ucla.edu.
Jennifer Leitham is considered by many to be be one of the finest Jazz bassists in the
world. She began life as John Leitham. In her professional life, she had played with
Woody Herman, George Shearing, Bob Cooper, Benny Carter, Bill Watrous, and Peggy Lee.
After many years of painful struggle, she transitioned publicly to her true self in 2001
while touring with Doc Severinsen. She has maintained a vigorous career and has
achieved much acclaim and acceptance in the years following her transition, including
completion of her premier trio CD, The Real Me (2006). Jennifer is also the subject of a
new documentary by filmmaker Andrea Meyerson, I Stand Corrected, winner of many film
festival Audience Choice and Jury Awards for best film. She is joined today by Andy
Langham on piano and Randy Drake on drums. More information at jenniferleitham.com.
Our Community Offering today will go to Camp Aranu’tiq for gender-variant and
transgender youth. Camp Aranu’tiq was founded in 2009 to build confidence, resilience,
and community for transgender and gender-variant youth and their families through camp experiences in New England and California: camparanutiq.org.