Order of Service - Nov. 8, 2015
Date of Service:
November 8, 2015
November 8, 2015
Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.
- Thich Nhat Hahn
*Gathering Hymn We Give Thanks arr. Susan Peck
Oh we give thanks for this precious day.
For all gathered here, and those far away;
For this time we share, with love and care
Oh we give thanks for this precious day
Prelude Thank You (9am) Daniel Gledhill
What a Wonderful World (11am) arr. Glenn M. Carlos
Chalice Lighting Jacki Weber (9am)
Disability Support Group (11am)
*Opening Hymn #21 For the Beauty of the Earth
*Covenant Love is the doctrine of this church.
The quest for truth is its sacrament,
And service is its prayer.
To dwell together in peace,
To seek knowledge in freedom,
To serve humankind in fellowship,
Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise From all that dwell below the skies
Let songs of hope and faith arise
Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank
Time for All Ages The Keeper of the Rain Kristin Maier
Song of Blessing The Land of Bursting Sunrise David Hurd
The land of bursting sunrise, all lavender and blue,
Its cloud-strewn, light-swept day skies flow, and every day renew.
To east the glow of dawning, to west the blaze of night,
‘Round all the long horizon’s rim, the everlasting light!
This land of open vistas, life rooted deep and free,
Thy canyoned plains, thy mountains vast, plumb earth’s immensity.
Here in life’s fragile balance, the sun and stars above,
Find hand in hand, and heart to heart, the everlasting love.
Life Together
Pulpit Message Commitment Campaign 2016
Patricia Wright
Offering Earth and Sky Melissa Sky-Eagle
Devotional Time
Sung Response Blessed Spirit of My Life Shelley Jackson Denham
Blessed Spirit of my life, give me strength through stress and strife;
Help me live with dignity; let me know serenity.
Fill me with a vision, clear my mind of fear and confusion.
When my thoughts flow restlessly, let peace find a home in me.
Spirit of great mystery, hear the still, small voice in me.
Help me live my wordless creed as I comfort those in need.
Fill me with compassion, be the source of my intuition.
Then, when life is done for me, let love be my legacy.
Reading All of Us in the Arms Rev. Angela Herrera
Music for the Morning Seguidilla et Duo, Carmen (9am) Georges Bizet
Hold Your Hands Out Over the Earth (11am) A. MacDonald Diers
Sermon Oh, We Give Thanks Rev. Tera Little
*Closing Hymn #1064 Blue Boat Home
Musical Response Each Life That Touches Ours for Good (9am) Laurence Lyon
Wonder Blessing (11am) Susanne Maziarz
*Please stand in body or in spirit
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Greeters: Barbara Gibbs, Kris Langabeer & Katie Malich
Ushers: Bonnie Brae, David Goetz, Kit Shaw & Ned Wright
Coffee: Sanna Egan, Robert & Phyllis Kory, Linda van Ligten
Welcome Table: Barbara Gibbs
Bookstore: Mark Warkentin
Service Notes
This month, 60% of the non-pledge offering will go to Step up on Second. Step up on Second provides
help, hope and a home for individuals affected by mental illness. Each day, Step Up sees 100 individuals
and offers 22 programs in a continuum of care, all free of charge. For over a decade, volunteers from our
church served a meal to residents at Step Up on Second on the 4th Saturday of the month, and we
continue to reach out to our neighbors at Step Up in any way we can.