Order of Service - May 7, 2017 "God of Our (Mis)Understanding"
Date of Service:
May 7, 2017
May 7, 2017
*Gathering Hymn #188 Come, Come, Whoever You Are
Prelude Cuando el Porbre J. A. Olivar & M. Manzano
Chalice Lighting Jacki Weber
*Opening Hymn #360 Here We Have Gathered
*Covenant Love is the doctrine of this church.
The quest for truth is its sacrament,
And service is its prayer.
To dwell together in peace,
To seek knowledge in freedom,
To serve humankind in fellowship,
Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise From all that dwell below the skies
Let songs of hope and faith arise
Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank
Time for All Ages The Zax Dr. Seuss
Song of Blessing #414 As We Leave This Friendly Place
As you leave this friendly place, love give light to every face;
May the kindness which you learn, light your hearts till you return.
Life Together
Offering Lucky to be Me (9am) Frank Loesser
Alleluia (11am) Randall Thompson
Devotional Time
Sung Response #352 Find a Stillness verse 1
Reading Isaiah 6:1-8
Music for the Morning Easy to Love (9am) Cole Porter
O My Dove (11am) DeReau Farrar
Sermon God of Our (Mis)Understanding Rev. Greg Ward
*Closing Hymn #318 We Would Be One
Musical Response Amen in Bb
*Please stand in body or in spirit
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Greeters: Barbara & Kim Andres, Tom Foretich
Ushers: Steve DePaul, Peggy Kharraz, Dan Patterson & Linda van Ligten
Coffee: Deirdre Dietel, Peggy Rhoads, Kit Shaw & Alicia van Ooyen
Welcome Table: Barbara Gibbs & Linda van Ligten
Bookstore: Sarah Harper
Service Notes
Today 40% of our non-pledge offering will go to Unitarian Universalism beyond our congregation. Today we send our gifts to our Unitarian Universalist Association to promote social justice and liberal religion through public advocacy, leadership development, faith formation, and support for over 1,000 Unitarian Universalist congregations in the United States and around the world.
Rev. Greg Ward comes to us from a year of healing interim ministry at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Vancouver in Washington. He was raised here in L.A. and has deep roots in the Neighborhood Unitarian Universalist Church in Pasadena and at Camp de Benneville Pines. With 20 years of parish ministry across the US and Canada, Rev. Greg is looking forward to sharing his passion for our faith and to helping optimize our organizational and spiritual health. In four months, Rev. Greg will begin as our Developmental Minister.