Order of Service - June 15, 2014 "Forever Free"
Date of Service:
June 15, 2014
Order of Service June 15, 2014
*** Gathering Hymn Oh, I woke up this morning with my mind stayed on freedom…
Hallelu, hallelelu, halleluia.
I was walking and talking with my mind stayed on freedom…
Hallelu, hallelelu, halleluia.
*** Please stand in body or spirit.
Call to Worship Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur
Prelude “Lord, How Come Me Here?” arr. Sylvia Olden Lee
Chalice Lighting Mark Christiansen
*** Opening Hymn #1045 There is a Balm in Gilead
*** Covenant Love is the doctrine of this church.
The quest for truth is its sacrament,
And service is its prayer.
To dwell together in peace;
To seek knowledge in freedom;
To serve humankind in fellowship;
Thus do we covenant with each other.
*** Hymn of Praise From all that dwell below the skies
Let songs of hope and faith arise
Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
Through every land, by every tongue. – based on Isaac Watts
Offering for the Westside Food Bank
Story for All Ages All Different Now: Juneteenth, the First Day of Freedom
by Angela Johnson, illustrated by E.B. Lewis
Song of Blessing Go now in peace, go now in peace,
May the spirit of love surround you
As you go, as you go
On your way. – Natalie Sleeth
A Time for Community
Offertory “Roun’ About de Mountain” arr. Roland Hayes
Devotional Time
Pastoral Prayer
Sung Response #1015 I Know I Can
Responsive Reading #586 The Idea of Democracy Abraham Lincoln
Music for the Morning “I Am Seeking for a City” arr. Jacqueline Hairston
Sermon “Forever Free” Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur
*** Closing Hymn #156 Oh, Freedom
Please remain standing in body or spirit and hold hands for the benediction.
*** Benediction
Please be seated for the postlude.
Postlude “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” arr. H.T. Burleigh
Extinguishing the Chalice
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Greeters: Dwight Flowers & David Olson
Ushers: Ned Wright & Dan Patterson
Coffee: Alicia Van Ooyen & Kirk Attebury
Bookstore: Nancy Babbitt
Backyard Bounty: Sue Bickford
Service Notes
This morning's flowers are dedicated to Annaliva Martin-Straw and Sophia Martin-Straw by their very
proud mother. Annalivia has graduated from 8th grade, and Sophia has graduated from 5th grade, and
they will be moving up to high school and middle school in September. I celebrate your successes, and I
love you more than words can ever say.
Our guest musician this morning, Gertrude Bradley, is a lyrico-spinto soprano with an extensive
background in the performance of opera (particularly Puccini), musical theater, art song, and spirituals.
She has appeared in concerts in premiere venues throughout The United States, Taiwan, Spain, Israel,
Switzerland, Germany, and elsewhere. She is a featured soloist at Crenshaw Christian Center in Los
Angeles, has sung numerous recitals for African Americans for Los Angeles Opera, and is a former
member of the world-renowned Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers.
This month, 50% of the non-pledge offering will go to Common Ground: The Westside HIV Community
Center. Now housed within the Venice Family Clinic, Common Ground is the only HIV agency on the
Westside of Los Angeles and is committed to helping everyone know their HIV status and making sure that people living with the virus find - and stay connected to - medical care.